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Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code  (L-LIN/01)
University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 

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martedì 14 - 26 (stanza 308, Via Ostiense, 234).


CURRICULUM VITAE - Viviana Masia – PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Rome, 01/11/1986 ADDRESS AND CONTACTS: Via Casale Sant’Alberto, 15/25 (00123, Rome) Mobile: +39 349-1841355 EMAIL:;; PREVIOUS AND CURRENT POSITIONS: • From MARCH 2022 – PRESENT: Senior researcher (RtD-B) in General Linguistics (SSD: L-LIN/01) at the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Roma Tre University. • FROM JANUARY 2021 – MARCH 2022: Contract Professor of General Linguistics at the Università Telematica “Niccolò Cusano” of Rome. • FROM OCTOBER 2020 – FEBRUARY 2022: Contract Professor of English Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. • FROM 1 JANUARY 2020 - ONWARDS: Research collaborator to the PRIN project IMPAQTS – Implicit Manipulation in Politics – Quantitatively Assessing the Tendentiousness of Speeches (Project code: 2017STJCE9), directed by Prof. Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri (University of Roma Tre). • 1 DECEMBER 2018 – 30 NOVEMBER 2019: Post-doc researcher at the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Roma Tre (project: Pragmatica della persuasione implicita “Pragmatics of Implicit Persuasion”, Supervisor: Prof. Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). • OCTOBER 2017 – AUGUST 2019: Professor of General Linguistics at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici in Pisa. • NOVEMBER 2018 – FEBRUARY 2022: Teaching assistant of General Linguistics at the University of Roma Tre. • SEPTEMBER 2018 – FEBRUARY 2019: Research collaborator for the project LiveTextAccess (LTA) co-funded by the ERASMUS + Programme of the EU with the reference 2018-1- DE01-KA203-004218 (website: • 1 JUNE, 2017 – 31 MAY 2018: Post-doc researcher at the University of Roma Tre, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR: Prof. Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, University of Roma Tre). • JUNE 2016 – MAY 2017 (1 YEAR): Post-doc researcher at the University of Genoa, Department of Educational Sciences (Psychology Unit) for an experimental project on presupposition processing (SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR: Dott. Filippo Domaneschi, University of Genoa). • JANUARY 2013 – DECEMBER 2015 (3 YEARS): Ph.D in General Linguistics at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, Roma Tre University (Italy). Thesis title: Sociobiological Bases of Information Structure (Supervisor: Prof. Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri), defended in April 2016. • ABILITAZIONE SCIENTIFICA NAZIONALE (ASN) alle funzioni di professore di Seconda Fascia conseguita nel VI° semestre del biennio 2018-2020 per il settore 10/G1 di Glottologia e Linguistica (L-LIN/01) – validità dal 28/05/2021 al 28/05/2030 [NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC QUALIFICATION FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN GENERAL LINGUISTICS (L-LIN/01)] EDUCATION: • M.A. - 2012: Department of Linguistics. Thesis title: Per un sistema di misurazione degli impliciti nei testi persuasivi, (translated) For a measurement system of implicit information in persuasive texts (Supervisor: Prof. Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri), Roma Tre University. 110/110 cum laude. • B.A.– 2009: Department of Linguistics. Thesis title: Fenomeni di interferenza sintattica del gaelico d’Irlanda sull’Irish English, (translated) Syntactic Interferences of Irish Gaelic on Irish English (Supervisor: Prof. Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri), Roma Tre University. 110/110 cum laude. • High school – 2005: Accountant school “Vittorio Bachelet” (Rome). Score: 100/100. SCHOLARSHIPS: • 2013-2015: Three-year Ph.D grant won at the University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy). • Scholarship won with Erasmus Plus Teachers’ Mobility Programme for a 10-hour course held at the University of Sevilla (Facultad de Filologías Integradas) on Pragmatics in Interlinguistic Translation (“La pragmatica nella traduzione interlinguistica”), 21-23 May, 2019. