Professore Associato 
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento  (ICAR/08)
Ateneo Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di INGEGNERIA 

Orari di ricevimento

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### Education - PhD in Structural Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", 2002. - Laurea degree with honors in Electrical Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", 1997. - Laurea degree with honors in Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", 2005. ### Research interests Areas: Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, and Partial Differential Equations. Topics: Beam and shell theories; shape-memory alloys; ferromagnetic materials; granular materials; plasticity; hydrogen storage; surface growth; Cahn-Hilliard systems. ### [Google Scholar Profile]( ### [Scopus profile]( ### Awards 2011 AIMETA Junior Prize in Solid Mechanics, awarded by the *Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics*. ### Membership ISIMM: The [International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics]( Member since 2014, Secretary for 2018-2020 ### Project management - 2007: Progetto Giovani GNFM (Young-Researcher Project funded by the Italian Research Group for Mathematical Physics):"Modelli multicampo per materiali con microstruttura:ferromagneti e cristalli liquidi nematici" (Multifield models for microstructured materials: ferromagnets and nematic liquid crystals. Duration: 12 months. - 2009: Progetto Giovani GNFM: "Modellazione fisico-matematica di materiali e strutture intelligenti" (Mathematical-Physical Modeling of Smart Materials and Structures). Duration: 12 mesi. - 2013: Progetto Giovani GNFM: "Modellazione matematica dei fenomeni di morphing." (Mathematical Modeling of Morphing Processes). Duration: 12 months. - 2015: Progetto Giovani GNFM: "Progettazione ottimale di materiali soffici attivi." (Optimal design of soft active materials). Duration: 12 months. ### Project participation 2006 Riorganizzazione Materiale e Microstrutture nei Materiali Polimerici e Ferromagnetici importo 2000? L.Teresi G.Tomassetti G.Formica V.Varano M.Monteferrante A. Micheletti S.Vittorio M.Mancini - 2008 Modellazione Fisico-Matematica dei Continui Elettro-attivi - 2014: Progetti Giovani GNFM: "Matematica del controllo di forma nei materiali soffici." (Mathematics of shape control in soft materials) Duration: 12 months. - 2016: Mathematical modelling of bio-hybrid and bio-inspired soft robots ### Peer-reviewing -Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics -Asymptotic Analysis -Communications in Partial Differential Equations -Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis -Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics -Journal of Elasticity -Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures -Journal of Nonlinear Science -Journal of Sound and Vibration -Meccanica -Proceeding of the Royal Society A -SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis -Smart Materials and Structures -Wave Motion ### Other reviewing activity: -AMS Mathematical Reviews ### Organizazion of workshops: - Minisymposium: "Partial differential equations in materials science" (organized with Lorenzo Giacomelli, SBAI Department, University of Rome "La Sapenza"), 7th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, Italy, May 2012. - Workshop PMM2016 - "Physics and Mathematics of Materials: current insights". Links: - Mathematics and Mechanics: Natural Philosophy in the 21st Century, Oxford, 24th - 27th June 2018 ### Invited talks at conferences and meetings: - Bologna, Sep. 2011, XX AIMETA Congress, "Giustificazione di teorie strutturali elementari a partire da modelli costitutivi non semplici" (Justification of elementary structural theories from constitutive models of non-simple materials). - Udine, Sep. 2014, Università di Udine - Conference "Variational Modeling in Solid Mechanics". Talk: "Dissipative effects in strain-gradient plasticity: the case of simple shear. - Brescia, Nov. 2014, Universit\`a Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italy - Meeting *The Powerful Continuum Mechanics*, in honor of Antonio di Carlo's 70th birthday. Talk: ``Morphoelastic rods''. - Rome, May 2015, INdAM-ERC Workshop Special materials in complex systems SMaCS2015. Talk: A ''non-smooth regularization'' of the nonlinear diffusion equation - Montecatini, Sep 2015, Italian INdAM-GNFM general assembly. Talk: "Accretion of an elastic body on a spherical support: the treadmilling regime". Other talks: - Ravello (Italy), Colloquium Lagrangianum (scienfic