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Università degli Studi ROMA TRE
Curriculum Vitae Claudio Faccenna
Place and Date of Birth: Roma (Italy) 29, January, 1965.
Nationality: Italian
Contact: faccenna@uniroma3.it, phone: +39-0657338029,
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/claudiofaccenna
ORCID 0000-0003-0765-4165
Education and Employment
2021-present Head of Section Lithosphere Dynamics at GFZ Potsdam
2011-present Full Professor at Dept. of Sciences, University Roma TRE.
2019-2021 John F. and Carolyn C. Bookout Endowed Chair in Structural Geology, Jackson School of Geoscience, University of Texas at Austin.
2001-2010 Associate Professor at Dept. of Geological Science, Università Roma TRE.
1995-2000 Researcher at Department of Geological Science, Università of Roma TRE.
1997-1998 Visiting scholar at Harvard University, Cambridge (USA).
1993-1995 Post-doc at Université Paris VI and at Geosciences Rennes-Université di Rennes I.
1989-1993 PhD at Department of Earth Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
1984-1988 Graduated at Department of Earth Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Scientific Interest
Topics: crustal deformation, orogenic belt uplift and exhumation process, dynamic topography, subduction tectonic and morphological evolution of convergent margin, trench migration and back-arc deformation, mantle convection, volcanism and fluid circulation in the crust.
Tools: Structural geology and geomorphology, experimental / numerical geodynamic modelling, paleomagnetism, seismic lines interpretation.
Field sites: Tethyan belt: Mediterranean to the Middle East (Morocco, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran), Himalaya (Pakistan), Andes (Argentina, Chile, Colombia), Antarctica.
Laboratory: I set up (1996) and lead until 2018 the Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics (LET) at Roma TRE. LET is composed by a team of about 15 fellows (3 permanent) and is producing on average ~20 ISI papers per year on geodynamics, tectonics and volcanology.
Visiting Professorships
2024 Visiting professor Universitad Sao Paulo (Brasil)
2018 Visiting professor Université de Aix-Marseille III CEREGE
2015-16 Humboldt fellow Helmholtz Zentrum GFZ Potsdam (Germany)
2015 Visiting professor Earthquake Research Institute-University Tokyo (Japan)
2014 Visiting professor Université Paris VI (France)
2014 Visiting professor Université Orleans (France)
2013 Visiting professor University Southern California (USA)
2012 Visiting professor Université Grenoble (France)
2009 Visiting professor University Southern California (USA)
2008 Visiting professor Université de Aix-Marseille III (France)
2007 Visiting professor Université de Montpellier II (France)
2008 Visiting professor Université de Rennes I (France)
2004 Visiting professor Université de Aix-Marseille III (France)
2000 Visiting professor Université de Paris VI (France)
1997 Visiting scholar Dept. Earth Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA)
1996 Visiting Researcher at Universitè de Cergy-Pontoise (France)
Honours, Academia membership, Awards
2024 Holmes Medal, European Geoscience Union, Union medal.
2019 Francis Birch Lecture Award, Tectonophysics section, American Geophysical Union.
2017 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union.
2015 Humboldt Research Award from Alexandre von Humboldt Foundation.
2014 Stephan Muller medal European Geoscience Union, Division Tectonics-Structural Geology
2013 Prix Viquesnel 2013 Société Géologique de France.
2010 Galileo Galilei International Medal for Earth Science.
2008 Member of the Academia Europaea.
2023-present Member committees for the AGU Union Medal, Award and Prize (UMAP)
2024-present Member of the EGU Arthur Holmes Medal Committee
2024-present Member Scientific Advisory Board of the Faculty of Earth Science of the University of Vienna;
2023-present Member Scientific Council of the National Research Council, CNR, (Italy), Earth Environment Dept.;
2021-present Member Scientific Prospective Committee, Université Sciences Sorbonne, Paris;
2019-2021 Member Scientific Advisory Council, GFZ Potsdam;
2018-2022 Member Scientific Advisory Board, Center Earth Evolution Dynamics, Univ Oslo;
2015-2019 Member Governing Board Institute National Geophys. Volcanology (INGV) Italy;
2016-2019 Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Roma TRE;
2013-2019 Coordinator of PhD Earth Science School at Roma TRE;
2011-2017 Member ERC Grant Advisory Panel Pe10;
2011-2015 Member of the Scientific Board of Institute Geophysics Volcanology, (INGV) Italy;
2014-2016 Delegate of the President of the University of Roma TRE for the scientific activity;
2008-2013 Member of the Scientific Library Panel of Roma TRE;
2008-2013 Coordinator of PhD Doctoral School at Roma TRE for Geodynamics;
2000-2008 Coordinator Erasmus Project at Geological Science Dept. Roma TRE;
1999-2001 Secretary Tectonic Session at the European Geophysical Society;
1996-2018 Responsible Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics (LET);
Editorial Service
2017- 2023 Editor in chief of G-Cubed Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystem (AGU);
2014- 2017 Editor of Tectonics (EGU, AGU);
2014- 2016 Editor of Module Earth Systems Environmental Sciences Geophysics (Elsevier)
2009-2015 Associate Editor of Italian Journal of Geosciences;
2008-2014 Associate Editor of Tectonics;
Editorial Board:
2016-2020 Journal of Geodynamic
2016-2020 Global and Planetary Change
2011-2020 Sociedad Geològica Espana-Geogaceta
2008-2020 Lithosphere
2004-2020 Geodinamica Acta
Co-Editor of Sp. Tectonophysics Volume (2008) “TOPOEUROPE”
Scientific production
260 papers (260 on ISI Web of Science, 29 National Journal papers, 3 Geological Maps; including 4 papers published on Nature).
h index
ISI Web of Science: 70 16400 citations
Google Scholar: 84 22900 citations
Funding Main Research Project as Main PI or Local PI, last 10 years
Projects: I coordinated several National and some International Research Project and initiatives. The more recent and prestigious one, is TOPOMOD, an ITN project funded by EC, where as main PI, I coordinate 7 European high ranked European Institutions.
** indicates main PI; * indicates local PI; title, funding agency and approx. budget in k€.
*2024-2030 : DEFORM -Adria plate (SPP project, DFG Germany), co-PI
**2024-2029 : Subduction modelling (FIS, It. Ministery) 1500 k€
**2022-2024 : Deformation and Topography of Adria plate (Prin, It.Ministery) 100 k€
**2019-2022 : Deformation and Topography on Middle-East (Prin, It.Ministery) 500 k€
**2017-2020: Tethys Subduction system. Statoil 250 k€
*ECC 2016-2019: SUBITOP “Topography subduction zone". Marie Curie-ITN Network 400 k€
**2006-2017: “Heat flow and topography on backarc region”. Statoil 130k€
**2012-2014: “Travertine porosity”. Statoil 130k€
**2003-2016: “Travertine origin and evolution”. Different sources 750k€
*PNRA. 2014-2016: Topography of Antarctica. 14 k€
*PRIN - 2011-2014: “Topography of Calabrian Arc”. MIUR (It. Research Ministry) 80 k€
**Ita-Israel 2011-2013: Disconnection of the Mediterranean Basin from the Mesopotamian Basin and its relations to dynamic topography 20 k€
**ECC 2011-2015: TOPOMOD "Tectonics/topography”. Marie Curie-ITN Network 3250 k€
*ECC 2009-2011: CRYSTAL2PLATE “Plate tectonics". Marie Curie-ITN Network 230 k€
*ESF 2008-2011: TOPOMED. Eurocore TOPO-EUROPE "Calabria Arc". PI: R. Wortel 30 k€
*ESF 2008-2011: VAMP. Eurocore TOPO-EUROPE "Anatolia Uplift". Main PI: M. Strecker -
*DPC 2008-2010: “Active faulting in Calabria”. Main PI: S. Barba. Dept. Civil Protection 20 k€
*CNR-CNRS joint project 2008-2009: “Seismicity on Convergent margin”. CNR 10 k€
**PRIN - 2006-2008: “Evolution of the Calabrian Arc”. MIUR (It. Research Ministry) 100 k€
*Univ. Roma TRE-Univ. Munich Joint Project 2007-2008: “Modelling subduction”. MIUR 15k€
*CNRS 2004-2006: “Modelling subduction”. Main PI: S. Lallemand. CNRS (France) 15 k€
* Univ. Roma TRE-Univ. Aix-en-Provence 2002-2004: “Modelling subduction”. MIUR. 10 k€
*INGV-DPC 2005-2007: “The Phlegrean Field”. Main PI: P. Papale. It. Dept. Civil Protection 46 k€
*PRIN 2002-2004: “The Campanian Volcanism”. Main PI: A. Sbrana. MIUR 50 k€
*GNDT 2001-2004 :“Seismic hazard Sicily”. Main PI: ML. Beranzoli. Dept. Civil Protection 150 k€
*GNV 2001-2004: "Structure of Phlegrean Fields". Main PI: G. Orsi. Dept. Civil Protection 41k€
*PRIN 2000-2002: “Extensional Process in Calabria”. Main PI: M. Grasso. MIUR. 50 k€
PhD Thesis
I dedicated a major effort for mentoring students, serving as Coordinator of Roma TRE PhD School for 6 years (2012-2018) and leading an ITN Marie Curie Project, for 15 young fellows.
I was tutor or co-tutor of 29 PhD students: 11 have a position in Academia, 12 are presently on post-docs.
I am presently tutoring 5 PhD students.
*permanent position in Academia; ** post-doc
1*- Federico Rossetti (1996-1999). Apennines metamorphism and deformation. (co-tutor F. Funiciello); Univ. “La Sapienza”, Roma. Present position: Full Prof. Univ. Roma TRE.
2*- Francesca Funiciello (1999-2002) Modelling subduction in the Mediterranean (co–tutor with D. Giardini and K. Regenauer-Lieb), ETHZ Zurich. Present position: Associate Prof Univ. Roma TRE.
3*- Vincent Regard (2000-2003) Subduction and active faulting in the Zagros-Makran (Iran), (co–tutor with O. Bellier), Univ. Aix-Marseille III. Present position: Prof. Touluse Univ.
4*- Gianluca Vignaroli (2003-2006) Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Voltri Massif (co-tutor with R. Funiciello, F. Rossetti). Present position: Associate Prof Univ. Bologna.
5- Erika Di Giuseppe (2004-2008) Dynamics of subduction and implications for plate kinematics (co-tutor with D. Giardini and J. Van Hunen) ETHZ Zurich. Present position: other.
6*- Liliana Minelli (2005-2009) Compression along the Ionian margin. PhD Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: INGV, Roma.
7*- Valerio Olivetti (2005-2009) Uplift and erosion of the Calabrian arc. PhD Geophysics, Univ. Bologna. Present position: Researcher Padova University
8*-Marco Maffione (2005-2009) Tectonic and kinematics of curved mountain belt: example from the Andes and the Alps. Present position: Lecturer Univ. Birmingham
9*- Benjamin Guillaume (2006-2010) Subduction windows in the Andes (co-tutor with J. Martinod, Univ. Touluse). Present position: Maître di Cenference at Univ. Rennes I.
10*- Michele Punzo (2006-2010) Deformation and volcanism in Campania (co-tutor with Pier Paolo Bruno, INGV Napoli). PhD in Geodynamics, Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: Tecnologo CNR
11-Luigi De Filippis (2008-2012) Origin of Mediterranean travertine. PhD Geodynamics, Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: school professor
12*-Valentina Magni (2008-2012) Subduction modelling. PhD in Geophysics, Univ. Bologna (co-tutor with F. Funiciello). Present position: post-doc. Oslo Univ.