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE: • Three-month research period at the Laboratory of Experimental Linguistics (XLinc) of the University of Cologne (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Petra B. Schumacher). TEACHING EXPERIENCE (SEMINARS): • March 2015: lecture on Neurolinguistics. Birth of the discipline, present-day brain imaging techniques and workings of the human memory system, held at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (Pisa, Italy). • March 2015: lecture on Neurolinguistics. Birth of the discipline, present-day brain imaging techniques and experimental studies, held at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (Pisa, Italy). • May 2015: lecture on Tracing the Sociobiological Bases of Information Structure held at the University of Cologne. • March 2016: lecture on Reading in a Foreign Language, held at Advanced School for Linguistic Mediators (Pisa, Italy). • June 2016: lecture on Sociobiological Bases of Information Structure, held at the University of Florence (Italy) for the LABLITA Laboratory, directed by Prof. Emanuela Cresti and Prof. Massimo Moneglia. • November 2016: lecture on Neurobiological Bases of Information Structure, held at the S.Lucia Foundation (Center for Neurosciences and Rehabilitation). • December 2016: lecture on Neurobiological Bases of Information Structure, for the Romanisches Seminar Department at the University of Zurich (Prof. Michele Loporcaro) • October 2017: Lecture on Neurological Bases of Language (Basi neurobiologiche del linguaggio). Seminar held at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML, Pisa, Italy). • April 2018 – Lecture on Neurobiological Bases of Information Structure: Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives, held at the University of Stockholm (organized by Dott. Roberta Colonna-Dahlman). • November 2019 – The manipulative disguise of truth: Tricks and threats of implicit communication (organized by Prof. Uli Reich, Freie Universität Berlin). • January 2022 – (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). La Struttura Informativa negli enunciati: effetti pragmatici, aspetti cognitivi e dati sperimentali. Talk presented at the Circolo Linguistico dell’Università di Bologna (CLUB), University of Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum. NON-ACADEMIC (TEACHING) EXPERIENCE: • 2009-2012: teaching of Italian as a foreign language at Scuola Lingue Cola di Rienzo (Rome) (lessons planning, CELI exams preparation). • February 2016-May 2016: ESOL Cambridge Exams preparation for AES School (Rome). • July 2018-present: Translator and teacher of English and Italian as L2 at EduPlanet – Centro di Formazione Linguistica, Rome. • May 2020 – present: Translator of minutes of European projects. OTHER SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES: • 2009: participation in training courses for CELI examinators organized by the Center for Linguistic Evaluations and Certifications (CVCL). • January 2012: attendance at the Winter School TRIPLE 2012, Roma Tre University (Rome). • September 2013: attendance at the Summer School of Linguistics, University of Udine (Italy). • February 2014: attendance at the Winter School of TRIPLE 2014, Roma Tre University (Rome). • Organization of the XI° AISC-CODISCO Congress, 2014 Bodies, Tools and Cognition, December 2-5, 2014, Roma Tre University. • Organization of the Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions held at the University of Genoa, 3-5 March, 2017. • Organization of the 1° Workshop – Behavioral and Neural Evidence on Pragmatic Processing, held at the University of Genoa, 10-11, June, 2017. • (con Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Laura Baranzini, Federica Cominetti, Doriana Cimmino, Giorgia Mannaioli & Claudia Coppola). Organization of the panel "Qualitative and quantitative approaches to implicit communication" al Convegno ARGAGE – Argumentation & Language, Università di Lugano, dal 07-02-2018 al 09-02-2018. • (con Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Laura Baranzini, Federica Cominetti, Doriana Cimmino, Giorgia Mannaioli & Claudia Coppola). Organization of the workshop Implicitness and Persuasion in Language held at the 53° SLI Conference in Como, 19-21 September, 2019. • Organization of the XVI AISC Annual Conference to be held Rome, 11-13 December 2019. AFFILIATIONS: Member of the Italian Society of Linguistics and Philology (SILFI), Member of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Associazione Italiana delle Science Cognitive (AISC), Member of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), Membro cooptato per la Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG). REVIEWING ACTIVITY: • Occasional reviewer for the journal Sistemi Intelligenti, Il Mulino, Bologna. • Member of the Editorial Board of Philosophy Study, David Publishing Company. • Member of the Programme Committee and reviewer of abstract proposals for the 2017 AISCMid-Term held in Messina. • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. • Occasional reviewer for Co.Me - Studies on Communication and linguistic and cultural Mediation • Occasional reviewer for Language Sciences (ISSN 0388-0001) • Member of the editorial board of Trends in Anatomy and Physiology ( board.php) • Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Asian