Professore Ordinario 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code  (L-LIN/10)
University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 

Reception times

RICEVIMENTO I prossimi ricevimenti si terranno: mercoledì 5 febbraio ore 11.00-13.00 giovedì 13 febbraio 16.00-18.00 Dall'inizio del secondo semestre (17 febbraio) il ricevimento si terrà di giovedì dalle 16.00 alle 18.00 Gradita la prenotazione tramite email con OGGETTO: RICEVIMENTO.
Nella mail sarebbe utile sapere il motivo della richiesta di prenotazione.
Le lezioni avranno inizio il giorno 17 febbraio alle ore 10.00 in aula 18 e continueranno con il seguente orario: Lunedì 10.00-12.00 Aula 18 Martedì 10.00-12.00 Aula 10 Giovedì 18.00-20.00 Aula 10


PERSONAL INFORMATION Place and date of birth: Napoli (NA) 31.08.1966 e-mail: ORDIC ID: CURRENT POSITION 01.11. 2020 - Full Professor in English Literature - Department of Foreign Languages Literatures and Cultures- Roma Tre University RESEARCH INTERESTS Shakespeare Studies (Shakespeare and Education, Shakespeare and Intermediality, Shakespeare and Performance, Roman Shakespeare, Shakespeare and Tourism, Shakespeare and Music, Shakespeare and Film, Shakespeare and the New Science, Shakespearean Adaptations for Young Adults), Biopic, Adaptations and Appropriations of Jane Austen, Literary Tourism, Theatre and Digital Natives, Words and Music. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 01.11.2020 – Full Professor SSD L_LIN/10 – English Literature 30.03.2017 ASN 2016 – “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” for Full Professorship SSD L_LIN/10 – English Literature 01.12.2014 – 31.10.2020 Associate Professor SSD L_LIN/10 – English Literature 08.08.2014 ASN 2012 – “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” for Associate Professorship SSD L_LIN/10 – English Literature 01.10.2002 – 30.11.2014 Researcher and Senior Lecturer SSD L_LIN/10 – English Literature 2001-2002 Borsa Ricerca Post-Dottorato (Scholarship for Post-PhD Research) Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate, Università Roma Tre (01.01.2001-30.09.2002) 1999-2000 Borsa Giovani Ricercatori (Scholarship for Young Researchers) Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate, Università Roma Tre 1995-1998 Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Letterarie (Letterature Comparate) Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate, Università Roma Tre Dissertation: Il modello di Corinne nell’Ottocento. La donna di genio e il viaggio in Italia secondo tre scrittrici di lingua inglese (defended on 21.04.98 – grade: excellent) Spring Term 1994 Post-Graduate Certificate in Translation Studies Centre for British and Comparative Cultural Studies - University of Warwick UK (awarded on 24.10.1994) 28.01.93 – 25.11.93 Corso di Perfezionamento in Anglistica. Teoria e prassi della traduzione letteraria “La Sapienza” - Università degli Studi di Roma (awarded 21.01.94) 18.05.1990 Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (grade: cum laude) PhD PROGRAMMES Member of the Academic Board of the following PhD Programmes at Roma Tre University: 01.10.2022 to date Phd Programme Coordinator Lingue Letterature e Culture Straniere 2008-2013 Culture e Letterature Comparate 2013- Lingue Letterature e Culture Straniere (Programme Coordinator for Literature: 04.12.2013-01.09.2016) From 2008 - She has taught modules related to Shakespeare Studies, Jane Austen, Intermediality and Film Adaptation POST-GRADUATE SUPERVISION 2020-2021 Research Supervisor for a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship: Dr Michela Compagnoni “Le potenzialità del teatro shakespeariano per l’apprendimento della lingua inglese” (Roma Tre, co-funded by Fondazione Silvano Toti) 2012-2014 Tutor of PhD Dissertation: Fiammetta Dionisio “Androgini, isteriche, profetesse. La New Woman tra ansie di degenerazione e profezie di rinascita” 2018-2020 Co-tutor of PhD Dissertation: Anita Orfini “Un Amleto di più”. Per un’analisi di tre riscritture russe di Hamlet degli anni Duemila: i casi di V. Korkija, L. Petruševskaja e B. Akunin” 2021 – Tutor of PhD Dissertation: Francesca Forlini “The Lonely City: Perfoming London in Contemporary British Theatre” 2011 External Referee PhD Doctor Europaeus Dissertation: Beatriz Oria Gómez, Love in the Time of Sex: Intimate Discourses at the Turn of the Millennium in Sex and the City (Università di Zaragoza) 2009 External Referee PhD Doctor Europaeus Dissertation: Elena Oliete, Filmic Representations of the British Raj in the Thatcher Era: Cultural Identity Hybridity and Otherness (Università di Zaragoza) MASTER COURSES Member of the Academic Board of the Master in Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Tourism Management From 2003 - She has taught modules on Literary tourism and English Culture SUMMER SCHOOLS SRISS – Shakespeare’s Rome International Summer School (Roma Tre University) 2018 - Director She has taught modules on the Roman Plays in performance and on film TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Roma Tre University) From 2002 – Undergraduate courses - L11 She has taught modules on Shakespeare and Early Modern Age, the Long Eighteenth Century and Jane Austen, the Victorian Age, Modernism and Post-Modernism Post-graduate courses - LM 37: She has taught modules on Shakespeare, Jane Austen, etc ERASMUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Higher Education - Staff Mobility) 27 February - 2 March 2012 University of Glamorgan – Cardiff (8 hours) 30 November- 3 December 2015 University of South Wales – Cardiff POST-GRADUATE TEACHER TRAINING COURSES (Roma Tre University) 2012-2013 TFA Member of the Academic Board of ‘Corso di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo per l’insegnamento nella scuola di primo e secondo grado A345 e A346’ Taught modules: 1) teaching English literature through theatre 2) teaching English culture through non-narrarive audiovisuals and the internet 3) teaching English literature through film adaptation: methodologies and evaluation models 2018-2019 Director of the Course “Teaching foreign literatures - Technological innovation and technology of presence” - on SOFIA platform for secondary school teachers (devised as part of the POT 7 UniSco project) GOVERNANCE EXPERIENCE (Roma Tre University) December 2014 - December 2018 Director of the of the MA Programme in Literatures and Intercultural Translation (LM 37) and the BA Programme in Languages and Literatures for Intercultural Communication (L-11). Of both she coordinated the restructuring of the curriculum Member of the Executive Board of the Department of Foreign Languages Literatures and Cultures (Giunta) 18.05.2018 – Director of the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre Digital Archive 24.01.2019 - Member of Roma Tre GLOA Board (Gruppo di lavoro per l’Orientamento di Ateneo) 26.11.2019 - Coordinator of the “Orientamento Tutorato e Terza missione” Group COORDINATION OF NATIONALLY FUNDED PROJECTS 16.03. 2019 – 31.12.2019 Roma Tre Coordinator of the Progetto Ministeriale finanziato POT 7 UniSco - Per un inserimento sinergico ed efficace degli studenti delle scuole secondarie negli studi di lingue e culture umanistiche. Strategie d'informazione e formazione (Budget: 22.000 euro) Outputs: • Designing of a PCTO format on “Le potenzialità del teatro shakespeariano per l’apprendimento delle lingue straniere (inglese e spagnolo)” • Designing of the Course “Teaching foreign literatures - Technological innovation and technology of presence” - on SOFIA platform for secondary school teachers PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONALLY FUNDED PROJECTS 2006-2009 Member of Roma Tre Research Unit “Theories of Bodies in Renaissance Culture” coordinata da Maria Del Sapio Garbero (Università Roma Tre) e Manfred Pfister (Freie Universität Berlin) - progetto individuale “Early Earth Sciences in Shakespeare’s Plays” – Programma SOCRATES afferente alla Ricerca Europea ETNP – European Thematic Network Project ACUME 2 “Interfacing Sciences, Literature and the Humanities” (approvata dalla Commissione Europea 08/2006 grant 227942- CP- 1- 2006-1-IT-ERASMUS-TN2006-2371/001-001SO2-23RETH) dal 31-08-2006 al 31-08-2009 ADVISORY BOARD OF JOURNALS AND SERIES 2012- Biblioteca di Studi inglesi (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura) Ricerca e didattica – Letteratura e cultura inglese e angloamericana (ESI, Napoli) Journal of Adaptation in Film and Literature (Intellect) of which I am also Reviews editor MEMBERSHIP AND ROLE IN ACADEMIC ASSOCIATIONS AIA – Associazione Italiana Anglisti ESRA – European Shakespeare Research Association ESSE – European Society for the Study of English IASEMS – Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies RMA - Shakespeare and Music Study Group Early Modern Research Group – University of Worcester SENS Shakespeare Narrative Sources - Digital Archive ISC – Member of the International Shakespeare Conference (Shakespeare Institute) 2008-2012 Member of IASEMS Board 2005-2007 Member of AIA’s Collegio dei Sindaci Revisori 2003-2005 Member of AIA’s Collegio dei Sindaci Revisori INTERNATIONAL CONVENING OF RELEVANCE FOR THE PROEJCT 2020 Convenor of the seminar “Younger Generations and Empathic Communication: Learning to Feel in Another Language through Shakespeare’s Theatre” 38th International Shakespeare Conference on Shakespeare and Education”, Shakespeareare Institute, University of Birmingham. Cancelled due to the Covid-19 Emergency 2019 (9-12 July) Co-Convenor 2019 European Shakespeare Research Association Conference - ESRA 2019: “Shakespeare and European Geographies: Centralities and Elsewheres” at Roma Tre University with the partnership of the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre and the KNIR Royal Netherland Institute in Rome (300 international delegates) PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT Events designed and organised for the “Orientamento per le scuole secondarie superiori” of the Department of LLCS 2019 (23 aprile) “Amleto in un guscio di noce” – Zoom performance directed by Loredana Scaramella 2019 (14 gennaio) “When a Veteran Met Shakespeare: a Conversation with Stephan Wolfert, author of Cry Havoc”, 2018 (8 febbraio) “L’ora più buia di Joe Wright: vite sullo schermo” Cinema Giulio Cesare, Roma . 2016 (30 novembre) “Shakespeare fra teatro e cinema: il Romeo and Juliet di Kenneth Branagh” Onscreen collaborations with RAI Scuola and RAI Cultura 2020 The Italian Dream: Learning English with Shakespeare – 4 episodes (on RaiPlay) 2016 (dal 10 marzo al 15 marzo) Shakespeare Class – 6 episodes (on Rai Scuola website) 2016 (15 giugno) "L'Italia di Shakespeare" della serie "Italia: viaggio nella bellezza" (on RaiPlay)