MENCI Nicola

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University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
College/Department Department  MATEMATICA E FISICA 


⦁Address:INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Via Frascati 3300040 Monte Porzio Catone, Roma, ItalyTel. +39-06-94286451Fax +39-06-9447243 Observatory web site, home-page⦁HomeAddress:Via Callistene di Olinto 1400124 Roma, Italytel. 06-50913626⦁Personal dataBorn: October 29 1965, Modena, Italia Nationality: Italian Civil status: married⦁Current position:2001-present: Associate Astronomer at the Astronomical Observatory of Rome, a national observatory part of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (permanent position). ⦁Research interests:Keywords: Cosmology; Galaxy Formation; High-Redshift Galaxies; Galaxy Clusters; Active Galactic NucleiTheory of galaxy formation and evolution; semi-analytic models and their comparison with observed statistical properties from deep surveys.Constraints on cosmological models and dark matterActive Galactic Nuclei: cosmological models for their evolution in relation to galaxy formation.Evolution of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies: models for the intra-cluster medium and for its connection to galaxy evolution; X-ray properties of groups and clustersNumerical models for the formation and evolution of cosmic structures; groups and clusters of galaxies, large scale structures. ⦁Education1992 Ph. D. in Physics, University of Roma La Sapienza , September 1993, Dissertation Evolution of Galaxies, Groups and Clusters: Beyond the Standard Model , supervisor Prof. A. Cavaliere. 1989 Graduation summa cum laude in Physics at the University of Roma Tor Vergata , Dissertation The New Generation of Gravitational Wave Antennae , supervisor Prof. I. Modena⦁ResearchHistory/Positions2015 Invited visiting scientist at Observatoire de Paris2007 Invited visiting scientist at ESO 2001 Associate Professor at INAF (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics)1999 Visiting scientist at Physics Dept. of John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore (USA) 1993 Permanent position at the Rome Observatory as Research Astronomer1993 Postdoctoral position at ISAS (International School for Advanced Studies) Trieste, Italy1992 Visiting Scientist at STSci, Baltimore (USA). 1989 Student Fellow at CERN, Geneva: research activity on elementary particles⦁Teaching experience:Graduate level2010 12-hours course Theory of Galaxy Formation at the PhD school of the University of Rome La Sapienza:2009 12-hours course Theory of Galaxy Formation at the PhD school of the University of Rome Tor Vergata 2007 12-hours course Theory of Galaxy Formation at the PhD school of the University of Rome La Sapienza:2006 10-hours course Theory of Galaxy Formationat at the PhD schoolof the University of Rome La Sapienza: 2005: Lecturer at the Summer School COSMOLOGY 2005: The Dark and the Luminous Sides of the Formation of Structures, Novigrad (Croatia)2004 10-hours course Theory of Galaxy Formation at the PhD school of the University of Rome La Sapienza:2002-2005 10-hours course Formation of Cosmic Structures at the PhD school of the University of Rome Tor Vergata:2001 10-hours course Theory of Galaxy Formation at the PhD school of the University of Rome La Sapienza:2000 Lectures at the PhD school of the III University of RomeUndergraduate level (see certificate of teaching)2009-2010 Lecturer at the University of Rome Tor Vergata: course Astrophysics of Galaxies(50 hours/year)2008-2009 Lecturer at the University of Rome Tor Vergata: course Astrophysics of Galaxies(50 hours/year)2007-2008 Lecturer at the University of Rome Tor Vergata: course Astrophysics of Galaxies(50 hours/year)2006-2007 Lecturer at the University of Rome Tor Vergata: course Astrophysics of Galaxies(50 hours/year)1999 - 2000 Co-supervisor of Andrea Lapi graduation dissertation at University of Rome Tor Vergata⦁Supervision of Students and Postdocs2018-2019: Undergrad: L. Zanisi2016-2017: Undergrad: M. Gatti2013-2014: Undergrad: M. Gatti2008-2011: Postdoc: A. Lamastra (2008-2011): semi-analytic models, co-evolution of galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes2003: Undergrad (external: co-supervision): A. Lapi 1995: PhD (external: co-supervision): P. Tozzi Participation to Observational Programs 2019 Finding the Brightest Cosmic Beacons in the Southern Hemisphere, ESO 0103.A-0746PI A. Grazian2015 SUPER: SINFONI Survey for Unveiling the Physics and the Effect of Radiative feedback. ESO Large ProgrammPI R. Gilli2011 The Co-Evolution of Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies, HST Cycle19PI V. Bennert2015: Emergence of the supermassive black hole - bulge mass relation at z>1, HST Cycle 25PI J. Silverman1999: K20 Survey, ESO VLT Large Program (P.I. A. Cimatti)1999 Deeper in the Deep: a First Glance at the Stellar