Research (ISSN: 2575-1565) • Member of the Editorial Board of Communication and Linguistics Studies (2469-7850) • Review editor of Frontiers in Psychology (section “Language Sciences”, ISSN: 1664-1078) • Occasional reviewer for the Journal of Pragmatics (ISSN: 0378-2166) • Occasional reviewer for the Journal TRANEL (Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique). • Occasional reviewer for the Italian Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics (RIPLA) SUPERVISION AND MENTORING ACTIVITY AT THE SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER MEDIATORI LINGUISTICI (PISA) AND ELSEWHERE: • Assistant supervisor for bachelor degrees at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (Pisa, Italy): - Mei, Eleonora. Élements de neurolinguistique chez les interprètes de conférence. BA degree, July 2017. - Donati, Francesca. Translation of the Ph.D thesis entitled The Effect of Age on Second Language Acquisition in Older Adults. BA degree, October 2017. - Nadifi, Dunia. The study of languages: brain and linguistic processes (neurolinguistics of the acquisition of foreign languages). BA degree, October 2017. - Narcisi Giulia, Journey through the vineyards, BA degree, July 2018. - Potenza Emanuela, Mehr Sprachen-mehr Chancen Über Zwei-und Mehrsprachigkeit von Kindern (translation of the book by Regine Fehlings de Acurio), BA degree, July 2018. - Giuntini Marina, La manipulation pendant le fascisme, BA degree, October 2018. - Valli Elisa, Le sexisme dans la langue en France et en Italie, BA degree, October 2018. - Bruno Matteo, translation of Why do perfectly normal people become raving lunatics online? By Jamie Madigan, BA degree, October 2018. - Michela Giacovelli, Erreurs dans la production écrite en italien L2 – comparaison entre francophones et sourdes signeurs italiens, BA degree, October 2019. - Selene Crameri, Analisi della vaghezza e della struttura informativa nella traduzione interlinguistica, tesi di laurea magistrale,Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma. • Principal supervisor for bachelor degrees at Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (Pisa, Italy) and University of Rome “La Sapienza”: - Verni, Alice. Second Language Acquisition in Contexts of Domination: A Study of Capeverdian Creole, July 2019. - Ferri, Giulia. Le Bilinguisme. Éléments de neurolinguistique et avantages contre le vieillissement cérébral, July 2019. - Daniele Derubis. Metodologia traduttiva applicata al Comic. Case of Study: “Buffy the Vampire/Angel: Past Lives”, Università degli Studi La Sapienza (Rome), September 2021. CONFERENCE TALKS: 2014 • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Specificità della lingua persuasiva: quantificare l’implicito nei testi politici e pubblicitari, XIII° SILFI Congress, La lingua variabile nei testi letterari, artistici e funzionali contemporanei (1915-2014): analisi, interpretazione, traduzione, Palermo (Sicily), September 22-24, 2014. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). L'implicite comme moyen de persuasion: une approche quantitative. Colloque International Autour des formes implicites, Limoges, 13-14 November 2014. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Misurare l’informazione implicita nella propaganda politica italiana, XI° ASLI Congress - L’italiano per la politica e la politica per l’italiano, Naples, November 20-22, 2014. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). La struttura Topic-Focus si è evoluta per economia di processazione? (Eng. Has Topic-Focus structure evolved for economy of processing?), XI° AISC-CODISCO Congress, Rome, December 20-5, 2014. 2015 • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Did informational prominence evolve to ensure economy of processing? Poster presented at the International Conference on Prominence in Language, Köln, June 15-17, 2015. • (with Vittorio Ganfi). Towards a pragmatic account of the particle persino/perfino in Italian: steps of a grammaticalization process, International Conference on Historical Linguistics, July 27-31, 2015, Naples. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). L’information implicite entre économie d’effort et esquive du jugement critique, ARGAGE Conference on Argumentation and Language: Linguistic markers, discursive processes, cognitive operations, Lausanne, September 9-11, 2015. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Easing automation in sentence processing: the emergence of Topic and Presupposition units in human language, Protolang 4, Rome, September 24-26, 2015. 