13*- Fabio Corbi (2008-2012) Modelling earthquake. PhD in geodynamics, Univ. Roma TRE (co-tutor with F. Funiciello). Present position: Researcher CNR.
14**-Flora Bajolet (2009-2013) Dynamic Topography. PhD in Geodyn., Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: BRGM Orlean.
15*-Giovanny Jimenez (2010-2013). The Eastern Cordillera (Colombia). Prof. Univ. Bucaramanga.
16-Valentina Nicole Scotti (2010-2013). Uplift of the Iberia chain. PhD Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: geologist professional.
17-Giulio Speranza (2010-2013) Rheology of Messinian salt. PhD Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: photographer.
18**-Andrea Sembroni (2011-2014). Uplift of Ethiopia. PhD Univ. Roma TRE. Present position: post-doc Roma TRE.
19**-Riccardo Asti (2012-2015). Extension on western Turkey. PhD Univ. Roma TRE. Post-doc Univ. Rennes
20**-Agnes Kyrali (2013-2016). Slab-slab interaction. Co-supervisor. Main supervisor Francesca Funiciello. PhD Univ. Roma TRE. Post-doc Oslo
21**-Gaia Siravo (2014-2017). Exhumation and uplift of the Eastern Cordillera (Colombia). Co-supervisor Giuditta Fellin. PhD Roma TRE. Post doc INGV
22**-Riccardo Lanari (2015-2019). Exhumation and uplift of the Atlas (Morocco). Co-supervisor Giuditta Fellin. PhD Roma TRE. Post-doc Roma TRE-CEREGE.
23-Malvina San Jose (2016-2020). Exhumation and uplift of the Apennines. ITN SubiTop.unkown
24**-Arthur Briaud (2016-2020). Topography of subduction zone. ITN SubiTop. Co-supervisor, Supervisor Francesca Funiciello. Post-doc
25**-Riccardo Reitano (2017-2020). Modelling tectonic and erosion. PhD RomaTRE. Post-doc
26**-Romano Clementucci (2018-2021). Uplift and erosion of Atlas in Morocco. Co-supervisor, main supervisor Paolo Ballato. PhD RomaTRE.
27**-Ethan Conrad (2019-2024). The northern Caribbean shear zone. PhD at UT Austin.
28**-Chiara Bazzucchi (2021-2024) Active tectonics along Adria margin. PhD RomaTRE
29**-Francesca Rossetti (2021-2024) Tectonics of the Adria margin. Co-supervisor, supervisor Paolo Ballato. PhD RomaTRE.
Ongoing PhD
30-Sara Emili (2022-2025) Geothermal Research in Tivoli. PhD RomaTRE.
31-Daniel Chaparro (2023-2026). PhD RomaTRE
32-Javiera Alvarez Vargas (2025-2028). PhD RomaTRE
Post Doc
16. Andrea Billi, Attila Blazas, Alex Boutoux, Silvia Brizzi, Romano Clementucci, Benjamin Guillaume, Zoltan Erdos, Francesca Funiciello, Santiago Leon, Valerio Olivetti, Riccardo Reitano, Federico Rossetti, Antoine Rozel, Andrea Sembroni, Gaia Siravo, Gianluca Vignaroli.
Ongoing Post-doc Francesca Rossetti, Mohammad Moumeni Taromsari, Alex Koptev, Silvia Crosetto, Riccardo Reitano, Andrea Perez Silva.
Courses: Tectonics, Geodynamics, Geophysics, Geology I, Geology II (plate tectonics), Structural Geology, Experimental tectonics, marine Tectonics.
I supervised several master-degree students at University of Roma La Sapienza and at University of Roma TRE. I also gave courses for PhD students, at University of Roma TRE, Naples, Milan and at the Netherland School of Sedimentary Geology at University of Colombia.
I participated to several national and international PhD commissions.
Invited lectures and seminars (last years)
2024 – EGU Holmes medal lecture-IGC Korea
2023 –Workshop Chile, Eifart Kigali Rwanda, Mainz University, AGU San Francisco invited paper, Cargese Subduction school, AGU fall meeting.
2022 – GFZ Potsdam, ETH Zürich, Sorbonne Paris.
2021 – Caltech; Rice University; Roma - Sapienza PhD; Istanbul Key note at Med meeting; Imperial College.
2020 – CNR Italy. GFZ Potsdam. Several other invited talks cancelled
2019 – 2 invited talk at Austin; Invited talk at Oxford University; two BENTOR lecture Jerusalem; BIRCH lecture at AGU; Lection Magistralis at the Italian Geophysical Meeting;
2018 – 2 Invited talk at Aix –Marseille University; Invited talk at Montpellier University; Invited talk at Academy of Science Beijing ; 2 Invited talk at Austin University; Webminar for Tectonic and Structural Geology group: Invited talk at the Hutton school, University of Edinburgh; University of Berlin;
2017 – 2 Invited talk at Utrecht Univ.; Invited talk at Paris Univ.; Invited talk at IFP Paris; Invited talk at Corse and Canarie meeting organized by CEED; Nortwestern University Xi’an (China); Invited talk Granada University;
2016 – Invited talk at EGU; Invited talk at Istanbul Technical University (Istanbul, Turkey); Invited talk at AGU; Seminar at University of Potsdam; Seminar at GFZ Potsdam; General Seminar at Aix Marseille; General Seminar at IPGP Paris.
2015 - Invited talk at AGU -Seminar at Universitè de Marrakech - Invited talk at Ecole Doctorale des les Houces (France) -Invited talk at Int. meeting mantle lithosphere modelling- Invited talk at Alpine meeting-2 Invited talk at EGU - Seminar at Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo- Seminar at Istanbul University (Istanbul, Turkey)-, Seminar at Istanbul Technical University (Istanbul, Turkey); - Seminar at INGV Pisa –
2014 – Invited talk at EGU Stephan Muller medal- Invited talk at University of Orleans- Invited talk at University of Paris VI- Invited talk at DIAS Dublin – 2 Invited talk at Italian Geological Meeting, Milan- Invited talk at ESA meeting, Barcelona -
2013 – Invited talk EGU meeting, April - Invited talk at CIDER meeting Berkeley, July - Invited talk at Scripps La Jolla, August– Invited talk at EPOS meeting Erice, September -Invited talk at MEDMEET meeting Berlin, November - – Invited talk at Lith. –Astenosphere system meeting, College de France Paris, November.
2012 -Invited talk AGU fall meeting - Invited talk at TOPOEUROPE 2020 meeting, Istanbul, September 2012. -Invited talk at Società Geologica Italiana, Cosenza September 2012 - Invited talk at TOPOEUROPE young Meeting, Utrecht University, dal titolo: “European propsective for young students ”, September 2012. - Invited talk at "Tettonica del Mediterraneo", Potenza, May 2012 - Key note speaker at Konseberg meeting, Oslo, May 2012 - Key note speaker at Mediterranean symposium, Utrecht University (The Netherlands), 28 February 2012.
2011 Invited talk at Workshop AlpsArray, ETH Zurich - Key note talk TopoEurope meeting, Davos - 2 Invited talks Intern. meeting “Fragile Earth”, Munich- Key note talk at FIST meeting, Torino - Invited lecture at "Mountain building" CIDER school, Berkeley - Invited lecture at Univ. de Grenoble.
2010 Key note speaker - Reunion Sciences de la Terre Bordeaux - Invited talk at AGU fall meeting- Invited lecture at Università Milano Bicocca - Invited talk at workshop on the “Mediterranean Geodynamic”, Erice- Key note talk at European Seismological Conf, Montpellier - Invited lecture INGV, Bologna - Invited talk at Workshop “Geodynamics of Tethys” Vreije Univ. Berlin - Invited lecture at PGP University Oslo.
2009 - Invited lecture at Vreije University, Berlin - Invited lecture at Durham University, Durham- Key note talk at Academia Europae meeting, Napoli - Invited talk, Int. TOPOEurope Workshop, Heidelberg- Invited lecture Univ. South California, Los Angeles- Invited lecture Univ. Montpellier - Invited lecture at Total, Pau - Invited lecture Università Palermo.
2008 - Invited lecture at Univ. Aix-Marseille (CEREGE) - Invited lecture at ETHZ Zurich- Goldsmidth Lecture at NGU (Norwegian Geological Union), Trondheim.
2007 Key Union Lecture at Int. Union Geophys. Geodesy (IUGG) meeting, Perugia - Invited lecture at International Workshop “Carpathian - Pannonian System”, Lake Balaton (Budapest) - Invited lecture at Univ. di Chieti- 2 Invited talk at EGU meeting (Wien) - Invited lecture Ecole Doctorale Université Paris VI.
Organization of International Conference
I regularly co-chaired sessions at International conference (EGU and AGU); I have been Secretary of the Tectonics session at European Geophysical Society (1999 to 2001). I participated to the Scientific or Organizing Committee of International Workshop and meetings.
Scientific Committee:
2011-2017 Alpine Workshop International Meetings
2010 GeoMod2010- International Workshop, Lisbon
2008 GeoMod2008 - International Workshop, Firenze
2007 Subco – Subduction Conference. International Meeting. Montpellier 2007
2004 GeoMod2004 – International Workshop, Zurich
2003 RST. Rheology deformation and tectonics – International Workshop, Rennes.
Organizing and Scientific Committee:
2024 Workshop on active processes along the Andes subduction zone, Potsdam.
2019 Ada Lovelance International meeting on Modelling
2015 organizer of the 12th International TOPO-EUROPE Workshop, Antibes.
2014 September, organizer of the 11th International TOPO-EUROPE Workshop, Barcelona.
2013 October, Main promoter and organizer of the 10th International TOPO-EUROPE Workshop Cerosa di Pontignano. Siena
2007 May, Main promoter and organizer of the 3rd International TOPO-EUROPE Workshop Accademia dei Lincei. Roma
2000-2012 Convener and organizers of several sessions at EGS/EGU meetings. I chaired and co-chaired Mediterranean-Himalayan session at EGU (2008-2012)
Field work
I carried out and lead field-work in Mediterranean-Middle East (Turkey, Libya, Morocco, Albania, Greece, Spain, Italy), Iran (2010, 2011, 2013, 2014) and Himalaya (Pakistan: 1990,1991,2023, 2024); Andes (Colombia: 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015; 2022; Chile, 2022, 2023; Argentina: 2008, 2009, 2023); Brasil(2024); Caribbean (2020,2022,2023); Antarctica (2002).
Top cited papers
Jolivet L. and Faccenna C. (2000) Mediterranean extension and the Africa-Eurasia collision. Tectonics, 19, 6, 1095-1106.
Faccenna C., Piromallo C., Crespo Blanc A., Jolivet, L., and Rossetti F. (2004) Lateral slab deformation and the origin of the arcs of the western Mediterranean, Tectonics, 23, TC1012.
Faccenna C., Becker T.W., Lucente F.P., Jolivet L., and Rossetti F. (2001) History of subduction and back-arc extension in the Central Mediterranean, Geophysical Journal International, 145, 1-21.
Jolivet L., Faccenna C. et al. (1998) Mid-crustal shear zones in postorogenic extension: Example from the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Journal Geophysical Research, 103, 12213-12160.
