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University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 

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Roma Tre University, Dept. of Philosophy, Communication, Performing arts 00154 Rome - Via Ostiense, 139 +39 6 57334051 E-mail: Giancarlo Monina teaches Contemporary History at the Roma Tre University and is Director of the "Historical Studies and Memories" section of the Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation in Rome. His research focuses on the following main themes: - Nationalist and imperialist policies and cultures in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century; - the transition to democracy and the history of the Italian Republic; - the intellectual and political biography of the socialist leader Lelio Basso. Besides he is also involved in the analysis of the relationship between memories, historiography and digital processes of knowledge transmission. Recently, his research has also been devoted to the history of transnational movements and cultures in the 1960s and 70s, with particular attention to the relations between Italy and Latin America and to the exile communities. Current position - Full Professor of Contemporary History, Roma Tre University - Delegate of the Dean for university education in penitentiary institutions, Roma Tre University - Member of academic board of the PhD in Literary, librarian, linguistic and international communication sciences, University for foreigners Perugia Education/Positions Held - Degree in Modern Literature (History program), “Sapienza” University of Rome (1990) - PhD in History of contemporary Italy (1996) - Research grant “The news historical sources for the study of the contemporary age: multimedia languages ​​and methodology of historical research”, Roma Tre University, Dept. of History, Geography, Anthropology (2000-2003) - Assistant Professor of Contemporary History, Roma Tre University, Dept. of Communication and Performing arts (2005-2010) - Associate Professor of Contemporary History, Roma Tre University, Dept. of Communication and Performing arts (2011-2018) - Full Professor of Contemporary History, University Roma Tre, Dept. of Philosophy, Communication and Performing arts (2019-) Teaching From 1997 to 2004 he taught as adjunct professor in Contemporary History at the Faculty of Humanities - Roma Tre University; Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage at the Faculty of Economics - University of Rome “Tor Vergata”; History of Advertising at the Faculty of Humanities of the University for Foreigners Perugia. In 2001 he founded the first level Master in “Policies of the meeting and cultural mediation in migratory contexts” Roma Tre University, and he was a member of the Board and Coordinator of the historic area until its termination in 2013. Moreover, he was a member of the Board of the Master course in "TV formats". Since 2005 he has been teaching Contemporary History, History and Historiography of the Contemporary, Cultural History, Food Cultures History at the University Roma Tre, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and University for Foreigners Perugia. Memberships and collaborations - Scientific committee member of “Lettera Internazionale” Italian edition of the European review. - Editorial board member of “Il Mestiere di storico”, Italian society for the study of contemporary history - Board of directors member of “Parolechiave” - Scientific committee member of “Cinema e storia” - Director of “Annali della Fondazione Basso” - Advisory board member of “RiSES. Journal of Economic and Social History” He founded the Association RSM – Historical multimedia research, a studies center for the production and application of new technologies to the communication of history; he held research assignments and scientific advisor of the FORMEZ - Centre of studies and research, and he was a consultant of the Association of Italian cultural institutions (1997-2001). Since 1995 he collaborates with the Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation: at the beginning, as a researcher and manager of research projects and publications (1995-2001), then as Secretary of the Scientific Committee (since 2001), member of the Board of Trustees (since 2004) and Secretary-General (2013-2017). At the moment, as the Director of the "Historical Studies and Memories" section (since 2018). He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Audiovisual Archives of the Democratic and Labour Movement (since 1998) and of the Gramsci Foundation in Rome (since 2002). Since 1999 he is scientific advisor of “Archives of the twentieth century-memory network”, the digital database of historical archives that combines more than 80 private national cultural institutions. He is member of Sissco - Italian Society for the study of contemporary history – and he was elected a member of its Board of Directors in 2012. He is member of the scientific committee of “Seminário de Direitos Humanos da Universidade Federal Da Paraíba”. Research projects He has coordinated and directed numerous national and international research projects. In 2005 he was appointed a member of the National Committee “From 1945 to 1946 at the origins of the Republic" - which coordinated the Executive Committee - and in 2007 he was appointed a ​​member of the National Committee "The Treaties of Rome". He has been called to participate to the Committee for the