2016 • (with Vittorio Ganfi). Modelli cognitivi top-down nell’acquisizione linguistica: uno sguardo al ruolo delle aspettative nell’insegnamento/apprendimento dell’italiano come L2, XIV° Congresso SILFI – Acquisizione e didattica dell’italiano, Madrid, April, 4-6, 2016. • Lecture on Sociobiological Bases of Information Structure, (doctoral dissertation) Linguaggio a Roma Tre, May 26, 2016, University of Roma Tre. • (with Gioia Insacco). Between eventive and stative nominalizations in Italian: a constructional and cognitively-based account, 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples, 31 August-3 September, 2016. • (with Paolo Canal, Irene Ricci, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Filippo Domaneschi e Valentina Bambini) – Neurolinguistic perspectives on presupposition processing, Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive – Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences (AISC), Turin, November, 24-26, 2016. • Neurocognitive underpinning of Information Structure: between bottom-up and top-down processing, Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive – Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC), Turin, November 24-26, 2016. • Automaticity and control in the processing of Information Structure, Workshop on ‘Automatic and controlled processes in language’, Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive – Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences (AISC), Turin, November 24-26, 2016. • (with Davide Garassino) – Le funzioni del significato implicito su Twitter: Uno studio sulla comunicazione politica in Italia e in Inghilterra, lecture presented at the Romanisches Seminar (Director: Prof. Michele Loporcaro), University of Zürich. 2017 • An integrated account of Information Structure and Evidentiality: from political speech to human communication, talk presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), University of Zurich, September 10th-13th, 2017. • (with Davide Garassino and Nicola Brocca) – Implicit Communication in Twitter. A Comparative Corpus-Based Analysis of Presupposition and Implicatures in Italian and English Political Communication, talk presented at the 5th meeting of Linguistics Beyond and Within International Linguistics Conference, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin “The Outskirts of the Regular”, 18-19 October, 2017. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Doriana Cimmino, Laura Baranzini, Federica Cominetti, Claudia Coppola, Giorgia Mannaioli) – The Outskirts of Linguistic Persuasion: Measuring Implicit Presentation of Questionable Information, talk presented at the 5th meeting of Linguistics Beyond and Within International Linguistics Conference, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin “The Outskirts of the Regular”, 18-19 October, 2017. • (with Margherita Diex, Emanuela Piciucco, Emanuele Maiorana, Patrizio Campisi & Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Assessing word-class constraints on Information Structure processing. Talk presented at the 14th AISC Annual Conference, The Science of Cognition. Brain, Body, Language and Technologies, University of Bologna, 14-16 December 2017. 2018 • (with Davide Garassino and Nicola Brocca). Implicit communication in Twitter: analysing the pragmatic functions of politicians’ use of implicatures and presuppositions. Talk presented at the 2018 ARGAGE – Argumentation & Language Conference, Lugano, 7th-9th February within the panel Qualitative and quantitative approaches to implicit communication. • Organization of the panel Qualitative and quantitative approaches to implicit communication within the 2018 ARGAGE – Argumentation & Language Conference, Lugano, 7th-9th February. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Processamento della Struttura Informativa: ritmi oscillatori e analisi tempo-frequenza. Talk presented at the Giornata di Linguistica Sperimentale e Computazionale, organized at the University of Padua, 23 February 2018. • (with Nicola Brocca and Ewa Kuçelman), Developing Cultural and Metalinguistic Competences by extracting implicit contents from political tweets: a comparative Italian and Polish project, Talk presented at the Round Table on “Social Net(work)s in Education and Language Sciences”, 15th June, 2018, Heidelberg School of Education. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). La comunicazione implicita come dimensione di variazione tra tipi testuali [Implicit communication at the boundary between textual genres]. Talk presented at the XV° SILFI Congress Linguaggi settoriali e specialistici [Eng. trans. Technical and specialized languages], 28-31 May, 2018, Genoa. • (with Matteo Pandimiglio). Linguistica, diritto e variazione. Uno sguardo alle sentenze in Italia [“Linguistics, law and variation. A look at the language of verdicts in Italy]. Talk presented at the XV° SILFI Congress Linguaggi settoriali e specialistici [Eng. trans. Technical and specialized languages], 28-31 May, 2018, Genoa. 