Jolivet, L, Faccenna C, B Huet, L Labrousse, L Le Pourhiet, O Lacombe, ... (2013) Aegean tectonics: Strain localisation, slab tearing and trench retreat Tectonophysics 597, 1-33, 598
Faccenna C, TW Becker, L Auer, A Billi, L Boschi, JP Brun, FA Capitanio, ...(2014) Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean, Reviews of Geophysics 52 (3), 283-332
Publication list
1 Rossetti, F., Fellin, M. G., Ballato, P.,Faccenna, C., Balestrieri, M. L., Muceku,B., et al. (2024). Building the Albanides by deep underplating. Tectonics, 43, e2024TC008506.
2 Sembroni, A., Faccenna,C., Becker TW, Molin P (2024) - The uplift of the East Africa-Arabia swell Earth-Science Reviews, 2024/8/18
3 Conrad, E. M., Faccenna, C., Holt, A. F., & Becker, T. W. (2024). Tectonic reorganization of the Caribbean plate system in the Paleogene driven by Farallon slab anchoring. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25, e2024GC011499. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024GC011499
4 Racano, S., van der Beek, P. A., Schildgen, T. F., Faccenna, C., Buleo Tebar, V., & Cosentino, D. (2024). Slab driven Quaternary rock‐uplift and topographic evolution in the northern‐central Apennines from linear inversion of the drainage system. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25, e2024GC011592. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2024GC011592
5 Scalabrino, B., Lagabrielle, Y., & Faccenna, C. (2024). Subduction of active spreading ridges and the disappearance of Andean-type cordilleras. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 356(S2), 1-36.
6 Clementucci, R., Lanari, R., Faccenna, C., Crosetto, S., Reitano, R., Zoppis, G., & Ballato, P. (2024). Morpho‐tectonic evolution of the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc: Insights from Pollino range and surrounding extensional intermontane basins. Tectonics, 43, e2023TC008002. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023TC008002
7 Sembroni, A., Reitano, R., Faccenna, C., & Callieri, P. (2024). The geologic configuration of the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt: an overview. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 1-26.
8 Straume, E. O., Steinberger, B., Becker, T. W., & Faccenna, C. Impact of mantle convection and dynamic topography on the Cenozoic paleogeography of Central Eurasia and the West Siberian Seaway. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 630, 118615, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118615
9 Şengül Uluocak, E., Pysklywec, R. N., Sembroni, A., Brune, S., & Faccenna, C. (2024). The role of upper mantle forces in post‐subduction tectonics: Plumelet and active rifting in the East Anatolian Plateau. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25, e2024GC011639.
10 Conrad, E. M., Reitano, R., Faccenna, C., & Becker, T. W. (2023). Morpho-tectonics of transpressional systems: Insights from analog modeling, Tectonics, 42, e2023TC007865. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023TC007865
11 Reitano, R., Clementucci, R., Conrad, E. M., Corbi, F., Lanari, R., Faccenna, C., and Bazzucchi, C.: Stream laws in analog tectonic-landscape models, Earth Surface Dynamics, 11, 731–740, https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-11-731-2023, 2023
12 Molin, P., Sembroni, A., Ballato, P., & Faccenna, C. (2023). The uplift of an early stage collisional plateau unraveled by fluvial network analysis and river longitudinal profile inversion: The case of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau. Tectonics, 42, e2022TC007737. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022TC007737
13 González, R., Oncken, O., Faccenna, C., Le Breton, E., Bezada, M., & Mora, A. (2023). Kinematics and convergent tectonics of the Northwestern South American plate during the Cenozoic. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2022GC010827. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022GC010827
14 Clennett, E.J., Holt, A.F., Tetley, M.G., Becker, T.W. and Faccenna, C., 2023. Assessing plate reconstruction models using plate driving force consistency tests. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.10191.
15 Clementucci R., Ballato P., Siame L.L., Faccenna C., Racano S., Torreti G., Lanari R., Leanni, L., Guillou V. (2023) Transient response to changes in uplift rates in the northern Atlas-Meseta system (Morocco), Geomorphology, 436, 108765, ISSN 0169-555X,
16 Lanari, R., Boutoux, A., Faccenna, C., Herman, F., Willett, S. D., & Ballato, P. (2023). Cenozoic exhumation in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Earth-Science Reviews, 104328.
17 Lanari, R., Faccenna, C., Natali, C., Şengül Uluocak, E., Fellin, M. G., Becker, T. W., et al. (2023). The Atlas of Morocco: A plume-assisted orogeny. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2022GC010843. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010843
18 Clementucci, R., Ballato, P., Siame, L., Fox, M., Lanari, R., Sembroni, A., et al. (2023). Surface uplift and topographic rejuvenation of a tectonically inactive range: Insights from the Anti-Atlas and the Siroua Massif (Morocco). Tectonics, 42, e2022TC007383.
19 Lanari, R., Reitano, R., Faccenna, C., Agostinetti, N. P., & Ballato, P. (2023). Surface and crustal response to deep subduction dynamics: Insights from the Apennines, Italy. Tectonics, 42, e2022TC007461. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022TC007461
20 Agius, M. R., Magrini, F., Diaferia, G., Kästle, E. D., Cammarano, F., Faccenna, C., ... & van der Meijde, M. (2022). Shear‐Velocity Structure and Dynamics Beneath the Sicily Channel and Surrounding Regions of the Central Mediterranean Inferred From Seismic Surface Waves. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(10), e2022GC010394.
21 Erdős, Z., Huismans, R. S., & Faccenna, C. (2022). Wide versus narrow back-arc rifting: Control of subduction velocity and convective back-arc thinning. Tectonics, 41, e2021TC007086. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021TC007086
22 Behr, W. M., Holt, A. F., Becker, T. W., & Faccenna, C. (2022). The effects of plate interface rheology on subduction kinematics and dynamics. Geophysical Journal International, 230(2), 796-812.
23 Lanari, R., R. Reitano, E. Giachetta, F. J. Pazzaglia, R. Clementucci, C. Faccenna, and M. G. Fellin. Is the Anti-Atlas of Morocco still uplifting? Journal of African Earth Sciences (2022): 104481.
24 Corradino, M., Balazs, A., Faccenna, C., & Pepe, F. (2022). Arc and forearc rifting in the Tyrrhenian subduction system. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1-13.
25 Fellin, Maria Giuditta, Malwina San Jose, Claudio Faccenna, Sean D. Willett, Domenico Cosentino, Riccardo Lanari, Loraine Gourbet, and Colin Maden. "Transition from slab roll-back to slab break-off in the central Apennines, Italy: Constraints from the stratigraphic and thermochronologic record." Bulletin 134, no. 7-8 (2022): 1916-1930.
26 Balázs, A., Faccenna, C., Gerya, T., Ueda, K., & Funiciello, F. (2022). The dynamics of forearc–back‐arc basin subsidence numerical models and observations from Mediterranean subduction zones. Tectonics, e2021TC007078.
27 Clementucci, R., Ballato, P., Siame, L.L., Faccenna, C., Yaaqoub, A., Essaifi, A., Leanni, L. and Guillou, V., 2022. Lithological control on topographic relief evolution in a slow tectonic setting (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 596, p.117788.
28 Reitano, R., Faccenna, C., Funiciello, F., Corbi, F., Sternai, P., Willett, S.D., Sembroni, A. and Lanari, R., 2022. Sediment recycling and the evolution of analog orogenic wedges. Tectonics, 41(2), p.e2021TC006951.
29 Filippelli, G., Beal, L., Rajaram, H., AghaKouchak, A., Balikhin, M.A., Destouni, G., East, A., Faccenna, C., Florindo, F., Frost, C. and Griffies, S., 2021. Geoscientists, who have documented the rapid and accelerating climate crisis for decades, are now pleading for immediate collective action. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(21).
30 Brizzi, S., Becker, T. W., Faccenna, C., Behr, W., van Zelst, I., Dal Zilio, L., & van Dinther, Y. (2021). The role of sediment accretion and buoyancy on subduction dynamics and geometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096266.
31 Sternai P, Muller VA, Jolivet L, Garzanti E, Corti G, Pasquero C, Sembroni A, Faccenna C. Effects of asthenospheric flow and orographic precipitation on continental rifting. Tectonophysics. 2021, 229120.
32 Király, Á., Funiciello, F., Capitanio, F. A., & Faccenna, C. (2021). Dynamic interactions between subduction zones. Global and Planetary Change, 103501.
33 Boutoux, A., Briaud, A., Faccenna, C., Ballato, P., Rossetti, F., & Blanc, E. (2021). Slab folding and surface deformation of the Iran mobile belt. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006300. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006300
34 Sembroni, A., Molin, P., & Faccenna, C. (2021). Drainage system organization after mantle plume impingement: The case of the Horn of Africa. Earth-Science Reviews, 103582.
35 Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Holt, A. F., & Brun, J. P. (2021). Mountain building, mantle convection, and supercontinents: Holmes (1931) revisited. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 564, 116905.
36 Guillaume, B., Funiciello, F., & Faccenna, C. (2021). Interplays between mantle flow and slab pull at subduction zones in 3D. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB021574.
37 Lanari, R., Faccenna C., Benedetti L., Sembroni A., Bellier O., Menichelli I., Primerano P. (2021). Formation and persistence of extensional internally drained basins: The case of the Fucino basin (Central Apennines, Italy) - Tectonics, 2021.
38 Balázs, A., Faccenna, C., Ueda, K., Funiciello, F., Boutoux, A., Blanc, E. J., & Gerya, T. (2021). Oblique subduction and mantle flow control on upper plate deformation: 3D geodynamic modeling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 569, 117056.
39 Siravo, G., Molin, P., Sembroni, A., Fellin, M. G., & Faccenna, C. (2021). Tectonically driven drainage reorganization in the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. Geomorphology, 389,107847.
40 Erdős, Z., Huismans, R. S., Faccenna, C., & Wolf, S. G. (2021). The Role of Subduction Interface and Upper Plate Strength on Back‐Arc Extension: Application to Mediterranean Back‐Arc Basins. Tectonics, 40(8), e2021TC006795. 0257
41 Barreca, G., Branca, S., Corsaro, R. A., Scarfì, L., Cannavò, F., Aloisi, M., Monaco C. & Faccenna, C. (2020). Slab Detachment, Mantle Flow, and Crustal Collision in Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy): Implications on Mount Etna Volcanism. Tectonics, 39(9), e2020TC006188.
42 Civiero, C., Custodio S., Duarte J.C., Mendes, V., and Faccenna, C., (2020) Dynamics of the Gibraltar Arc System: A Complex Interaction Between Plate Convergence, Slab Pull, and Mantle Flow, Journal Geophys. Res. 10.1029/2019JB018873.
43 San Jose, M., Rugenstein, J. K. C., Cosentino, D., Faccenna, C., Fellin, M. G., Ghinassi, M., & Martini, I. (2020). Stable isotope evidence for rapid uplift of the central Apennines since the late Pliocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 544, 116376.
44 Reitano, R., Faccenna C., Funiciello F., Corbi F., Willett S. D 2020 Erosional response of granular material in landscape models 2020 Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions.
45 Faccenna, C., and Becker. T.W., 2020. Topographic expressions of mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean. Earth-Science Reviews 103327.
46 Briaud, A., Agrusta, R., Faccenna, C., Funiciello, F., & van Hunen, J. (2020). Topographic fingerprint of deep mantle subduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2019JB017962.
47 Olivetti, V., Balestrieri, M., Godard, V., Bellier, O., Gautheron, C., Valla, P., Faccenna C. & Manchuel, K. (2020). Cretaceous and late Cenozoic uplift of the eastern French Massif Central: insights from low-temperature thermochronometry. Lithosphere.