gathering of the members "Lagrange Laboratory"), Nov. 2002. Talk:"Effetto di tensione superficiale e trascinamento viscoso sul moto delle pareti dei domini magnetici" (Surface-tension and viscous effects in the motion of magnetic-domain walls). - Ann Arbor (MI, USA), Oct. 2003, 40th Annual Technical Meeting Society of Engineering Science. Talk:"Motion by curvature of magnetic domain walls". - Milan, Sep. 2003, 17th UMI (Italian Mathematical Union) Congress. Talk:"Equazioni di evoluzione di una parete di dominio in un corpo ferromagnetico indeformabile" (On the evolution equations of domain walls in undeformable ferromagnetic solids). - Brixen (Italy), Dec. 2003, Mid-Term Gathering for Project COFIN2002 "Modelli Matematici per la Scienza dei Materiali" (Mathematical Models for Material Science). Talk: "Cylindrical domain walls in anisotropic ferromagnets". - Ferrara, Dec. 2004, Mid-Term Gathering for Project COFIN2002 "Modelli Matematici per la Scienza dei Materiali" (Mathematical Models for Material Science). Talk: "An existence theorem for a non-local viscoplasticity model". - Venice, Dec. 2004, Colloquium Lagrangianum. Title:"Esistenza di soluzioni per una teoria di gradiente per materiali elastoplastici isotropi" (Existence of solutions for a gradient-theory of elastoplastic isotropic materials). - Montecatini (Italy), Apr. 2006, GNFM (Italian Research Group in Mathematical Physics) General Assembly. Talk: "Un modello matematico dei processi di spellamento, visti come propagazione di una frontiera di fase" (Peeling processes as phase-propagation fronts: a mathematical model). - Scilla (Italy), Dec. 2006, Colloquium Lagrangianum. Talk:"Derivazione della teoria delle piastre di Reissner-Mindlin tramite Gamma convergenza" (Derivation of the Reissner-Mindlin Plate theory by Gamma convergence). - Brescia, July 2007, Universita` Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Department of Mathematics and Physics. Seminar: "Interazioni di contatto in materiali granulari" (On contact interactions in granular materials). - College Station (TX, USA), Oct. 2007, 44th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science. Talk:"On a nonisothermal version of the Gilbert equation". - Pittsburgh (PA, USA), Oct. 2007, Carnegie-Mellon University - Center for Nonlinear Analysis. Seminar: "On thermal effects in rigid ferromagnets". - Rome, Apr. 2008, Meeting of the Multimat (Marie Curie MRTN-CT-2004-505226) Project. Talk: "Coupling Dynamics Micromagnetics with the Heat Equation". - Catania, Oct. 2008, 8th GCM (Geometric Continua and Microstructures) Conference. Talk:"Continuum Modeling of the Ferro/Paramagnetic Transition in Ferromagnets". - Rome, Jan. 2009, Final Meeting of the INTAS Project “Some Nonclassical Problems For Thin Structures”. Titolo:“Justification of theories of Shearable Beams and Plates by Variational Convergence from Micropolar Elasticity". - Rome, Jan. 2009, Accademia dei Lincei, ACE’09 – 5th Workshop on Advanced Computational Electromagnetics. Talk: “Continuum mechanics and micromagnetics". - Praga, March 2009, Charles University - Necas Center for Mathematical Modeling. Seminar:"Theories of Shearable Beams and Plates as Gamma-limits of three-dimensional Micropolar Elasticity". - Ancona, Sep. 2009, XIX AIMETA Congress. Talk:"A model for shape-memory alloys accounting for electric conduction". - Barcelona, Sep. 2009, COMPLAS X - International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Talk:"Analysis of a model for shape-memory alloys at large strains accounting for electric conduction". - Prague, May 2010, Charles University - Necas Center for Mathematical Modeling. Talk: "From non-linear elasticity to linear elasticity with initial stress through Gamma-Convergence". - Prague, May 2011, Charles University - Necas Center for Mathematical Modeling. Talk: "Energetic solutions of the torsion problem in strain-gradient plasticity". - Udine, Feb. 2011, Gathering of the AIMETA Mechanics of Materials Research Group. Talk:"Torsion of a cylindrical bar in strain-gradient plasticity". - Bologna, Sep. 2011, XX AIMETA Congress. Talk:"On configurational forces in linear beam theory". - Trieste, Oct. 2011, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies). Workshop on advances in the sciences of solid and engineering mechanics. Talk:"Energetic solutions of the torsion problem in strain-gradient plasticity". - Hong-Kong, Aug. 2012, City University of Hong Kong - Mathematics Department. Chinese-Italian Bilateral Meeting on Mechanics. Talk: "On Korn’ s constant for thin cylindrical domains". - Prague, Dec. 2012, Charles University - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Talk: "Modeling hydrogen transport and phase transformation in metallic solids". - Plzen, Dec. 2012, Center for New Technologies. Talk: "Modeling of transport processes in metal-hydrides. Application to hydrogen storage". - Pavia, Jan. 2014, Universita` di Pavia - Mathematics Department. Talk: "Thermomechanics of hydrogen storage in metallic hydrides: modeling and analysis". - Cassino, Jun. 2014, Universita` di Cassino - VII Meeting of the Mechanics of Material Group, Italian Associaton of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Talk: "Morphoelastic rods". - Pavia, Jan. 2014, Universita` di Pavia - Mathematics Department. Talk: "Thermomechanics of hydrogen storage in metallic hydrides: modeling and analysis". - Prague, Nov. 2014, Charles University - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Talk: ``Assessing energetic and dissipative effects in strain-gradient plasticity''. - Trieste, Apr. 27 2015, SISSA. Talk: ``Accretion of an elastic body on a hard-spherical surface: the treadmilling regime''. - Ravello, Sep. 26 2015, XXXX School of Mathematical Physics, organized by the Italian GNFM (National Group of Mathematical Physics). Talk: ``Eshelbian coupling in morphoelastic rods.", - Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seminar - Prague, Dec. 21 2015, Charles University - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Talk: "Accretion of an actin layer on a spherical bead: the treadmilling regime." - Prague, Dec. 19 2016, Charles University - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Talk: "A nonsmooth variant of the nonlinear diffusion equation." - Talk Sapienza - Bologna, Jul. 3 2018, European Solids Mechanics Conference. Talk: "A nonlinear theory for fibre-reinforced magneto-elastic rods." - Arezzo, Jan. 25 2019, [Giornate Signorini]( (workshop organized by Giuseppe Saccomandi). "Macroscopic and microscopic behavior of narrow elastic ribbons." - Roma, Sep. 16 2019, [XXIV Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics]( (AIMeTA). Title: "On the straight-helicoid to spiral-ribbon transition in thin elastic ribbons." ### Participation to workshops: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Workshop: "Marrying continuum and molecular physics: the Andersen-Parrinello-Rahman method revised into a scale bridging device". May 23, 2016. Link: Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials, Rome, Italy, 18-20 Novembre 2019. ### Other participation to conferences Conference HySEA 2014. Rio de Janeiro, 26-30 Oct. 2014. Poster and presented paper: "Interaction between stress and diffusion in a spherical specimen: a model derived from the theory of configurational forces". ### Visits 26/10-28/11/2015 - Visiting Scientist at Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - POLI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, funded by a Bemundus Scholarship Recent Visits: 3-11/4/2013 - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (on invitation of T. Roubicek) 1-16/6/2013 - Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - POLI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (on invitation of F. Pereira Duda) 21-24/12/2013 - KAUST University of Science and Technology - Saudi Arabia. Department of Mechanical Engineering (on invitation of S. Chaieb) 1-14/4/2014 - Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - POLI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (on invitation of F. Pereira Duda) 21-29/10/2014 - Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - POLI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (on invitation of F. Pereira Duda) 01/03-3/4/2015 - Visiting Scholar at MIT Mechanical Engineering Department (on invitation of R. Abeyaratne) 29/03-12/04/2019 - Mathematics Department, National University of Ireland at Galway (on invitation of Michel Destrade) ### Scholarships Bemundus scholarship, from 25 Oct. 2015 to 28 Nov. 2015 at the Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - POLI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. ### Teaching ##### Undergraduate level (Laurea Triennale) - "Scienza delle Costruzioni I/1" (Basic topics in Strength of Materials), fall 2002, fall 2004. - "Meccanica dei Solidi 1" (Basic topics in Solid Mechanics), spring 2003. - "Meccanica dei Continui" (Basic topics in Continuum Mechanics), one-semester course taught in 2004. - Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Scienza delle Costruzioni): 9 ECTF credit course taught in Fall 2011, Fall 2012, and Fall 2014, at University of Rome