2019 • (Re-)assessing the status of Second Occurrence Focus in Information Structure: Evidence from phonological, processing and micropragmatic perspectives. Talk presented at the workshop “When Data Challenges Theory: Non-Prototypical, Unexpected and Paradoxical Evidence in the Field of Information Structure, Freiburg, 15-16 February, 2019. • (with Nicola Brocca and Leo Will). Make pragmatics great again! Teaching implicatures and presuppositions as a part of democracy education in the age of Twitter and Facebook. Talk presented at the international conference Educating the Global Citizen. International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age, at the Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität, München, 25-28 March, 2019. • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri). Manipulation through implicit communication: a cognitive approach to persuasive language. Talk to be presented at the XVI° Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences (AISC), Rome, 11-13 December 2019. 2020 • Manipulative Effects of Implicit Communication: A Comparative Analysis of French, Italian and German Political Speeches (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Laura Baranzini, Doriana Cimmino, Federica Cominetti, Claudia Coppola, Giorgia Mannaioli). Talk presented at the Conference “Influence, manipulation and seduction. Interdisciplinary perspectives on persuasive language” University of Basel, 20-22 November 2020. 2021 • The evidentiality-pragmatics interface in argumentative settings: Implicit communication as a modulator of information source and commitment degrees in political debates. Talk presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPra), Winterthur, 27 June – 2 July 2021 (held online). • (with Davide Garassino and Nicola Brocca). Experimental Pragmatics goes on Twitter: Evidence from the online processing of political tweets. Poster presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPra), Winterthur, 27 June – 2 July 2021 (held online). • (with Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Emanuela Piciucco, Emanuele Maiorana & Patrizio Campisi). Presupposition and assertion processing when the information is already “known”: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Poster presented at the conference Experimental Pragmatics in Italy ( held online, 8-9 July 2021. • Linguistic relevance and the evidential dimension on the retractability of implicit information. Talk presented at theWorkshop “Plausible deniability in the Post-truth Era”, organized by the University of Neuchâtel, 17 September 2021. Awards • Best Talk Award acknowledged for the talk Implicit Communication in Twitter. A Comparative Corpus-Based Analysis of Presupposition and Implicatures in Italian and English Political Communication presented at the 5th meeting of Linguistics Beyond and Within International Linguistics Conference, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin “The Outskirts of the Regular”, 18-19 October, 2017, and co-authored by Davide Garassino and Nicola Brocca. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Journal articles 1. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2014). Implicitness impact: measuring texts, Journal of Pragmatics, 61, 161-184. 2. La Rocca D., Masia V., Maiorana E., Lombardi Vallauri E. & Campisi P. (2016). Brain response to information structure misalignments in linguistic contexts. Neurocomputing, 199, 1-15. 3. Masia, V. & Ganfi, V. (2016). Modelli cognitivi top-down tra teoria e sperimentazione: uno sguardo al ruolo delle aspettative nell’apprendimento/acquisizione dell’italiano come L2. CoMe – Studi di Comunicazione e Mediazione linguistica e culturale, No. 1, 1-10. 4. Brocca, N., Garassino, D. & Masia, V. (2016). Politici nella rete o nella rete dei politici? L’implicito nella comunicazione politica italiana su Twitter. PhiN-Beiheft, 11/2016, 66-79. 5. Masia V., Canal P., Lombardi Vallauri E., Bambini V. (2017). Presupposition of new information as a pragmatic garden path: Evidence from Event-Related Brain Potentials. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 42, 31-48. 6. Masia V. (2017). A sociobiological account of indirect speech. Interaction Studies, 18(1), 141- 159. doi 10.1075/is.18.1.07mas. 7. Masia, V. (2017). On the Evidential Status of Presupposition and Assertion. International Journal of Linguistics, 9(4), 134-153. doi:10.5296/ijl.v9i4.11794. 8. Domaneschi, F., Canal, P., Masia, V., Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Bambini, V. (2018). N400 and P600 modulation in presupposition accommodation: The effect of different trigger types. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 45, 13-35. 9. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2018). Context and Information Structure constraints on factivity: the case of “know”. Language Sciences, 66, 103-115. 10. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2018). Facilitating automation in sentence processing: the Emergence of Topic and Presupposition in Human Communication. TOPOI, 37(2), 343-354. 11. Masia, V. & Campo, I. (2018). Intra- and inter-semiotics in action. Analysis of two translations of a CNN report. CoMe III (1), 44-64. 12. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2019). L’information implicite entre économie d’effort et esquive du jugement critique. Faits de Langues, 50(2), 113-135. 13. Masia, V. (2020). (Re-)assessing the status of Second Occurrence Focus in information structure: Evidence from phonological, processing and micropragmatic perspectives. Italian Journal of Linguistics, 32(2), 151-182. 14. Masia, V. (2020). Presupposition, assertion and the encoding of evidentiality in political discourse. Linguistik Online, 102(2), 129-153. 15. Garassino, D., Masia, V. & Brocca, N. (2019). Tweet as you speak. The role of implicit strategies and pragmatic functions in political communication: data from a diamesic comparison. Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (RILA), 2-3, 187-208. 16. Ferri, G. & Masia, V. (2020). Apprendre une deuxième langue, comporte-t-il un avantage pour notre cerveau? Studi di Comunicazione e Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale (Co.Me, V/2020, 4-19. 17. Piciucco, E., Masia, V., Maiorana, E., Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Campisi, P. (2021). Information structure effects on the processing of nouns and verbs: evidence from event-related brain potentials. Language and Cognition, 1-24, doi:10.1017/langcog.2021.23. 18. Masia, V. (2022). Remarks on Information Structure asymmetries. The epistemological view on the micropragmatic profile of utterances. In Jakob, D. & Garassino, D. (eds.), When Data Challenges Theory. Unexpected and paradoxical evidence in information structure [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today], pp. 58-90, John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. 19. Garassino, D., Brocca, N. & Masia, V. (2022). Is implicit communication quantifiable? A corpus-based analysis of British and Italian political tweet. In Lombardi Vallauri, E., Cominetti, F. & Masia, V. (eds.), The persuasive and manipulative power of implicit communication, Article Collection published with the Journal of Pragmatics. Conference proceedings 20. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2015). Cognitive Constraints on the Emergence of Topic- Focus Structure in Human Communication. In Ganfi V. & Chiera A. (Eds.), Immagine e pensiero. Bilanci nelle scienze cognitive attuali, Corisco, Roma-Messina, 180-204. 21. Lombardi Vallauri E. & Masia, V. (2015). Context-dependent information processing: Towards an expectation-based parsing model of Information Structure. In Proceedings of the 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (pp. 440- 453), Christiansen H., Stojanovic I. & Papadopoulos G. (eds.), LNAI 9405 Series, Springer, Switzerland. 22. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2016). Misurare l’informazione implicita nella propaganda politica italiana. In Proceedings of XI° ASLI Congress – Associazione per la Storia della Lingua Italiana, L’italiano della politica e la politica per l’italiano (pp. 539-557), Franco Cesati, Firenze. 23. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2016). Specificità della lingua persuasiva: l’implicito discutibile. In Proceedings of XIII° SILFI Congress, La lingua variabile nei testi letterari, artistici e funzionali contemporanei (1915-2014): analisi, interpretazione, traduzione (pp. 637-654), Franco Cesati, Firenze. 24. Masia V., Canal P., Ricci I., Lombardi Vallauri E., Domaneschi F. & Bambini V. (2016). Neurolinguistic perspectives on presupposition processing. In Mind the gap: Brain, Cognition and society, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences, AISC (pp. 236-243), Turin, 24-26 November 2016. 25. Masia V. (2016). Neurocognitive underpinnings of Information Structure: between bottom- up and top-down processing. In Mind the gap: Brain, Cognition and Society, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences, AISC (pp. 230- 235), Turin, 24-26 November 2016. 26. Masia V. & Ganfi V. (2020). Il ruolo delle aspettative nell’apprendimento linguistico: modelli teorici e dati empirici. In Borreguero Zuloaga, M. (a cura di), L'italiano, lingua d'apprendimento: riflessioni teoriche, nuovi apprendenti e storia. Frankfurt, M., Peter Lang, 2018. 27. Lombardi Vallauri, E. & Masia, V. (2020). La comunicazione implicita come dimensione di variazione tra tipi testuali. Atti del XV° Congresso della Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana Linguaggi settoriali e specialistici: sincronia, diacronia, traduzione, variazione, (edited by Jaqueline Visconti, Manuela Manfredini & Lorenzo Coveri), pp. 113- 120. 