48 Siravo, G., Fellin, M. G., Faccenna, C., & Maden, C. (2020). Transpression and the build-up of the Cordillera: the example of the Bucaramanga fault (Eastern Cordillera, Colombia). Journal of the Geological Society, 177(1), 14-30.
49 Lanari, R., Fellin, M. G., Faccenna, C., Balestrieri, M. L., Pazzaglia, F., & Youbi, N. (2020). Exhumation and surface evolution of the Western High‐Atlas and surrounding regions as constrained by low‐temperature thermochronology. Tectonics, e2019TC005562.
50 Lanari, R., Faccenna, C., Fellin, M. G., Abderrahim, E., Nahid, A., Medina, F., & Youbi, N. (2020). Tectonic evolution of the Western High Atlas of Morocco: oblique convergence, reactivation and transpression. Tectonics, e2019TC005563.
51 Sternai, P., Sue, C., Husson, L., Serpelloni, E., Becker, T. W., Willett, S., Faccenna, C., Di Giulio, A., Spada, G., Jolivet, L., Valla, P., Petit, C., Nocquet, J.-M., Walpersdorf, A., and Castelltort, S. (2019) Present-day uplift of the European Alps: evaluating mechanisms and models of their relative contributions Earth-Science Rev., 190, 589-604, 2019.
52 Siravo, G., Faccenna, C., Gerault, M., Becker, T. W., Fellin, M. G., Herman, F. and Molin, P., (2019) Slab flattening and the rise of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 512, 100-110.
53 Asti, R., Faccenna, C., Rossetti, F., Malusà, M., Gliozzi, E., Faranda, C. & Cosentino, D. (2019). The Gediz supradetachment system (SW Turkey): magmatism, tectonics and sedimentation during crustal extension. Tectonics, Volume: 38 Issue: 4 Pages: 1414-1440
54 Tadayon, M., Rossetti, F., Zattin, M., Calzolari, G., Nozaem, R., Salvini, F., C. Faccenna & Khodabakhshi, P. (2018). The long‐term evolution of the Doruneh Fault region (Central Iran): A key to understanding the spatio‐temporal tectonic evolution in the hinterland of the Zagros convergence zone. Geological Journal, 1, 26.
55 Coltice, N., Husson L. , Faccenna C., Arnould M. (2019) What drives tectonic plates? Science Advance 5, eaax4295, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax4295
56 Faccenna, C., Glišović, P., Forte, A., Becker T.W, Garzanti, E. and Sembroni, A. (2019) Role of dynamic topography in sustaining the Nile River over 30 million years. Nature Geoscience doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0472-x
57 Diaferia, G., Cammarano, F., Faccenna, C. (2019). Thermal structure of a vanishing subduction system. An example of seismically-derived crustal temperature along the Italian peninsula. Geophysical Journal International.
58 Király Á, Holt AF, Funiciello F, Faccenna C (2018) Modeling Slab‐Slab Interactions: Dynamics of Outward Dipping Double‐Sided Subduction Systems, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
59 Király, Á., Faccenna, C. and Funiciello, F., 2018. Subduction zones interaction around the Adria microplate and the origin of the Apenninic arc. Tectonics, 37(10), pp.3941-3953.
60 Holt A. F., Royden L. H., Becker T. W., Faccenna C. (2018) Slab interactions in 3-D subduction settings: The Philippine Sea Plate region, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, 72-83, ISSN 0012-821X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.024.
61 Royden L. and Faccenna C. (2018) Subduction Orogeny and the Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Mediterranean Arcs, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 2018 46:1, 261-289
62 Asti, R., Malusà, M. G., & Faccenna, C. (2018). Supradetachment basin evolution unravelled by detrital apatite fission track analysis: the Gediz Graben (Menderes Massif, Western Turkey). Basin Research, 30(3), 502-521.
63 Piana Agostinetti, N., & Faccenna, C. (2018). Deep structure of Northern Apennines subduction orogen (Italy) as revealed by a joint interpretation of passive and active seismic data. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9), 4017-4024.
64 Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C., Becker, T., Tesauro, M., Sternai, P., & Bouilhol, P. (2018). Mantle Flow and Deforming Continents: From India‐Asia Convergence to Pacific Subduction. Tectonics, 37. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005036
65 Peral M., Király A., Zlotnik S., Funiciello F., Fernàndez M., Faccenna C., Vergés J. (2018) Opposite subduction polarity in adjacent plate segments, Tectonics, https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2017TC004896
66 Pitard P., Replumaz A., Funiciello F., Husson L., Faccenna C. (2018) Mantle kinematics driving collisional subduction: Insights from analogue modeling, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 502, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.08.050.
67 Siravo, G., Fellin, M. G., Faccenna, C., Bayona, G., Lucci, F., Molin, P., & Maden, C. (2018). Constraints on the Cenozoic deformation of the northern Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. Tectonics, 37. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005162
68 Sembroni A., Molin P., Dramis F., Faccenna C., Abebe B. (2017) Erosion-tectonics feedbacks in shaping the landscape: An example from the Mekele Outlier (Tigray, Ethiopia), Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 870e886
69 Faccenna C., Oncken O., Holt A. F., Becker T.W. (2017) Initiation of the Andean orogeny by lower mantle subduction, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 463 (2017) 189–201
70 Göğüş O.H.,1 Pysklywec R.N.,and Faccenna C. (2017) Geodynamical Models for Continental Delamination and Ocean Lithosphere Peel Away in an Orogenic Setting Active Global Seismology: Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Geophysical Monograph 225, First Edition. İbrahim Çemen and Yücel Yılmaz 2017 American Geophysical Union.
71 Rossetti F., Asti R., Faccenna C., Gerdes A., Lucci F., Theye T. (2017) Magmatism and crustal extension: Constraining activation of the ductile shearing along the Gediz detachment, Menderes Massif (western Turkey), Lithos, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2017.03.003
72 Rinalduzzi S., Farroni L., Billi A. , De Filippis L., Faccenna C., Poncia P.P., Spadafora G. (2017) Geocultural landscaping: Guidelines and conceptual framework to design future scenarios of exploited lands, Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 258–281 .
73 Olivetti V., Balestrieri M.L., Faccenna C. & Stuart Fin M. (2017) Dating the topography through thermochronology: application of Pecube code to inverted vertical profile in the eastern Sila Massif, southern Italy, Ital. J. Geosci., 136, 3 (2017), DOI: 10.3301/IJG.2016.09
74 Sembroni, A.; Kiraly, A.; Faccenna, C. ; Funiciello, F.; Becker, TW.; Globig, J ; Fernandez, M (2017) Impact of the lithosphere on dynamic topography: Insights from analogue modelling, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 2693-2702
75 Király A., Capitanio F.A., Funiciello F., Faccenna C. (2017) Subduction induced mantle flow: Length-scales and orientation of the toroidal cell, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 479 (2017) 284–297.
76 Mora, J. A., Oncken, O., Le Breton, E., Ibánez-Mejia, M., Faccenna, C., Veloza, G., Mesa, A. (2017). Linking Late Cretaceous to Eocene tectonostratigraphy of the San Jacinto fold belt of NW Colombia with Caribbean Plateau collision and flat subduction. Tectonics, 36. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017TC004612
77 Faccenna, C., Holt, A. F., Becker, T. W., Lallemand, S., & Royden, L. H. (2017). Dynamics of the Ryukyu/Izu-Bonin-Marianas double subduction system. Tectonophysics.
78 Gvirtzman, Z., Faccenna C., and Becker T.W. (2016) Isostasy, Flexure, and Dynamic Topography, Tectonophysics 683, 255-271.
79 Barcos, L., M. Díaz-Azpiroz, J.C. Balanyá, I. Expósito, A. Jiménez-Bonilla, C. Faccenna (2016), Analogue modelling of inclined, brittle–ductile transpression: Testing analytical models through natural shear zones (external Betics), Tectonophysics, ISSN 0040-1951, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.05.021.
80 Kiraly, A., Capitanio, F. A., Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C. (2016) Subduction zone interaction: Controls on arcuate belts, Geology, 44, 715-718, DOI: 10.1130/G37912.1
81 Globig, J., Fernandez, M., Torne, M., Verges, J., Robert, A., Faccenna, C (2016) New insights into the crust and lithospheric mantle structure of Africa from elevation, geoid, and thermal analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 5389-5424 DOI: 10.1002/2016JB012972
82 Sternai P., Avouac J.P., Jolivet L., Faccenna C., Gerya T, Becker T.W., Menant A. (2016), On the influence of the asthenospheric flow on the tectonics and topography at a collision-subduction transition zones: Comparison with the eastern Tibetan margin, Journal of Geodynamics, 100, 2016, 184-197, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2016.02.009.
83 Replumaz A. Funiciello F., Reitano R., Faccenna C., Balon M. (2016) Asian collisional subduction: A key process driving formation of the Tibetan Plateau Geology, 44, 943-946 DOI: 10.1130/G38276.1
84 Calzolari G, Rossetti F, Della Seta M, Nozaem R, Olivetti V, Balestrieri ML, Cosentino D, Faccenna C, Stuart FM, Vignaroli G (2016). Spatio-temporal evolution of intraplate strike-slip faulting: The Neogene–Quaternary Kuh-e-Faghan Fault, central Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128, 374-396, doi: 10.1130/B31266.1
85 Chiarabba, C., P. De Gori, Faccenna C., F. Speranza, D. Seccia, V. Dionicio, and G. A. Prieto (2016) Subduction system and flat slab beneath the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, 16-27, doi:10.1002/2015GC006048.
86 Calzolari, G., M. Della Seta, F. Rossetti, R. Nozaem, G. Vignaroli, D. Cosentino, and Faccenna C. (2016), Geomorphic signal of active faulting at the northern edge of Lut Block: Insights on the kinematic scenario of Central Iran, Tectonics, 35, doi:10.1002/2015TC003869.
87 Billi A., De Filippis L., Poncia P., Sella P., Faccenna C. (2016) Hidden sinkholes and karst cavities in the travertine plateau of a highly-populated geothermal seismic territory (Tivoli, central Italy), Geomorphology 255, 63–80.
88 Sembroni A., Molin P., Pazzaglia F. J., Faccenna C., Bekele A. (2016) Evolution of continental-scale drainage in response to mantle dynamics and surface processes: An example from the Ethiopian Highlands, Geomorphology, ISSN 0169-555X.
89 Sembroni, A., Faccenna C., T. W. Becker, P. Molin, and B. Abebe (2016), Longterm, deep-mantle support of the Ethiopia-Yemen Plateau, Tectonics, 35, 469–488, doi:10.1002/2015TC004000.
90 Polonia, A., Torelli, L., Artoni, A., Carlini, M., Faccenna, C., Ferranti, L., Gasperini, L., Govers, R., Klaeschen, D., Monaco, C., Neri, G., Nijholt, N., Orecchio, B., Wortel, R. (2016) The Ionian and Alfeo-Etna fault zones: New segments of an evolving plate boundary in the central Mediterranean Sea?, Tectonophysics doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.03.016
91 Brun, J.P., Faccenna C., Gueydan F., Sokoutis D., Philippon M., Kydonakis K., Gorini C. (2016) The two-stage aegean extension, from localized to distributed, a result of slab rollback acceleration, Canadian journal of earth sciences, 2016
92 Jolivet L., Faccenna C., Agard P., Frizon de Lamotte D., Menant A., Sternai P., Guillocheau F. (2016) Neo-Tethys geodynamics and mantle convection: from extension to compression in Africa and a conceptual model for obduction- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2015
93 Kiraly A., Faccenna C., Funiciello F., Sembroni A., (2015) Coupling surface and mantle dynamics: A novel experimental approach, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 10, 3863-3869.