Mass Distribution at Early Epochs with Very Deep IR in the ESO Deep Fields (P.I. E. Giallongo), ESO Program1999 Does the Star Formation Decline above z=5?, ESO-VLT Program (P.I. A. Fontana)Participation in Computational Programs2007 ASI (Italian Space Agency) program WP3220 Formation of Cosmological Structures: Theoretical Methods (390 KEuro): coordinator of workgroup 3220 on semi-analytic Models2006 The Formation of the Milky Way (PI F. Governato), a computational project at the Italian computing consortium CINECA (roughly 100000 hours of CPU time a 96 processor SP5)Recently Funded Projects2016-2019 SKA/CTA FORECaST, PI F. Fiore (320 Keuro)2016-2019 Astri-CTA Data Challenge PI P. Caraveo, INAF PRIN (680 Euro)2012-2015 The Lyfecycle of Early (z>3) Black Holes,PI Roberto Gilli (PI of Rome Research Unit N. Menci), INAF PRIN2010-2011 Supermassive Black Holes and Nuclear Stellar Discs in the Centre of Nearby Galaxies (29 Keuro), PI A. Pizella (PI of theoretical Research Unit N. Menci)ASI/INAF contrac I/009/10/02009 The 1 Bilion Year Universe: Probing Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium at the Edge of Reionization (37.5 Keuro), PI V. D’Odorico 2001-2004 Groups and Galaxy Clusters: the Connection between Dark and Baryonic Matter (192 KEuro): PI A. Cavaliere 2005-2007 Ultra-Deep Multi-Wavelength Surveys to Constrain Galaxy Formation Scenarios(115 KEuro), PI S. Cristiani2007 The formation of Cosmic Structures: Semi-Analytic Modelling of Galaxy formation, 54 KEuro (PI of the working group N. Menci)ASI_INAF contract I/016/07/0Organisation of Conferences: Workshop "Probing Stellar Populations Out of the Distant Universe", 2008, Cefalu, ItalyMeeting of the Italian Astronomical Society , Osservatorio di Roma, 2000Congress Cosmology through Time, 2001, Osservatorio di RomaMeeting of the Italian Astronomical Society , Osservatorio di Roma, 2000Congress Cosmology through Time, 2001, Osservatorio di RomaWorkshop The Young Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at Intermediate and High Redshift, October 1997, Osservatorio di RomaMeeting of the Italian Astronomical Society , Osservatorio di Roma, 1996⦁Taks2021 Constraints on Dynamical Dark Energy from the abundance of galaxies at high redshift MIAPP workshop The Accelerating Universe Invited2019 Constraints on dark matter particles from galaxy surveys Conference Euclid and beyond: the many faces of modern cosmologyInvited2017 Constraints on WDM Models from the abundance of High Redshift GalaxiesSeminar at University of SouthamptonInvited2016 Galaxy Formation: Constraining Warm Dark Matter Candidates, Vulcano Workshop 2016, Frontier Objects in AstroPhysics and Particle Physics Invited2016 Warm Dark Matter for Galaxy FormationChalonge de Vega School, 20th Paris Cosmology ColloquiumInvited 2015 Galaxy Formation in CDM models and WDMSeminar at Observatoire de Paris,Invited2014 Dark Matter: Galaxy Formation, Small Scale Crisis and WDMChalonge Meudon Workshop 2014,Invited2014 Galaxy Formation and WDM Models, Seminar at University of SouthamptonInvited2014 Cosmological Models of Galaxy FormationLecture given at the International Astronomy School F. Lucchin, Teramo, 2014Invited2012 Galaxy Formation in Wam Dark Matter CosmologyChalonge Meudon Workshop 2012Invited2011 Downsizing in Galaxy Formation ModelsSeminar atUniversity of Central Lancashire, Preston, United KingdomInvited2011 The evolution of the Black Hole - Stellar Mass Relation in Cosmological Scanarios with Interaction-Driven Accretion Conference “Bridging Electromagnetic Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational Waves”, Milano, ItalyInvited2009 The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Formation ModelsWorkshop “Galaxy Properties across the Cosmic Ages”Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, ItalyInvited2009 High-Redshift Clusters: a Comparison with Galaxy Formation Models Conference “Galaxy Clusters in the Early Universe”Pucon, Chile2008 The Red Sequence of High-Redshift Clusters Seminar at Trieste Observatory, ItalyInvited2008 The Red Sequence of High-Redshift Clusters, Predictions from Galaxy Formation Models Conference “When the Universe Formed Stars”, Martinique, France2008 The Cosmological Evolution of AGNs: Predictions from Galaxy Formation Models,Simbol-X Symposium, University Paris Diderot, Paris, France 2007 Semi-analytic Models of Galaxy Formation Seminar at ESO, Garching (Munich), Germany2007 The Red Sequence of High-Redshift Clusters: A Comparison with Cosmological Galaxy Formation ModelsConference “Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution”, Hayama, Japan.2005 Lectures on Hierarchical Galaxy FormationInt. School COSMOLOGY 2005: The Dark and the Luminous Sides of the Formation of Structures, Novigrad (Croatia)Invited2005 Cosmological Evolution of Galaxies and Interaction-Driven Fueling of AGNs, Int. Workshop AGNs and Galaxy Evolution, Specola Vaticana, Castel