28. Pandimiglio M. & Masia, V. (2020). Linguistica, diritto e variazione: uno sguardo al linguaggio delle sentenze in Italia. Atti del XV° Congresso della Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana Linguaggi settoriali e specialistici: sincronia, diacronia, traduzione, variazione, (edited by Jaqueline Visconti, Manuela Manfredini & Lorenzo Coveri), pp. 145-153. 29. Brocca, N., Borowiec, E. A. & Masia, V. (2020). Didactics of Pragmatics as a way to improve Social Media Literacy: an experiment proposal with Polish and Italian students in L1. heiEDUCATION, 5, 81-107. Books 30. Masia, V. (2017). Sociobiological Bases of Information Structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 31. Masia, V. (2021). The Manipulative Disguise of Truth: Tricks and Threats of Implicit Communication. Pragmatic and Beyond New Series. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Papers in preparation, submitted or in press: 32. Ganfi V. & Masia V. (in prep.). Towards a pragmatic account of the particle persino/perfino in Italian: steps of a grammaticalization process. 33. Masia, V. (in prep.). The evidential dimension on the implicit communication of aggressive contents in political debates. 34. Masia, V. (in prep.). The evidential dimension of implicit communication between subjectification and intersubjectification processes. 35. Garassino, D. & Masia, V. (in prep.). Pragmatic Universals. Chapter to appear in Filipponio, L. & Heintz, M. (eds.). Manual of Classification and Typology of the Romance Languages, Mouton de Gruyter. Special Issues: 1. Saussure de L., Masia, V., Garassino D. & Brocca N. (2022). Language, Cognition, and the Manipulated Brain: Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives on Manipulative Processes in Language Comprehension. Frontiers in Psychology. 2. Lombardi Vallauri E., Cominetti F. & Masia, V. (in prep.). The persuasive and manipulative power of implicit communication. Journal of Pragmatics. UNPUBLISHED PAPERS: • Agentivity construction in a cognitive-semantic approach: a typological inquiry. • Information Structure and the encoding of evidentiality. • Accommodation strengths of presupposition triggers in discourse. • Second Occurrence Focus: what information structure? SUBJECTS STUDIED AT UNIVERSITY: General Linguistics (Phonology, Lexis, Semantics, Syntax, Pragmatics, Typology), Historical Linguistics, English Linguistics and Literature, English Language, Germanic Philology, History of English Language, Spanish Linguistics, Spanish Language, Hispano-American Literature, French Linguistics, French Language, Language Teaching, Cultural Anthropology, Geography, Contemporary History, Philosophy of Language, Italian Linguistics and Literature, History of Italian Language. ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Brain-language interface, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, experimental methods in language processing, experimental perspectives on Information Structure, implicit communication, presupposition vs. assertion processing, topic vs- focus processing, evidentiality, epistemic attitudes in communication, Information Structure and evidentiality, evolution of Information Structure in human communication, cognitive mechanisms of persuasion, sociobiology of indirect communication, Celtic linguistics, sign languages, implicit communication on Twitter. LANGUAGE SKILLS: • Italian (native speaker) • English: proficiency level (C1/C2) • French: good writing and speaking abilities (B1) • Spanish: good writing and speaking abilities (B1) • Italian Sign Language COMPUTER SKILLS: Good knowledge of Windows Office (earlier and latest versions), web navigation and other tools of Windows operating system, use of Webanno annotation system for linguistic annotations of text corpora. - Dichiaro che le informazioni riportate nel presente Curriculum Vitae sono esatte e veritiere. - Dichiaro di essere consapevole di quanto comporta l’affermazione della veridicità di quanto sopra rappresentato e di essere a conoscenza delle sanzioni penali di cui all’ art. 76 del D.P.R. 28.12.2000, n. 445 “Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia di documentazione amministrativa” ed in particolare di quanto previsto dall’ art. 495 del Codice Penale in caso di dichiarazioni mendaci o di false attestazioni. - Quanto sopra viene presentato sotto forma di autocertificazione (dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione e dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto di notorietà) ai sensi degli artt. 19, 46 e 47 del DPR n. 445/2000. - Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali, ai sensi e per gli effetti del D.Lgs. 30.06.2003, n. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”. Rome, 11/03/2022