dissemination of constitutional values, ​​promoted by the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies. Among others: - Scientific Director of the international research project “Memories of repression, resistance and solidarity in Brazil and Latin America in the historical archives of the Basso Foundation”, Basso Foundation, Brazilian Ministry of Justice and Federal University of Paraíba (2012-2013) - Scientific Director of the national research project “The Green Archipelago (1960-1980). The historical archives of the Italian environmental movement”, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Archives of the twentieth century-memory network, Center for ecological documentation (2008-2010) - Scientific Director of the national research project “Historical memory and audiovisual production”, Roma Tre University (2008-2009) Conferences He has participated at numerous national and international conferences as an invited speaker and as an organizer, including: - Lelio Basso, la Carta de Argel y los Tribunales de los pueblos, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Asociación Americana de Juristas, 5 de junio 2018 - V Jornadas Catolicismo y Sociedad de Masas en América Latina del siglo xx, Santa Rosa de la Pampa (Argentina), Universidad Nacional de la Pampa, Conicet, Cehis, Universidad Nacional de Rosario et al., 31 de mayo-1 de junio 2018 - Che and Cuba: between the Cold War and Third Worldist Internationalism, Milano, IULM University, February 27, 2018 - Italian Cinema, Italian Identity. Visual Culture and National Imaginary between Tradition and Contemporaneity, Rome, xxiii International Conference of Film Studies, November 28-29, 2017 - Desafios e perspectivas da democracia na América Latina, João Pessoa, ix Seminário de Direitos Humanos da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brasil), 6 a 9 de dezembro de 2016 - Cinema & History. Time, Memory, Identity in the Images of the New Millennium, Roma Tre University, University of Leeds Centre for World Cinemas, sissco, November 25-27, 2015 - Ditaturas militares, Estado de exceção e resistência democrática na América Latina, João Pessoa, viii Seminário de Direitos Humanos da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brasil) 9 a 12 de dezembro de 2014 - Shoah and Holocaust denial on the web. A challenge for historians, Rome, Senate of the Republic, sissco, Roma Tre University, April 10-11, 2014 - Memories of repression, resistance and solidarity in Brazil and Latin America, Roma, Chamber of Deputies, Basso Foundation, Federal University of Paraíba, September 16-17, 2013 - A new Contemporary History? Digital journals and the study of the past, Viterbo, Tuscia University, sissco, May 16-18, 2013 - Cinema and Digital Network, Rome, xviii International Conference of Film Studies, December 10-12, 2012 - Migrations and Citizenship, Roma, Chamber of Deputies, May 24, 2012 - The environmental movement. The sources for the history, Rome, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Archives of the twentieth century-memory network, Center for ecological documentation, December 10-11, 2010 - Audiovisual sources in research and teaching history, Rome, Roma Tre University, May 15-16, 2007 - The future of memory, status and perspectives of historical archives in Italy, Naples, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Society for the history studies of institutions, October 14-15, 2004 - Languages and digital sites: the online history, Fiesole, Firenze University, sissco, April 6-7, 2000 Work in progress - Transnational movements. “Terzomondismi” and human rights in international tribunals of opinion: the Russell Tribunal on war crimes in Vietnam and the Russell Tribunal II on Brazil, Chile and Latin America (1966-1976) - Political refugees in Italy: exiles, community networks, political solidarity (1951-1990) Selection of main publications: - G. Monina, Introduzione storica a Le due anime del cinema, in Le storie del cinema. Modelli, culture, narrazioni, a cura di V. Zagarrio e C. Uva, Roma, Carocci, 2019 - G. Monina, Origens e exórdios das “Fundações Basso", in A. Alves Dias, G. Tosi (Orgs.), Desafios e perspectivas da democracia na América Latina, João Pessoa, Editora do ccta, 2017, pp. 307-334 - G. Monina et al., Processo Storico, iii, Dal Novecento a oggi, Torino, Loescher Editore, 2017 - G. Monina, Lelio Basso, leader globale. Un socialista nel secondo Novecento, Roma, Carocci, 2016 - G. Monina, Lelio Basso e as Origins Ideias e Políticas do Tribunal Russel II, in G. Tosi e L. de Fátima Gúerra Ferreira (Orgs.), Ditaturas militares, Estado de exceção e resistência democrática na América Latina, João Pessoa, Editora do ccta, 2016, pp. 107-127 - G. Monina, Storia digitale. Il dibattito storiografico in Italia, in “Memoria e Ricerca”, n. 43, maggio-agosto 2013, pp. 185-202. - G. Monina (a cura di), Memorie di repressione, resistenza e solidarietà in Brasile e in America Latina dagli archivi della Fondazione Basso, Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso-Issoco, Comissão de Anistia-Ministério da Justiçia Brasil, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Roma, Ediesse, 2013. Presentazione, pp. 17-24. - G. Monina, Lelio Basso e il finanziamento pubblico dei partiti (1963-1974), in «Parolechiave», n. 47, 2012, pp. 71-94. - G. Monina, Processi di informatizzazione e democrazia nella prospettiva locale e globale, Master IAD Tor Vergata, © 2012. - G. Monina (con Chiara Giorgi), L'utopia