Degree Course: Economics and business administration Syllabus for A.Y. 2022/2023

Italian version 

Amministrazione e controllo
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210238 - ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT (objectives)
Group: A - C
- PAOLONI MAURO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- GRANDIS FABIO GIULIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- PUCCI SABRINA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- ONESTI TIZIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
- PIERI VALERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-P/07  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210239 - GENERAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- CENCI MARISA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- CORRADINI MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-S/06  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21201321 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE (objectives)
L-LIN/12  40  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210237 - PUBLIC LAW (objectives)
Group: A - C
- COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- FARES GUERINO MASSIMO OSCAR (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- CHINNI DANIELE (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/09  60  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210241 - PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- ROMANIELLO DAVIDE (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- GIULI FRANCESCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-P/01  66  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210113 - STATISTICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
Group: Q - Z
10  SECS-S/01  66  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201322 - INFORMATICS (objectives)
- ORESTANO DOMIZIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
INF/01  25  Other activities  ITA
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210114 - FINANCIAL REPORTING (objectives)
Group: A - D
- CELLI MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- MATTEI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- ARDUINI SIMONA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/07  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21210115 - PRIVATE LAW (objectives)
Group: A - D
- BELLISARIO ELENA (syllabus)   (reference books)
- BIFERALI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- BELLISARIO ELENA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- CARBONE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/01  60  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Group: A - D
- CARATELLI MASSIMO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- FIORDELISI FRANCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- STENTELLA LOPES FRANCESCO SAVERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/11  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Group: A - D
- FAGGIONI FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- PEZZI ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
- PRINCIPATO LUDOVICA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201494 - FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - D
- MOTTURA CARLO DOMENICO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-S/06  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: AMMINISTRAZIONE E CONTROLLO Orientamento unico INSEGNAMENTO A SCELTA II ANNO - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210160 - FINANCIAL REPORTING ANALYSIS (objectives)
Group: A - L
- TUTINO MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- MANNI FRANCESCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/07  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201518 - COMMERCIAL LAW (objectives)
Group: AL
Group: MZ
- DI CECCO GIUSTINO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/04  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: AMMINISTRAZIONE E CONTROLLO a scelta III anno gruppo D - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: AMMINISTRAZIONE E CONTROLLO III ANNO 9 cfu B - (show) Info              
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210161 - AUDITING (objectives)
- REGOLIOSI CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/07  60  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
21201524 - TAXATION LAW (objectives)
- MARINI GIUSEPPE (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/12  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201473 - FINAL EXAM
  20  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Optional group: AMMINISTRAZIONE E CONTROLLO III ANNO 9 cfu B - (show) Info              
Optional group: AMMINISTRAZIONE E CONTROLLO a scelta III anno gruppo D - (show) Info 18               
Finanza, banca e mercati
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210238 - ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C PAOLONI MAURO, Ciaburri Mirella (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 D - K GRANDIS FABIO GIULIO, COLUMBANO CLAUDIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P PUCCI SABRINA, DELLO STROLOGO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z ONESTI TIZIANO, PIERI VALERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-P/07  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210239 - GENERAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P CENCI MARISA, MARTIRE ANTONIO LUCIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z CORRADINI MASSIMILIANO, MUTIGNANI RAFFAELLA (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-S/06  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21201321 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE (objectives)
L-LIN/12  40  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210237 - PUBLIC LAW (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P FARES GUERINO MASSIMO OSCAR (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z CHINNI DANIELE (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/09  60  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210241 - PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P ROMANIELLO DAVIDE (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z GIULI FRANCESCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-P/01  66  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210113 - STATISTICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-S/01  66  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201322 - INFORMATICS (objectives)
- ORESTANO DOMIZIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
INF/01  25  Other activities  ITA
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210114 - FINANCIAL REPORTING (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D CELLI MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O MATTEI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z ARDUINI SIMONA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/07  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21210115 - PRIVATE LAW (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D BELLISARIO ELENA, BIFERALI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O BELLISARIO ELENA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z CARBONE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/01  60  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21201486 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D CARATELLI MASSIMO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21201486 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O FIORDELISI FRANCO, CARBONI MARIKA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21201486 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z STENTELLA LOPES FRANCESCO SAVERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/11  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D FAGGIONI FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O FARINA BRIAMONTE MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z PEZZI ALBERTO, PRINCIPATO LUDOVICA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201494 - FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D MOTTURA CARLO DOMENICO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-S/06  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: FINANZA, BANCA E MERCATI Orientamento unico INSEGNAMENTO A SCELTA II ANNO - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