94 Malusà, M, Faccenna, C.; Baldwin, S. Rossetti, F.. (2015) Contrasting styles of (U)HP rock exhumation along the Cenozoic Adria-Europe plate boundary (Western Alps, Calabria, Corsica) Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 16, 6, 1786-1824,
95 Becker, T., Lowry A. R., Faccenna, C., Schmandt, B., Borsa A., and Yu, C. (2015) Western US intermountain seismicity caused by changes in upper mantle flow, Nature, doi:10.1038/nature14867
96 Giachetta, E., Molin P., Scotti V.N., Faccenna C. (2015) Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Iberian Chain (central–eastern Spain) from landscape evolution experiments and river profile modeling, Geomorphology 246 (2015) 48–67.
97 Faccenna et al., (2014) Mantle dynamics beneath the Mediterranean, Rev. of Geophys., Volume52, Issue3, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013RG000444
98 Scotti, V.N., Molin, P., Faccenna, C., Soligo, M., Casas- Sainz, A. (2014) The influence of surface and tectonic processes on landscape evolution of the Iberian Chain (Spain): Quantitative geomorphological analysis and geochronology, Geomorphology, 206, 37-57, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.09.017.
99 Agard, P., Zuo, X., Funiciello, F., Bellahsen, N., Faccenna, C., Savva, D., (2014) Obduction: Why, how and where. Clues from analog models. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 393 (2014) 132–145.
100 Becker, T.W., Faccenna, C., Humphreys, E.D., Lowry, A.R., Miller, M.S. (2014) Static and dynamic support of western United States topography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
101 Kiraly A., Faccenna C., Funiciello F., Sembroni A., (2015) Coupling surface and mantle dynamics: A novel experimental approach, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 10, 3863-3869.
102 Faccenna, C., Becker T.W., Miller M., Serpelloni, E., Willett, S. (2014) Isostasy, dynamic topography, and the elevation of the Apennines of Italy, Earth Planetary Science Letters-D-14-00298.
103 Jimenez, G.; Speranza, F.; Faccenna, C., Bayona, G. (2014) Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabric of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Evidence for oblique convergence and nonrotational reactivation of a Mesozoic intracontinental rift Tectonics, 33 11 Pages: 2233-2260.
104 Magni, V., Faccenna, C., van Hunen, J., Funiciello F. (2014) How collision triggers backarc extension: Insight into Mediterranean style of extension from 3-D numerical models Geology, 42, 6, 511-514.
105 Faccenna, C., Becker, T.W., Conrad, C.P. and Husson, L. (2013) Mountain building and mantle dynamics. Tectonics, doi: 10.1002/tect.200, 32, 80–93.
106 Faccenna, C.; Becker, T. W., Jolivet, L-, Keskin, M. (2013) Mantle convection in the Middle East: Reconciling Afar upwelling, Arabia indentation and Aegean trench rollback , Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 375, 254-269.
107 De Filippis L., Faccenna C., Billi A., Anzalone E., Brilli M., Soligo M., Tuccimei P. (2013) Plateau versus fissure ridge travertines from Quaternary geothermal springs of Italy and Turkey: Interactions and feedbacks between fluid discharge, paleoclimate, and tectonics, Earth-Science Reviews, 123, 35–52.
108 Presti P., Billi A., Orecchio B., Totaro C., Faccenna C., Neri G. (2013) Earthquake focal mechanisms, seismogenic stress, and seismotectonics of the Calabrian Arc, Italy, Tectonophysics. 602, 153-175, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.01.030.
109 Martinod J., Guillaume B., Espurt N., Faccenna C., Funiciello F., Regard R. (2013) Effect of aseismic ridge subduction on slab geometry and overriding plate deformation: Insights from analogue modeling, Tectonophysics, 588, 39-55.
110 Jolivet L., Faccenna C., Huet B., Labrousse L., Le Pourhiet L., Lacombe O., Lecomte E., Burov E., Denèle Y., Brun J.-P., Philippon M., Paul A., Salaün G., Karabulut H., Piromallo C., Monié P., Gueydan F., Okay A. I., Oberhänsli R., Pourteau A. (2013) Aegean tectonics: Strain localisation, slab tearing and trench retreat, Tectonophysics, 597 Special Issue. 1-33 DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.06.011
111 De Filippis L., Anzalone E., Billi A., Faccenna C., Poncia P.P., Sella P. (2013) The origin and growth of a recently-active fissure ridge travertine over a seismic fault, Tivoli, Italy, Geomorphology , 195, 13-26.
112 Guillaume, B., Husson, L., Funiciello, F. , and Faccenna C. (2013) The dynamics of laterally variable subductions: laboratory models applied to the Hellenides, Solid Earth, 4, 179-200, doi:10.5194/se-4-179-2013.
113 Corbi, F., Funiciello, F.; Moroni, M.; van Dinther, Y. ; Mai, P. M.; Dalguer, L. A.; Faccenna, C. (2013).The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: 1. Insights from laboratory models,. Journal Geophysical Research, 1483-1501, DOI: 10.1029/2012JB009481.
114 Minelli, L., Billi, A., Faccenna, C., Gervasi, A., Guerra, I., Orecchio B. and Speranza G. (2013) Discovery of a gliding salt-detached megaslide, Calabria, Ionian Sea, Italy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 4220-4224, DOI: 10.1002/grl.50818.
115 Rossetti, F., Dini, A., Luci F., Bouybaoue, M., Faccenna, C. (2013) Early Miocene strike-slip tectonics and granite emplacement in the Alboran Domain (Rif Chain, Morocco): significance for the geodynamic evolution of Western Mediterranean. Tectonophysics, 608, 608, 26, 774–791.
116 Serpelloni, E., Faccenna C., Spada G., Dong D., Williams, S.P., (2013) Vertical GPS ground motion rates in the Euro-Mediterranean region: New evidence of velocity gradients at different spatial scales along the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 11, 6003-6024
117 Speranza, G., Cosentino, D., Tecce, F., Faccenna, C., (2013) Paleoclimate reconstruction during the Messinian evaporative drawdown of the Mediterranean Basin:Insights from microthermometry on halite fluid inclusions, Geophys. Geoch. Geosystem, 14, doi: 10.1002/2013GC004946 ISSN: 1525-2027
118 Faccenna C., Becker T.W., Lallemand S. and Steinberger B. (2012) On the role of slab pull in the cenozoic motion of the Pacific, Geophys. Res. Letters, 39, L03305 doi:10.1029/2011GL050155
119 Husson, L.,, Conrad, C., Faccenna, C. (2012) Plate motions, Andean orogeny, and volcanism above the South Atlantic convection cell, Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volumes 317–318, Pages 126–135.
120 Bajolet, F.; Galeano, J.; Funiciello, F.; Moroni, M.; Negredo, A-M; Faccenna, C., (2012) Continental delamination: Insights from laboratory models Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q02009 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011GC003896.
121 Husson, L., Guillaume, B., Funiciello, F., Faccenna C., Royden, L.H., (2012) Unraveling topography around subduction zones from laboratory models, Tectonophysics, Volumes 526–529, 5-15, ISSN 0040-1951, 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.001.
122 Iaffaldano, G. Di Giuseppe, E., Corbi F., Funiciello F., Faccenna C., Bunge H.-P.(2012) Varying mechanical coupling along the Andean margin: Implications for trench curvature, shortening and topography, Tectonophysics, Volumes 526–529, 16-23, ISSN 0040-1951, 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.014.
123 Gérault M., Becker T. W., Kaus B. J. P., Faccenna C., Moresi L., and Husson L. (2012), The role of slabs and oceanic plate geometry in the net rotation of the lithosphere, trench motions, and slab return flow, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q04001, doi:10.1029/2011GC003934.
124 Vignaroli G., Minelli L. , Rossetti F., Balestrieri M.L. , Faccenna C. (2012) Miocene thrusting in the eastern Sila Massif: Implication for the evolution of the Calabria-Peloritani orogenic wedge (southern Italy) Tectonophysics 538–540.
125 Olivetti, V., Cyr A. J., Molin P., Faccenna C., and Granger D. E. (2012), Uplift history of the Sila Massif, southern Italy, deciphered from cosmogenic 10Be erosion rates and river longitudinal profile analysis, Tectonics, 31, TCXXXX, 26 doi:10.1029/2011TC003037.
126 van Dinther, Y.; Morra, G.; Funiciello, F.; Rossetti, F.; Faccenna, C. (2012) Exhumation and subduction erosion in orogenic wedges: Insights from numerical models Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., Vol. 13, Q06003 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011GC004011.
127 De Filippis L., Faccenna C., Billi A., Anzalone E., Brilli M., Özkul M., Soligo M., Tuccimei P. and Villa I. M. (2012) Growth of fissure ridge travertines from geothermal springs of Denizli Basin, western Turkey Geological Society of America Bulletin 2012;124, no. 9-10;1629-1645 doi: 10.1130/B30606.
128 Magni, V., van Hunen, J. , Funiciello, F. , and Faccenna, C. (2012) Numerical models of slab migration in continental collision zones Solid Earth, 3, 293-306.
129 Maggi, M., Rossetti F., Corfu F., Theye T., Torgeir B. Andersen T.B. and Faccenna C. (2012) Clinopyroxene–rutile phyllonites from the East Tenda Shear Zone (Alpine Corsica, France): pressure–temperature–time constraints to the Alpine reworking of Variscan Corsica, Journal of the Geological Society 2012;169 723-732.
130 Magni, V., Faccenna, C., van Hunen, J., and Funiciello, F. (2012) Delamination vs. break-off: the fate of continental collision Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2012GL054404, Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: 285-289 DOI: 10.1002/grl.50090
131 Heuret, A., S. Lallemand, F. Funiciello, C. Piromallo, and C. Faccenna (2011), Physical characteristics of subduction interface type seismogenic zones revisited, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q01004, doi:10.1029/2010GC003230.
132 Faccenna, C., P. Molin, B. Orecchio, V. Olivetti, O. Bellier, F. Funiciello, L. Minelli, C. Piromallo, and A. Billi (2011), Topography of the Calabria subduction zone (southern Italy): Clues for the origin of Mt. Etna, Tectonics, 30, TC1003, doi:10.1029/2010TC002694.
133 Bialas, R., Funiciello, F., and Faccenna, C., (2011) Subduction and exhumation of continental crust: insights from laboratory model. Geophysical Journal International, 184, 43–64, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04824.x.
134 Gogus, O., R. N. Pysklywec, F. Corbi, and C. Faccenna (2011) The surface tectonics of mantle lithosphere delamination following ocean lithosphere subduction: insights from physical scaled analogue experiments. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi:10.1029/2010GC003430.
135 Corbi, F., Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C., Ranalli, G. and Heuret, A. (2011) Seismic variability of subduction thrust faults: Insights from laboratory models J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 116, No. B6, B06304 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010JB007993
136 Malusà, M., Faccenna, C., Garzanti, E. and Polino, R. (2011) Divergence in subduction zones and exhumation of high pressure rocks (Eocene Western Alps), Earth Planetary Science Letters, 310, 21–32.
137 Becker, T.W. Faccenna, C (2011) A mantle conveyor belt beneath colliding continents, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 310, 3-4, 453-461.
138 Billi, A., Faccenna, C., Bellier, O., Minelli, L., Neri, G., Piromallo, C., Presti, D., Scrocca, D., and Serpelloni, E. (2011) Recent tectonic reorganization of the Nubia-Eurasia convergent boundary heading for the closure of the western Mediterranean, Bull. Soc. géol. France, 2011, t. 182, no 4, pp. 279-303.