Gandolfo, Italy/Vatican StateInvited2005 X-Ray Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Hierarchical Galaxy FormationInternational ESA Meeting The X-ray Universe 2005, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain 2004 The Rome Semi-Analytic Models of Galaxy Formation Seminar at the Bologna Observatory/UniversityInvited2004 Black Hole Accretion and Starbursts Triggered by Interactions in Hierarchical Galaxy Formation, Conference “Growing Black Holes”, ESO, Munich, Germany2003 Dark Matter and Baryons in Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, Fourth International Workshop on Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics, Capetown, South Africa2003 Coevolution of galaxies and AGNs Conference “Dynamics and Evolution of Galaxies: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy2002 Dark Matter vs Baryons in Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, Moriond Workshop The Cosmological Model, Les Arcs - France2001 Hierarchical Galaxy Formation Seminar at Trieste Observatory, ItalyInvited2001 The Evolution of Galaxy Clusters as a Test for Galaxy Formation Models Seminar at Institute for Space Astrophysics - CNR, Rome, ItalyInvited 2001 Hierarchical Galaxy Formation on the Non-Gravitational Heating of the Intra-Cluster Gas,Int. Workshop “Chemical Enrichment of Intracluster and Intergalactic Medium”, Vulcano, Italy2000 X-Ray Galaxy Clusters and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate, “Cosmic evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions, and Feedback”, Puebla, Mexico2000 X-ray Clusters and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate, VLT Opening Symposium, Antofagasta (Chile)1999 X-ray Emission from Groups and Clusters of Galaxies as a Probe for the Cosmic Star Formation Rate, Int. Workshop ``Multifrequency Behaviour of High Eenergy Cosmic Sources''Invited1998 The Punctuated Equilibria Model for X-ray Groups and Clusters of GalaxiesTexas Sympisium, Paris, France1998, The Evolution of Baryons and Dark Matter in Galaxy Clusters, Int. Workshop ``Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics'' Vulcano, ItalyInvited1996 The Evolution of Faint Blue Galaxies by Binary Merging, “Dark and Visible Matter in Galaxies and Cosmological Implications”1996 The Formation and Evolution of Cosmic Structures and the Galaxy Mass Function, Workshop ``Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics'', Vulcano, Italy. Invited1996 Galaxy Velocity Dispersion Profiles from Merging in Clusters, Internazional Symposium on X-ray Astronomy X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas, Tokyo, Japan1992 The Evolution of Faint Blue Galaxies by Binary Merging, Space Telscope Science Institute, Baltimore MD, USA1991 The Merging Instability, Congresso Nazionale di Astrofisica Extragalattica, Roma, Italy1991 Perturbations of the CMB by Distant Clusters, International Workshop on Superclusters and Clusters of Galaxies and Enviromental Effects, Sesto-Moso, Italy ⦁Public Talks and Outreach Activities2017 Einsten e Picasso, public lecture at the Rome Observatory with P. Greco2017 Materia oscura ed Energia Oscura, public lecture at the Rome Observatory 2011-2017 General Relativity and Cosmology Lecture given for the Ameteur Astronomer Association ATA 2013 Viaggio alle Frontiere della Fisica, public lecture at the Rome Observatory2011 Strutture Cosmiche (Cosmic Structures) Researcher’s Night 2011, Monte Porzio (Roma), Italy2011 Time in Cosmologypublic lecture, Liceo Augusto, Roma, Italy2011 X-ray Astronomy Lecture given for the Ameteur Astronomer Association ATA 2010 Il Tempo e il Cosmo (Time and the Cosmos)a public debate with phylosopher M. Dorato “Caffe’ Scienza 2010”, Roma, Italy2010 Formation and Evolution of Galaxies Lecture given at the Science Museum in Naples2010 Dark Matter and Dark Energy: from Cosmology to Fundamental Physics public lecture at the Liceo Democrito, Roma, Italy 2010 Infinity in Cosmology and Phylosophya public debate with phylosopher M. DoratoBiblioteca Nardi, Roma, Italy 2009 Galaxies, from the Local Group to the Early Universepublic conference “I Lincei per la Scuola”2008 Galaxies in the Early Universe Researcher’s Night 2008, Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati, Italy2006 The Evolution of Cosmic Structures public lecture given within the event Frascati Scienza2005 The Formation of Cosmic Structures a course for the Ameteur Astronomer Association ATA1999 Ammassi di Galassie, una Chiave per la Cosmologiainvited article in Giornale di Astronomia, 25, 4⦁RefereeReferee for the following international journals: Astrophysical Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Astronomy & AstrophysicsReferee for the National Research Found Councils: Chile, Israel⦁PublicationsNumber of Paper on Refereed Journals: 137Total citations: 10945 (Google Scholar statistics)Hersh (h) factor: 55 (Google Scholar statistics)