- RICCI ORNELLA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/11  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201518 - COMMERCIAL LAW (objectives)
Group: AL
- Derived from  21201518 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 AL VALENSISE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: MZ
- Derived from  21201518 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 MZ DI CECCO GIUSTINO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/04  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201485 - FINANCIAL MARKET LAW (objectives) IUS/05  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: FINANZA, BANCA E MERCATI Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO D - (show) Info 18               
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
- GHENO ANDREA (syllabus)   (reference books)
- GHENO ANDREA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-S/06  60  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional group: FINANZA, BANCA E MERCATI Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO D - (show) Info 18               
21201473 - FINAL EXAM
  20  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
21210190 - Finanza aziendale (objectives)
- Derived from  21210190 Finanza aziendale in Economia L-33 MORRESI OTTORINO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/09  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Gestione delle imprese
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210238 - ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C PAOLONI MAURO, Ciaburri Mirella (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 D - K GRANDIS FABIO GIULIO, COLUMBANO CLAUDIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P PUCCI SABRINA, DELLO STROLOGO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z ONESTI TIZIANO, PIERI VALERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-P/07  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210239 - GENERAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P CENCI MARISA, MARTIRE ANTONIO LUCIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z CORRADINI MASSIMILIANO, MUTIGNANI RAFFAELLA (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-S/06  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21201321 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE (objectives)
L-LIN/12  40  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210237 - PUBLIC LAW (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P FARES GUERINO MASSIMO OSCAR (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z CHINNI DANIELE (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/09  60  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210241 - PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P ROMANIELLO DAVIDE (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z GIULI FRANCESCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-P/01  66  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210113 - STATISTICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-S/01  66  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201322 - INFORMATICS (objectives)
- Derived from  21201322 INFORMATICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 N0 ORESTANO DOMIZIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
INF/01  25  Other activities  ITA
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210114 - FINANCIAL REPORTING (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D CELLI MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O MATTEI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z ARDUINI SIMONA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/07  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21210115 - PRIVATE LAW (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D BELLISARIO ELENA, BIFERALI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O BELLISARIO ELENA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z CARBONE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/01  60  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21201486 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D CARATELLI MASSIMO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21201486 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O FIORDELISI FRANCO, CARBONI MARIKA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21201486 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z STENTELLA LOPES FRANCESCO SAVERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/11  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D FAGGIONI FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O FARINA BRIAMONTE MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z PEZZI ALBERTO, PRINCIPATO LUDOVICA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201494 - FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D MOTTURA CARLO DOMENICO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-S/06  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico INSEGNAMENTO A SCELTA II ANNO - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21201518 - COMMERCIAL LAW (objectives)
Group: AL
- Derived from  21201518 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 AL VALENSISE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: MZ
- Derived from  21201518 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 MZ DI CECCO GIUSTINO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/04  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201528 - MARKETING (objectives)  
21201528-2 - MARKETING (objectives)
- PRATESI CARLO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  20  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
21201528-1 - MARKETING (objectives)
- PRATESI CARLO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  40  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
21201530 - BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (objectives)  
21201530-1 - ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE (objectives)
Group: A - L
- MARCHIORI MICHELA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- MARCHEGIANI LUCIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/10  40  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201530-2 - ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE (objectives)
Group: A - L
- MARCHIORI MICHELA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- MARCHEGIANI LUCIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/10  20  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico IUS A SCELTA III ANNO - (show) Info              
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO D - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO - (show) Info                
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico IUS A SCELTA III ANNO - (show) Info              
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO D - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO - (show) Info                
21201473 - FINAL EXAM