139 Capitanio, F.A., Faccenna, C., Funiciello, R., Salvini, F. (2011) Recent tectonics of Tripolitania, Libya: an intraplate record of Mediterranean subduction, Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2011; 357; 319-328, doi: 10.1144/SP357.17.
140 Capitanio, F. A., Faccenna, C., Zlotnik, S., and Stegman, D. R. (2011) Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean orogeny and the Bolivian orocline, Nature 2011; v.480; p.83-86, doi:10.1038/nature10596.
141 Maffione, M., Speranza, F., Faccenna, C., and Rossello, E., (2010) Paleomagnetic evidence for a pre-early Eocene (50Ma) bending of the Patagonian orocline (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina): Paleogeographic and tectonic implications, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 273–286.
142 van Dinther, Y., Morra, G., Funiciello, F. and Faccenna, C. (2010) Role of the overriding plate in the subduction process: Insights from numerical models. Tectonophysics, 484, 1-4, 19, 74-86.
143 Faccenna, C., and Becker, T.W. (2010) Shaping mobile belt from small scale convection, Nature, Vol 465, doi:10.1038/nature09064.
144 Billi, A., Presti, D., Orecchio, B., Faccenna, C. and Neri G. (2010), Incipient extension along the active convergent margin of Nubia in Sicily, Italy: the Cefalu-Etna seismic zone, Tectonics, Vol. 29, No. 4, TC4026, doi:10.1029/2009TC002559.
145 Minelli, L., and Faccenna, C. (2010), Evolution of the Calabrian accretionary wedge, central Mediterranean, Tectonics, 29, TC4004, doi:10.1029/2009TC002562.
146 Olivetti, V., M. L. Balestrieri, C. Faccenna, F. M. Stuart, and G. Vignaroli (2010), Middle Miocene out-of-sequence thrusting and successive exhumation in the Peloritani Mountains, Sicily: Late stage evolution of an orogen unraveled by apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry, Tectonics, 29, TC5005, doi:10.1029/2009TC002659.
147 Funiciello F., Faccenna C. (2010). Unravelling the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean in a tank. The Journal of Virtual Explorer, vol. 36.
148 Capitanio, F. A., S. Zlotnik, and C. Faccenna (2010), Controls on subduction reorganization in the Hellenic margin, eastern Mediterranean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L14309, doi:10.1029/2010GL044054.
149 Guillaume, B., F. Funiciello, C. Faccenna, J. Martinod, and V. Olivetti (2010), Spreading pulses of the Tyrrhenian Sea during the narrowing of the Calabrian slab, Geology 38; no. 9; p. 819–822; doi: 10.1130/G31038.1.
150 Faccenna, C., Becker, T.W., Lallemand S., Lagabrielle Y., Funiciello F., Piromallo, C. (2010), Subduction-triggered magmatic pulses: A new class of plumes? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , 299, 54–68, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.012.
151 Boschi, L., Faccenna, C., and Becker, T. W. (2010) Mantle structure and dynamic topography in the Mediterranean Basin. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, 20, L20303 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010GL045001.
152 Guillaume, B., Moroni, M., Funiciello, F., Martinod, J., and Faccenna, C. (2010) Mantle flow and dynamic topography associated with slab window opening: Insights from laboratory models, Tectonophysics, 496, 1-4, 83-98, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.10.014.
153 Faccenna, C., Funiciello. R., and Soligo, M., (2010) Origin and deposition of the Lapis Tiburtinus travertin. In Funiciello, R. & Giordano, G. (eds) The Colli Albani Volcano. Special Publications of IAVCEI, 3, 215–228. Geological Society, London. 1750-8207/10# IAVCEI 2010
154 Vignaroli G, Faccenna C, Jolivet L, Piromallo C., Rossetti F. (2009) Reply to the comment by G. Capponi et al. on "Subduction polarity reversal at the junction between the Western Alps and the Northern Apennines, Italy", by G. Vignaroli et al. (Tectonophysics, 2008, 450, 34-50) Tectonophysics, 465, 1-4, 227-231.
155 Di Giuseppe, E., Faccenna, C., Funiciello, F., van Hunen, J., and Giardini, D. (2009), On the relation between trench migration, seafloor age, and the strength of the subducting lithosphere, Lithosphere, 1: 121 - 128.
156 Maffione, M., Speranza, F. and Faccenna, C. (2009), Bending of the Bolivian orocline and growth of the central Andean plateau: Paleomagnetic and structural constraints from the Eastern Cordillera (22-24°S, NW Argentina), Tectonics, 28, TC4006, doi:10.1029/2008TC002402.
157 Billi, A. Funiciello, R., Minelli, L., Faccenna, C., Neri G., Orecchio B., and Presti D. (2009) Reply to comment by Andrea Argnani et al. on ‘‘On the cause of the 1908 Messina tsunami, southern Italy’’ Gephys. Res. Letters, 36, L13308, doi:10.1029/2009GL037499, 2009
158 Jolivet, L., Faccenna C. Piromallo C., (2009), From mantle to crust: Stretching the Mediterranean, Earth Planet. Science Letters doi:10.1016/j. epsl.2009.06.017
159 Capitanio, F.A., Faccenna, C., and Funiciello, R. (2009) The opening of Sirte basin: Result of slab avalanching? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. doi:10.1016/j. epsl.2009.06.017
160 Cloetingh, S., Thybo, H., and Faccenna, C. (2009) TOPO-EUROPE: Studying continental topography and Deep Earth—Surface processes in 4D, Tectonophysics, 474, Issues 1-2,1, 4-32.
161 Husson, L., Brun, J.-P., Yamato, P., and Faccenna, C. (2009) Episodic slab rollback fosters exhumation of HP–UHP rocks. Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04372.x
162 Becker, T.W. and Faccenna, C. (2009), A review of the role of subduction dynamics for regional and global plate motions, in S. Lallemand and F. Funiciello (eds.), Subduction Zone Geodynamics, 3 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-87974-9, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
163 Vignaroli G., Faccenna C., Rossetti F. and Jolivet L. (2009), Insights from the Apennines metamorphic complexes and their bearing on the kinematics evolution of the orogen, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 311; p. 235-256 doi:10.1144/SP311.9.
164 Faccenna, C., Di Giuseppe, E., Funiciello, F., Lallemand, S., van Hunen, J. (2009) Control of seafloor aging on the migration of the Izu–Bonin–Mariana trench. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 288, 3-4, 386-398, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.09.042.
165 Rossetti, F. F. Balsamo, I. M. Villa, M. Bouybaouenne, C. Faccenna & R. Funiciello (2008), Pliocene–Pleistocene HT–LP metamorphism during multiple granitic intrusions in the southern branch of the Larderello geothermal field (southern Tuscany, Italy). Journal Geological Society, London, 164, pp. 1–15. Printed in Great Britain.
166 Di Giuseppe, E., J. van Hunen, F. Funiciello, C. Faccenna, and D. Giardini (2008), Slab stiffness control of trench motion: Insights from numerical models, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q02014, doi:10.1029/2007GC001776.
167 Vignaroli G., C. Faccenna, F. Rossetti, (2008) Retrogressive fabric development during exhumation of the Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy): arguments for an extensional origin and implications for the Alps-Apennine linkage, Int. Journ. Earth Science. (Geol. Rundsch.) doi: 10.1007/s00531-008-0305-4.
168 Billi A., R. Funiciello, L. M. Minelli, C. Faccenna, G. Neri, B. Orecchio and D. Presti (2008), On the cause of the 1908 Messina tsunami, Southern Italy, Geophys. Res. Letters, 35, L06301, doi:10.1029/2008GL033251.
169 Vignaroli G., C. Faccenna, L. Jolivet, C. Piromallo and F. Rossetti (2008) Subduction polarity reversal at the junction between the Western Alps and the Northern Apennines, Italy, Tectonophysics, 450, 34 – 50.
170 Piromallo C., D. Gasperini, P. Macera, C. Faccenna (2008), Late cretaceous contamination episode of the European–Mediterranean mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.12.019
171 Vignaroli G., F. Rossetti, T. Theye and C. Faccenna (2008) Styles and regimes of orogenic thickening in the Peloritani Mountains (Sicily, Italy): new constraints on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Apennine belt, Geol. Mag., doi:10.1017/S0016756807004293.
172 Maffione M., F. Speranza, C. Faccenna, A. Cascella, G. Vignaroli, and L. Sagnotti, (2008) A synchronous Alpine and Corsica-Sardinia rotation, Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 113, B03104, doi:10.1029/2007JB005214, 2008.
173 Espurt, N., F. Funiciello, J. Martinod, B. Guillaume, V. Regard, C. Faccenna, and S. Brusset (2008), Flat subduction dynamics and deformation of the South American plate: Insights from analog modeling, Tectonics, 27, TC3011, doi:10.1029/2007TC002175 21, June 2008.
174 Funiciello F., C. Faccenna, A. Heuret, S. Lallemand, E. Di Giuseppe, T.W. Becker (2008) Trench migration, net rotation and slab–mantle coupling, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271, 233–240
175 Husson L. , C. P. Conrad, C. Faccenna (2008) Tethyan closure, Andean orogeny, and westward drift of the Pacific Basin, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271 303–310.
176 Regard V., C. Faccenna, O. Bellier and J. Martinod (2008) Laboratory experiments of slab break-off and slab dip reversal: insight into the Alpine Oligocene reorganization, Terra Nova, 00, 1–7, 2008, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2008.00815.x,
177 Lallemand S., A. Heuret, C. Faccenna, and F. Funiciello (2008) Subduction dynamics as revealed by trench migration, Tectonics, 27, TC3014, doi:10.1029/2007TC002212.
178 Brun, J.-P., Faccenna, C. (2008) Exhumation of high-pressure rocks driven by slab rollback, Earth Planet. Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.02.038.
179 Faccenna, C., F. Rossetti, T. Becker, S. Danesi, and A. Morelli (2008), Recent extension driven by mantle upwelling beneath the Admiralty Mountains (East Antarctica), Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2007TC002197.
180 Faccenna C., M. Soligo, A. Billi, L. De Filippis, R.Funiciello, C. Rossetti, P. Tuccimei (2008) Late Pleistocene depositional cycles of the Lapis Tiburtinus travertine (Tivoli, Central Italy): Possible influence of climate and fault activity. Global and Planetary Change, GLOBAL 1354, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.06.006
181 Jolivet. L., R. Augier, C. Faccenna, F.Negro, G. Rimmele, P. Agard, C. Robin, F. Rossetti and A. Crespo-Blanc (2008) Subduction, convergence and the mode of backarc extension in the Mediterranean region. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2008, t. 179, no 6, pp. 525-550.
182 Billi A.,Valle A., Brilli M., Faccenna C., Funiciello R. (2007), Fracture-controlled fluid circulation and dissolutional weathering in sinkhole-prone carbonate rocks from central Italy, Journal of Structural Geology, 29, 385-395
183 Faccenna C., Heuret A., Funiciello F., Lallemand S., Thorsten W. Becker (2007) Predicting trench and plate motion from the dynamics of a strong slab, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 257, 29–36
184 Faccenna, C., Funiciello, F., Civetta, L., D’Antonio, M., Moroni, M., and Piromallo, C., (2007), Slab disruption, mantle circulation, and the opening of the Tyrrhenian basins, in Beccaluva, L., Bianchini, G., and Wilson, M., eds., Cenozoic Volcanism in the Mediterranean Area: Geological Society of America Special Paper 41, p. 153-169, doi: 10.1130/2007.2418(08).