TorVergata - "Mechanics of Materials and Structures" (course taught in English), spring 2012, 2013, 2014. - Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Scienza delle Costruzioni): 9 ECTF credit BSc-level course taught to MEng students in Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2019, and Fall 2019 at Universita` Roma TRE ##### Master Level (Italian Laurea Magistrale) - "Scienza delle Costruzioni II/1" (First part of a course on Advanced topics in Strength of Materials) - 2007-08 Scienza delle Costruzioni II (Full course on Advanced topics in Strength of Materials). - Advanced topics in Strength of Materials (Complementi di Scienza delle Costruzioni), course taught at CEnd from the academic years 2008-09 to 2010-11, at University of Rome TorVergata - Structural Dynamics (Dinamica delle Strutture) : 6 ECTF credit MSc-level course taught to CEng students in Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019 at Università Roma TRE ##### PhD Level - 3-8 April 2017. Instructor in the Ph.D. level course *Hierarchical Multiscale Methods using the Andersen–Parrinello–Rahman Formulation of Molecular Dynamics* (HMM2017, held at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. - 7-8 May 2019. Instructor in the international Ph.D. level course "Understanding nonlinear problems in civil and industrial engineering", organized within the XP-resilience Project. (Project Reference: 721816, Call: H2020-MSCA- ITN-2016, Period: 09/2016 - 08/2020). ##### Theses supervision - Nicola Pede, "Statica e dinamica dei processi di peeling" (Statics and dynamics of peeling processes), MSc Thesis Models and Systems Engineering, 2005 (co-advisor). - Paolo Locatelli, "Adesione di strutture sottili a supporti rigidi" (Adhesion of thin structures on rigid supports), MSc Thesis in Civil Engineering, 2007 (advisor). - Manuel Angelini, "Instabilita’ di piastre piezoelettriche" (Instability of piezoelectric plates), Laurea degree in Civil Engineering, 2011 (advisor). - Francesco De Santis, "Modello Matematico per la descrizione della biomeccanica vegetale" (A Mathematical Model for Plant Biomechanics), Laurea degree in Construction Engineering, 2013 (advisor). - Giordano Martufi, "Travi Morfoelastiche" (Morphoelastic rods), Laurea degree in Construction Engineering, 2013 (advisor). - Daniele Perugia, "The finite-element method", Laurea degree in Engineering Sciences, 2013 (advisor). - Ivan Benemerito, "Modeling of orbital recostruction implants", MSc Thesis in Mathematical Engineering, 2014 (advisor). - Luca Marinangeli, "Multiphysics simulation by the finite-element method", BSc Thesis in Engineering Sciences, 2014 (advisor). - Alex Musarra, "Mechanical phase diagram of shrinking cylindrical gels", 2015 (advisor) - Saad Moussa, "Continuum modeling in biomechanics", 2015, BSc Thesis in Engineering Sciences, 2015 (advisor). - Mara Carbone, "I criteri di resistenza nella Scienza delle Costruzioni: sviluppi storici", BSc Thesis in Construction Engineering, 2016 (advisor) - Pierluigi Morra, "A reduced order model for a hydrogel material", 2016, MSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering (advisor). - Christian Milano, "IL "CHAIN FOUNTAIN", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2017 - Chiara Lignola, "L'ELASTICA DI EULERO", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2017 - Luigi Fagiolo, "Funicolarità di strutture a guscio", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2017 - Davide Viscione, "Anisotropic Shells", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2017 - Edoardo Braccini, "L’ELASTICA DI EULERO", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2018 - Francesca Mura: "REALIZZAZIONE E SPERIMENTAZIONE DI TRAVI MAGNETOELASTICHE", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2018 - Davide Renzi: "Introduzione alla meccanica delle strutture per le classi liceali", 2018 - Michele Falsi: "IL PENDOLO DI KAPITZA: ASPETTI SPERIMENTALI", BSc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, 2018 - Alessio Mariti: "Analisi meccanica di strutture reticolari mediante l’utilizzo del Large Structure Set dell’azienda PASCO", Tesi di Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica, Università Roma Tre, 2019 ##### Other teaching - Istructor of Electronics and Mathematics from 7/6/1998 to 12/4/1999 in the Corp of Engineers of the Italian Army. ##### Other qualifications - Abilitazione alla professione di Ingegnere (Professional Engineering Qualification), 1997. - Abilitazione all'insegnamento nella scuola secondaria (High-school Teacher Qualification) in Mathematics and Physics, 2001.