  20  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Qualita' dei prodotti e tutela del consumatore
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210114 - FINANCIAL REPORTING (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D CELLI MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O MATTEI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210114 BILANCIO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z ARDUINI SIMONA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/07  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21210115 - PRIVATE LAW (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D BELLISARIO ELENA, BIFERALI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O BELLISARIO ELENA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210115 DIRITTO PRIVATO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z CARBONE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/01  60  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Group: A - L
- Derived from  21201498 TECNOLOGIA DEI CICLI PRODUTTIVI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - L RENZI MARIA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- Derived from  21201498 TECNOLOGIA DEI CICLI PRODUTTIVI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 M - Z GUGLIELMETTI MUGION ROBERTA, DI PIETRO LAURA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/13  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D FAGGIONI FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O FARINA BRIAMONTE MASSIMILIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21210116 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 P - Z PEZZI ALBERTO, PRINCIPATO LUDOVICA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201494 - FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - D
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - D MOTTURA CARLO DOMENICO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: E - O
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: P - Z
- Derived from  21201494 MATEMATICA FINANZIARIA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 E - O CARLEO ALESSANDRA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-S/06  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: QUALITA' DEI PRODOTTI E TUTELA DEI CONSUMATORI Orientamento unico INSEGNAMENTO A SCELTA II ANNO - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21201518 - COMMERCIAL LAW (objectives)
Group: AL
- Derived from  21201518 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 AL VALENSISE PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: MZ
- Derived from  21201518 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 MZ DI CECCO GIUSTINO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/04  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201528 - MARKETING (objectives)  
21201528-2 - MARKETING (objectives)
- Derived from  21201528-2 MARKETING in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 N0 PRATESI CARLO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  20  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201528-1 - MARKETING (objectives)
- Derived from  21201528-1 MARKETING in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 N0 PRATESI CARLO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/08  40  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: QUALITÀ DEI PRODOTTI TUTELE DEL CONSUMATORE Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO D - (show) Info 18               
21201530 - BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (objectives)  
21201530-1 - ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE (objectives)
Group: A - L
- Derived from  21201530-1 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - L MARCHIORI MICHELA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- Derived from  21201530-1 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 M - Z MARCHEGIANI LUCIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/10  40  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201530-2 - ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE (objectives)
Group: A - L
- Derived from  21201530-2 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - L MARCHIORI MICHELA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- Derived from  21201530-2 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 M - Z MARCHEGIANI LUCIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/10  20  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
- BIFERALI GIORGIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/05  60  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201529 - GOODS AND QUALITY CERTIFICATION (objectives)  
21201529-2 - MERCI E CERTIFICAZIONI DELLA QUALITÀ 2 (objectives) SECS-P/13  20  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
21201529-1 - MERCI E CERTIFICAZIONI DELLA QUALITÀ 1 (objectives) SECS-P/13  40  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional group: QUALITÀ DEI PRODOTTI TUTELE DEL CONSUMATORE Orientamento unico A SCELTA III ANNO D - (show) Info 18               
21201473 - FINAL EXAM
  20  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Impresa e sostenibilità
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210238 - ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C PAOLONI MAURO, Ciaburri Mirella (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 D - K GRANDIS FABIO GIULIO, COLUMBANO CLAUDIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P PUCCI SABRINA, DELLO STROLOGO ALBERTO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210238 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z ONESTI TIZIANO, PIERI VALERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-P/07  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210239 - GENERAL MATHEMATICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P CENCI MARISA, MARTIRE ANTONIO LUCIANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z CORRADINI MASSIMILIANO, MUTIGNANI RAFFAELLA (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-S/06  80  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21201321 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE (objectives)
L-LIN/12  40  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21210237 - PUBLIC LAW (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C COLAPIETRO CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P FARES GUERINO MASSIMO OSCAR (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210237 DIRITTO PUBBLICO in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z CHINNI DANIELE (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/09  60  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210241 - PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CAUSI MARCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: L - P
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P ROMANIELLO DAVIDE (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: Q - Z
- Derived from  21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 Q - Z GIULI FRANCESCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-P/01  66  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21210113 - STATISTICS (objectives)
Group: A - C
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: D - K
- Derived from  21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C FORTUNA FRANCESCA (syllabus)   (reference books)
10  SECS-S/01  66  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21201322 - INFORMATICS (objectives)
- Derived from  21201322 INFORMATICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 N0 ORESTANO DOMIZIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
INF/01  25  Other activities  ITA