185 Heuret A., Funiciello F., Faccenna C., Lallemand S. (2007), Plate kinematics, slab shape and back-arc stress: A comparison between laboratory models and current subduction zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 256, 473–483.
186 Billi, A., D. Presti, C. Faccenna, G. Neri, and B. Orecchio (2007), Seismotectonics of the Nubia plate compressive margin in the south Tyrrhenian region, Italy: Clues for subduction inception, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B08302, doi:10.1029/2006JB004837.
187 Faccenna C., and G. Della Ventura, (2007) Analisi delle emissioni g del marmo raffigurantee la Pieta’ Rondanini e di un frammento raffigurante la Testa di Cristo, in : La Pietà Rondanini: Il Michelangeolo di Milano conoscenza e conservazione a cura da Maria Teresa Fiorio e Lucia Toniolo, Quaderni del Castello Sforzesco, n.6, 193-199.
188 Cloetingh S., Ziegler P., Bogaard P., Andriessen P., Artemieva I., Bada G., van Balen R.T., Ben-Avraham Z., Brun J.-P., Bunge H.P., Burov E., Carbonell R., Faccenna C., Gallard J., Green A., Heidbach O., Jones A., Matenco L., Mosar J., Oncken O., Pascal C., Peters G., Sliaupa S., Soesoo A., Spakman W., Stephenson R., Thybo H., Torsvik T., de Vicente G., Wenzel F., Wortel R., and Topo-Europe Working Group, (2007), Topo-Europe – the geoscience of coupled deep Earth – surface processes. Global Planet. Change, 58, 1-118, doi :10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.02.008.
189 Mattei M., F. Cifelli, F. Funiciello, F. Rossetti and C. Faccenna (2007) Neogene tectonic evolution of the Betic Chain: insights from paleomagnetic, structural analyses, and laboratory model. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, vol. 20, no. 3-4, p. 273-285
190 Rossetti, F. Tecce, L. Aldega, M. Brilli And C. Faccenna (2006), Deformation and fluid flow during orogeny at the palaeo-Pacific active margin of Gondwana: the Early Palaeozoic Robertson Bay accretionary complex (north Victoria Land, Antarctica) J. Metamorphic Geol., 2006, 24, 33–53 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2005.00620.x.
191 Funiciello F., M. Moroni, C. Piromallo, C. Faccenna, A. Cenedese, and H. A. Bui (2006) Mapping mantle flow during retreating subduction: Laboratory models analyzed by feature tracking J Geophysical Research, 111, B03402, doi:10.1029/2005JB003792, 2006
192 Faccenna C., O. Bellier , J. Martinod,C. Piromallo and V. Regard (2006), Slab detachment beneath eastern Anatolia: A possible cause for the formation of the North Anatolian fault, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 242, 85– 97.
193 Billi A., G. Barberi, C. Faccenna, G. Neri, F. Pepe, A. Sulli (2006), Tectonics and seismicity of the Tindari Fault System, southern Italy: Crustal deformations at the transition between ongoing contractional and extensional domains located above the edge of a subducting slab, Tectonics, Vol. 25, No. 2, TC2006 10.1029/2004TC001763.
194 Piromallo C., T. W. Becker, F. Funiciello, and C. Faccenna (2006) Three-dimensional instantaneous mantle flow induced by subduction Geophys. Res. Lett., VOL. 33, L08304, doi:10.1029/2005GL025390, 2006
195 Mattei M., Cifelli F., Martín Rojas I., Crespo A., Comas M., Faccenna C., Porreca M. (2006), Neogene tectonic evolution of the Gibraltar Arc: New paleomagnetic constrains from the Betic chain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (2006) 522–540.
196 Bellahsen N., C. Faccenna, and F. Funiciello (2005) Dynamics of subduction and plate motion in laboratory experiments: Insights into the ‘‘plate tectonics’’ behavior of the Earth, Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 110, No. B1, B01401 doi.org/10.1029/2004JB002999, 6, 2005.
197 Rossetti F., C. Faccenna and A. Crespo-Blanc (2005) Structural and kinematic constraints to the exhumation of the Alpujarride Complex (Central Betic Cordillera, Spain), Journal of Structural Geology, 27 (2), 199-216.
198 Regard V., C. Faccenna, J. Martinod and O. Bellier, (2005) Slab pull and indentation tectonics: insights from 3D laboratory experiments. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 149, 99-113.
199 Faccenna, C., L. Civetta, M. D’Antonio, F. Funiciello, L. Margheriti, and C. Piromallo (2005), Constraints on mantle circulation around the deforming Calabrian slab, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L06311, doi:10.1029/2004GL021874.
200 Vignaroli, G. , F. Rossetti, M. Bouybaouene, H. J . Massonne, T. Theye, C. Faccenna And R. Funiciello (2005) A counter-clockwise P–T path for the Voltri Massif eclogites (Ligurian Alps, Italy), J. Metamorphic Geol., 2005, doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2005.00592.x
201 Martinod, J., Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C., Labanieh, S. and Regard V., Dynamical effects of subducting ridges: insights from 3-D laboratory models Geophys. J. Int. (2005) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02797.x
202 Regard, V., O. Bellier, J. Martinod, and C. Faccenna, 2005. Analogue experiments of subduction vs. collision processes: Insight for the Iranian tectonics. Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 7, 129-137.
203 Billi A., M. Porreca, C. Faccenna, and M. Mattei (2005), Magnetic and structural constraints for the noncylindrical evolution of a continental forebulge (Hyblea, Italy), Tectonics, VOL. 25, TC3011, doi:10.1029/2005TC001800.
204 Faccenna, C., Piromallo, C., Crespo Blanc A., Jolivet, L., and Rossetti, F. (2004) Lateral slab deformation and the origin of the arcs of the western Mediterranean, Tectonics, 23, TC1012, doi:10.1029/2002TC001488.
205 Mattei, M., N. D‚Agostino, C. Faccenna, C. Piromallo and F. Rossetti (2004) Some remarks on the geodynamic of the Italian region. Periodico di Mineralogia, 73, 7-27. Bardi Editore, Roma.
206 Faccenna, C., Funiciello F., Piromallo, C., Rossetti, F., Giardini D., and Funiciello R., (2004) Subduction and backarc extension in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Mem. Descr. Carta Geol., d’It, XLIV, 165-184, Special Volume From Seafloor to the deep mantle: architecture of the Tyrrheniabackarc basin, edited by Marani M., Gamberi F., Bonatti E..
207 Piromallo C. and Faccenna C. (2004) How deep can we find the traces of Alpine subduction? Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L06605, doi:10.1029/2003GL019288.
208 Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C. and Giardini, D. (2004) Role of lateral mantle flow in the evolution of subduction systems: insights from laboratory experiments. Geophysical Journal International 157 (3), 1393-1406. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02313.x
209 Rossetti, F., Goffe B., Monie P., Faccenna C. and Vignaroli G., (2004) Alpine orogenic P-T-t-deformation history of the Catena Costiera area and surrounding regions (Calabrian Arc, southern Italy): The nappe edifice of north Calabria revised with insights on the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system formation, Tectonics, Vol. 23, No. 6, TC6011, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2003TC001560.
210 Soto, M, Storti, F. Casas, A.M., and Faccenna C, (2003) Influence of along strike pre-orogenic sedimentary tapering on the internal architecture of experimental thrust wedges, Geological Magazine, 149 (3), 253-246.
211 Faccenna, C., Jolivet, L., Piromallo, C. and Morelli, A. (2003) Subduction and the depth of convection in the Mediterranean mantle, Journal Geophysical Research, 108, (B2), 2099, doi: 10.1029/2001JB001690.
212 Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C., Giardini. D., and K. Regenauer-Lieb (2003) Dynamic of retreating slab: insight from laboratory experiments. Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 108 No. B4, 10.1029/2001JB000896.
213 Regard V., C. Faccenna, J. Martinod, and O. Bellier, J.C. (2003) From subduction to collision: controll of deep processes on the dynamic of convergent boundary. Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 108 No. B4, doi: 10.1029/2002JB001943.
214 Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C., Goffe’ B., Burov, E., and Agard, P. (2003) Subduction tectonics and exhumation of high pressure metamorphic rocks in the Mediterranean orogens, American Journal of Science, 303, 353-409.
215 Bellahsen, N., Faccenna, C., Funiciello R., Daniel J.M. and Jolivet, L. (2003) Why did Africa separate from Africa? Insight from 3D laboratory experiments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 216, 365-381
216 Rossetti, F., Faccenna, C., Ranalli, G. (2002) - The influence of backstop dip and convergence velocity in the growth of viscous doubly-vergent orogenic wedges: insights from thermomechanical laboratory experiments. Journal Structural Geology, 24, pp. 953-962
217 Soto, R., Casas, A.M., Storti, F., Faccenna, C. (2002) - Role of lateral thickness variations on the development of oblique structures at the Western end of the South Pyrenean Central Unit, Tectonophysics, 350, 215– 235
218 Faccenna C., Speranza F., D’Ajello Caracciolo F., Mattei M., Oggiano, G., (2002) - Extensional tectonics on Sardinia (Italy): insights into the arc–back-arc transitional regime, Tectonophysics 356 213– 232
219 Rossetti, F., Faccenna C., Goffé B., Funiciello R. & Monié P. (2002) - Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the high-P/low-T, ophiolite-bearing Gimigliano-Monte Reventino unit (Gimigliano, Sila Piccola). Insights for the tectonic evolution of the Calabrian Arc. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, 121, 51-69.
220 Rossetti, F., Faccenna C., Jolivet L., Goffé B.., Funiciello R. (2002) - Structural signature and exhumation P-T-t paths of the blueschist units exposed in the interior of the northern Apennine chain, tectonic implications. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, volume spec. 1, 829-842.
221 Rossetti F. Faccenna, C., Funiciello R., Pascucci V., Pietrini, M., & Sandrelli F. (2001) Neogene strike-slip faulting and pluton emplacement in the Colline Metallifere region (Southern Tuscany, Italy): the Gavorrano-Capanne Vecchie area. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 120, 15-30.
222 Rossetti F., Faccenna C., Goffé B. Argentieri A., Funiciello, R., & Mattei, M. (2001) Alpine structural and metamorphic evolution of the Sila Piccola Massif: Insigths for the tectonic evolution of the Calabrian Arc (Italy), Tectonics, 20, 112-133
223 Faccenna, C., Becker, T.W., Lucente, F.P., Jolivet, L., and Rossetti, F., (2001) History of subduction and back-arc extension in the Central Mediterranean, Geophysical Journal International, 145, 1-21.
224 Faccenna C., Funiciello F., Giardini, D., & Lucente P. (2001) Episodic Back-arc Extension during Restricted Mantle Convection in the Central Mediterranean. Earth Planetary Sciences Letters, Vol. 187, 1-2, 105-116.
225 Casas Sainz A.M. and Faccenna, C. (2001) - Tertiary compressional deformation of the Iberian plate. Terra Nova, 13, 281-288.
226 Storti, F. Marin, R. S., Faccenna, C., Sainz, Antonio Casas Sainz A., (2001) - Role of the backstop-to-cover thickness ratio on vergence partitioning in experimental thrust wedges. Terra Nova, 13, 413-417.
227 Rossetti F., Ranalli G., Faccenna C., Funiciello R. & Storti F. (2001) – Modeling the temperature-dependent strenght in orogenic wedges: first results from a new thermomechanical apparatus. In: Koyi, H.A., and Mancktelow, N.S: (eds), Tectonic modeling: A Volume in Honor of Hans Ramberg, Geological Society of America, Memoirs 193, 267-274.