di Lelio Basso, in L’altro Novecento. Comunismo eretico e pensiero critico, a cura di Pier Paolo Poggio, vol. II, Il sistema e i movimenti (Europa: 1945-1989), Fondazione Luigi Micheletti, Milano, Jaca Book, 2011, pp. 363-380. - G. Monina, Società geografica italiana, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, a Reference Work on the Horn of Africa, edited by Alessandro Bausi and Siegbert Uhlig, Hamburg, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010, vol. IV, O-X. - G. Monina (a cura di), Novecento contemporaneo. Studi su Lelio Basso, Roma, Ediesse, 2009 - G. Monina, La Grande Italia marittima. La propaganda navalista e la Lega navale italiana (1866-1918), Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2008. - G. Monina, Archivi della politica e istituti culturali, in L’arte della cura. Scritti in onore di Lucia Zannino, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2008, pp. 89-101. - G. Monina, La nazione e il mare. Per una ricerca sul “navalismo” italiano, in L’Italia, la Francia e il Mediterraneo nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Venezia, 30 novembre-2 dicembre 2006, Venezia, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti – ENS Paris, Venezia, IVSLA, 2008, pp. 134-168. - G. Monina (a cura di), 1945-1946. Le origini della Repubblica, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 2 voll. - G. Monina, Tra politica e cultura: “La Cittadella” (1945-1948), in G. Monina (a cura di), 1945-1946. Le origini della Repubblica, vol. 2, La questione istituzionale e la costruzione del sistema politico democratico, cit., pp. 257-302. - G. Monina (con M. Crasta), Istituzioni culturali: la storia e la “nuova” scrittura per il web, in «Le Carte e la Storia», 2, 2007, pp. 5-16. - G. Monina, La propaganda navalista dalla guerra di Libia al conflitto mondiale, in D. Rossini (a cura di), La propaganda nella Grande guerra tra nazionalismi e internazionalismi, Milano, Unicopli, 2007, pp. 95-114. - G. Monina, La storia irretita. “Crisi della storia” e tecnologie di rete, in «Parolechiave», 2005, 34, pp. 127-146. - G. Monina (con S. Montaldo), L’insegnamento della Storia contemporanea nel nuovo ordinamento, in «Il Mestiere di storico», Annale della Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea, vi/2005, pp. 17-44. - G. Monina (a cura di), Il Movimento di unità proletaria (1943-1945) con due contributi su Lelio Basso nel dopoguerra, «Annali» della Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso - Issoco, Roma, Carocci, 2005. - G. Monina, Geografia e politica tra Ottocento e Novecento, in Mundus Novus. Amerigo Vespucci e i metodi della ricerca storico-geografica, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, a cura di Annalisa D’Ascenzo, Roma-Firenze 27-30 novembre 2002, Genova, Brigati, 2004, pp. 414-425. - G. Monina (con F. Petrangeli e G. Bonacchi) a cura di, Sull’attualità della Costituzione. Quindici domande ai costituenti, Roma, manifestolibri, 2004. - G. Monina (con G. De Rosa), a cura di, L’Italia repubblicana nella crisi degli anni settanta, vol. iv, Sistema politico e istituzione, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2003. - G. Monina, Gli istituti culturali e la storia contemporanea, in «Il Mestiere di storico», Annale della Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea, iv/2003, pp. 71-103. - G. Monina, Il consenso coloniale (1896-1914). Le Società geografiche e l’Istituto coloniale italiano, Roma, Carocci, 2002. - G. Monina, voci in Dizionario della Resistenza, vol. ii, Luoghi, formazioni, protagonisti, Torino, Einaudi, 2001. - G. Monina (con G. Ranzato), Lazio, in E. Collotti, R. Sandri e F. Sessi (a cura di), Dizionario della Resistenza, vol. i, Storia e geografia della Liberazione, Torino, Einaudi, 2000, pp. 400-411. - G. Monina, Archivi del ‘900. La memoria in rete, in «Contemporanea», iii, n. 4, 2000, pp. 759-764. - G. Monina, Risorsa cultura. I beni e le attività culturali tra storia, diritto ed economia, Milano, Class editori, 2000. - G. Monina (con P. Ghione) a cura di, Italia del Novecento, vol. i, Dal 1900 al 1946, opera multimediale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000. - G. Monina (a cura di), La via alla politica. Lelio Basso, Ugo La Malfa, Meuccio Ruini protagonisti della Costituente, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1999. - G. Monina, (con E. Taviani), La storia e l’editoria elettronica, in “Contemporanea”, ii, n. 3, 1999, pp. 499-504. - G. Monina (a cura di), L’Italia del Novecento, vol. i, Dal 1947 a oggi, opera multimediale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999. - G. Monina (a cura di), Gli Istituti culturali tra passato e futuro, aici, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 1998. - G. Monina (a cura di), Le idee costituzionali della Resistenza, Roma, Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, 1997, pp. 145-159. - G. Monina, (a cura di), La Resistenza, 1943-1945. L’Italia dal fascismo alla Repubblica, opera multimediale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1996. He has published numerous reviews in historical journals (“Il Mestiere di storico”, “Ricerche di Storia politica”, “Quaderni Storici”...); he has published articles on the cultural pages of newspapers (“il manifesto”, “l'Unità”, “L'Arena di Verona”); he has been a historical commentator for radio programs (Radio RAI – GR Parlamento) and historical consultant for television programs (RAI TV – RAI TRE and RAI Storia).