228 Rossetti F., C. Faccenna, L. Jolivet, R. Funiciello B. Goffé, F. Tecce, C. Brunet, & P. Monié and Vidal O. (2001) - Structural signature and exhumation P-T-t paths of the Gorgona blueschist sequence (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy ). Ofioliti, 26, (2a), 175-186.
229 Rossetti F., Faccenna C., Acocella V., Funiciello R., & Salvini F. (2000) - Pluton emplacement in the Northern Tyrrhenian area (Italy): in Salt, shale and igneous diapirs in and around Europe, edited by Vendeville, B., Mart., Y and Vigneresse, J.-L., Journal of the Geological Society of London, Spec. Pubbl. 174, 55-77.
230 Rossetti F., Faccenna C., G. Ranalli, F. Storti & R. Funiciello (2000) – Convergence rate-dependent growth of experimental viscous wedges, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 178(3-4), 367-372.
231 Jolivet L. and Faccenna C. (2000) Mediterranean extension and the Africa-Eurasia collision. Tectonics, 19, 6, 1095-1106.
232 Acocella V., Faccenna C., Funiciello R., and Rossetti, F. (2000) - Analogue modelling of extensional transfer zones., Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 119, 85-96
233 Acocella V., Rossetti F., Faccenna C., Funiciello R. & Lazzarotto A. (2000) - Strike-slip faulting and pluton emplacement in Southern Tuscany: the Campiglia Marittima case. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 119, 517-529.
234 Rossetti F., Faccenna C., Brunet C. Funiciello R., Jolivet L, & Tecce F. (1999) Syn- versus post-orogenic extension at Giglio Island (Northern Tyrrhenian sea, Tuscany). Tectonophysics, 304, 1-4, 71-93.
235 Rossetti F., Ranalli G. and Faccenna C. (1999) Rheological properties of paraffin as an anaalogue material for viscous crustal deformation. Journal Structural Geology, 21, 413-417.
236 Faccenna C., Giardini D., Davy P., and Argentieri A. (1999) Initiation of subduction at Atlantic-type margin: insight from laboratory experiments. Journal Geophysical Research, 104, 2749-2766.
237 Becker T., Faccenna C., Giardini D. and O'Connell R. (1999) The development of slabs in the upper mantle: insights from numerical and laboratory experiments. Journal Geophysical Research., 104, 15207-15226.
238 Acocella V., Salvini F., Funiciello R., and Faccenna C., (1999) The role of transfer structures on volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei (southern Italy). Journal Volcanology and Geothermal Res., 91, 123-139.
239 Acocella V., Faccenna C., Funiciello R., and Rossetti, F. (1999) Sand-box modelling of basement-controlled transfer zones in extensional domains. Terra Nova, 11, 149-156.
240 Jolivet L., Faccenna C., d'Agostino N., Fournier M. and Worrall D. (1999) The Kinematics of back-arc Basins, examples from the Tyrrhenian, Aegean and Japan Seas. In Continental Tectonics; Mac Niocaill C., and Ryan, P. D. (eds), Geological Society , London, Spec. Pubbl, 164, 21-53.
241 Jolivet L., Faccenna C., Goffe’ B., Mattei M., Brunet C., Rossetti F., Cadet J.P., Funiciello R., Theye T., Storti F., D’agostino N. (1998) Mid-crustal shear zones in postorogenic extension: Example from the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Journal Geophysical Research, 103, 12213-12160.
242 Corrado S., Di Bucci D., Naso G. and Faccenna C. (1998) The influence of paleogeography on thrust system geometries: an analogue modelling approach for the Abruzzi-Molise (Italy) case history. Tectonophysics , 296, 437-453.
243 Rossetti F., Faccenna C., Funiciello R. & Jolivet L. (1998) Structural evolution of the Giglio Island, Northern Tyrrhenian sea, Tuscany. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 493-512.
244 Mattei M., Speranza F., Sagnotti L., Funiciello R. & Faccenna C. (1998) Paleomagnetic constraints to the tectonic evolution of the Northern Italian Peninsula. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 469-478.
245 Mattei M., Sagnotti L., Faccenna C. & Funiciello R. (1997) Magnetic fabric of weakly deformed clay sediments in the Italian peninsula: relationship with compressional and extensional tectonics. Tectonophysics, 271, 107-122.
246 Faccenna C., Mattei M., Funiciello R. & Jolivet L. (1997) Styles of back-arc extension in the Central Mediterranean. Terra Nova, 9, 126-130.
247 Acocella V., Faccenna C. & Funiciello R. (1996) Elementi strutturali della media Valle Latina. Boll. soc. Geol., 115, 501-518.
248 De Rita D., Bertagnini P., Di Filippo M., Faccenna C., Landi A., Rosa C. & Zarlenga F. (1996) Evoluzione geologica e petrografica dell’area dei Monti della Tolfa. Boll. Soc. Geol., 116, 143-175.
249 Faccenna C., Davy P., Brun J.P., Funiciello R., Giardini D., Mattei M. & Nalpas T. (1996). The dynamics of back-arc extensions: a laboratory approach to the opening of the Tyrrhenian sea. Geophysical Journal International, 126, 781-795.
250 Mattei M., Kissel K., Sagnotti L., Funiciello R. & Faccenna C. (1996) -Lack of late Pliocene to Present rotation in the Northern Tyrrhenian region (Italy): a constrain on geodynamic evolution. In: "Paleomagnetism and tectonics of the Mediterranean region" edito da Morris A. & Tarling D.H., Geol. Soc. Sp. Publication, 105, 141-146
251 Faccenna C., Nalpas T., Brun J. P., Davy P. & Bosi V. (1995). The influence of pre-existing thrust planes on normal fault geometry: experimental modelling and geological examples. Journal of Structural Geology, 17, 8, 1139-1149.
252 De Rita D., Faccenna C. Funiciello R. & Rosa C. (1995). Structural an geological evolution of the Colli albani volcanic district. In: The Volcano of the Alban Hills, eds. R. Trigila, 33-71, Rome.
253 Marra F., Carboni M.G., Di Bella L., Faccenna C., Funiciello R., Rosa C. (1995). Il substrato plio-pleistocenico dell'area di Roma. Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 114, 195-214.
254 Faccenna C., Funiciello R., Marra F. (1995) - Elementi di tettonica pliocenica e pleistocenica lungo il margine tirrenico laziale. Mem. descr. della Carta Geol. d'It., vol. L, 31-47.
255 Faccenna C., Funiciello R., Montone P., Parotto M., Voltaggio M. (1994). An example of late Pleistocene strike-slip tectonics: the Acque Albule basin (Tivoli, Latium). Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia, vol.XLIX, 63-76.
256 De Rita D., Bertagnini A., Carboni G.,Ciccacci S., Di Filippo M., Faccenna C., Fredi P., Landi P., Rosa C. & Zarlenga F. (1994). Geological and petrographical evolution of Ceriti Mountains. Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia, vol.XLIX, 248-275, 1 carta f.t..
257 Faccenna C. (1994). Structural and hydrogeological features of Pleistocene shear zones in the area of Rome (Central Italy). Annali di Geofisica, vol. .37, 1, 121-133.
258 Faccenna C., Funiciello R. & Mattei M. (1994). Late Pleistocene N-S shear zones along the Latium Tyrrhenian margin: structural characters and volcanological implications. Boll. Geofisica teorica e Applicata, XXXVI, 141-144, 507-522.
259 Sagnotti L., Mattei M., Faccenna C. & Funiciello R. (1994). Paleomagnetic evidence for no tectonic rotation of the Central Italy Tyrrhenian margin since Upper Pliocene, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 21, 6, 481-484. AGU Whashington USA.
260 Sagnotti L., Faccenna C., Funiciello R. & Mattei M. (1994). Magnetic fabrics and structural setting of Plio-Pleistocene clayey units in an extensional regime: the Tyrrhenian margin of Central Italy. Journal of Structural Geology; 16, 1243-1257. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
261 Faccenna C., Funiciello R., Bruni A., Mattei M. & Sagnotti L. (1994). Evolution of a transfer related basin: the Ardea basin (Latium, Central Italy). Basin Research, 5, 1-11.
262 Di Florio R., Faccenna C., Lorenzoni S. & Lorenzoni Zanettin E. (1993). Lithological analysis of material used for the sacred area of Panr I (Swat valley, Northern Pakistan) and their origins. In "PanrI, Swat, Pakistan-Appendix D-" edita da Faccenna D., Nabi Khan A. & Nadiem I.H. Reports and Memoires IsMEO, 357-372.
263 Faccenna C. & Funiciello R. (1993). Tettonica pleistocenica tra il Monte Soratte e i Monti Cornicolani. Il Quaternario, 6 (1), 103-118.
264 Faccenna C., Olivieri L., Lorenzoni S. & Lorenzoni Zanettin E. (1993). Geo-archeology of the Swat Valley (N.W.F.P. Pakistan) in the Charbag-Barikot stretch. Preliminary note. East and West (IsMEO), vol. 41, 1-4, 257-270.
265 Faccenna C., Florindo F., Funiciello R. & Lombardi S. (1993). Tectonic setting and sinkholes features: case histories from western central Italy. In: "Neotectonics: recent advances", edito da Owen L.A., Stewart I. & Vita Finzi C., Quaternary proceedings, vol. 3, 47-57.
266 De Vittorio P., Faccenna C. & Praturlon A. (1991). Monte Velino-Monti della Magnola- Monte Sirente. In Damiani et al. "Elementi litostratigrafici per una sintesi delle facies carbonatiche meso-cenozoiche dell'Appennino centrale". Studi Geologici Camerti, vol. sp. 1991/2, 203-205.
267 Di Florio R., Faccenna C., Lorenzoni S. & Lorenzoni Zanettin E. (1990). Lithological analysis of material used for the sacred area of Saidu Sharif I (Swat Valley, N.W.F.P., Pakistan) and their origins. In"Saidu Sharif I (Swat, Pakistan). The Buddhist sacred area: the stupa terrace -Appendix D-" edito da Faccenna D., Reports and Memoires IsMEO, vol. XXIII.2, 317-340.
268 De Vittorio P. & Faccenna C. (1990). Ulteriori dati sulla tettonica da thrust presente nell’area Sirente-Magnola. Geologica Romana, vol. XXVI (1987), 287-291.
Geological Maps
1 Geological map of Ceriti Mountains (1994) De Rita D., Bertagnini A., Carboni G.,Ciccacci S., Faccenna C., Fredi P., Landi P., Rosa C. & Zarlenga F. Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia, scale 1:25000.
2 Geodynamic Map of the Mediterranean (2004)-edited by: Barrier E., Chamoot Rooke, N., and Giordano, G. Authors; Partcecipants: Bouyesse, P., Faccenna C. and Frizon de la Motte D., Jolivet, L., Kreemer, C. Malod, J., Mauffret, A., Masana, E., Mascle J., Pantosti D., Sebrier, M., Tomljienovic. Sheet 1 Tectonics and kinematics, Published by the Commission of the Geological map of the World.
3 Geological map of the Cape Adare Quadrangle Victoria Land, Antartica (2006), Laufer, A. Klienchmidt G., Henejes-Kunst F., Rossetti F., Faccenna C., Gigamap-german-Italian geological Antartic Map programme, scale 1:250.000 BGR, Hannover,
4 Geological Map of Ischia