Professore Associato 
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento  (SPS/06)
Ateneo Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di SCIENZE POLITICHE 

Orari di ricevimento

La prof.
Gala riceve su appuntamento; per prenderne uno scrivere al seguente indirizzo:


Education April 1993: First University degree in Political Sciences from the “Cesare Alfieri” School of Political Sciences, International Politics section, University of Florence. Graduation grades: 110/110 cum laude, with degree thesis recommended for publication. Thesis on History of International Relations, under the supervision of Prof. Di Nolfo: “1956-57: Dalla Crisi di Suez al riassetto dell’Alleanza Atlantica. “Ubi maior, minor cessat” 1994: Research Doctorate in History of International Relations – supervisor Prof. Ennio Di Nolfo – at the Political Science School, University of Florence. October 1998: Awarded Research Doctorate by the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Florence. Doctoral thesis on: “Il Limited Test Ban Treaty del 1963: la “via nucleare” alla distensione fra alleanze difficili e opportune intese”. Languages English and French; elementary knowledge of Russian Current position: Associate Professor in History of International Relations at the Department of Political Sciences – University of Roma Tre (since February 2016) Coordinator of the MA International Studies – Department of Political Science – University of Roma Tre Leader of the standing group on Security within the SISI (Società italiana di storia internazionale) Main research fields: History of Transatlantic relations History of arms control Nuclear History International security – theoretical approaches and politics Fellowships, awards and appointments as (temporary) researcher February 2000: One-year Research Fellowship (euros 7,000) within the program ‘Giovani Ricercatori’ of the University of Florence, for a research on ‘La politica italiana e la sfida nucleare durante gli anni sessanta’. June 2000: Research contract with the Department of Political Institutions and Social Sciences at the University of Roma Tre to do research on Italian nuclear policy in the sixties, as part of the project coordinated by prof. Leopoldo Nuti on ‘La sfida nucleare. La politica estera italiana di fronte alle applicazioni militari e civili dell’energia nucleare, 1955-1975’. January 2001: Awarded research contract by the Istituto Luigi Sturzo for work at the National Archives in Washington on ‘Il contributo italiano alla costruzione della democrazia europea’, with funding from the Ministry of Università e Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica aimed at the publication of a volume of unpublished documents on that subject. July 2001: Research Fellowship for a two years period (Assegno di Ricerca) in History of International Relations at the University of Florence (Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato) for a research on ‘La politica militare nucleare italiana tra la fine degli anni ’50 e la conclusione del Trattato di Non Proliferazione del 1968’. October 2002: Moody Grant from the LBJ Foundation ($ 1,780) for doing research at the L. B. Johnson Library – Austin (Texas). September 2003: Public Policy Scholar award (West European Studies Program) for a three-month period at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, beginning October 2003. 2009: Fulbright Research Scholarship (from January to July 2010) at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars to work on a book project on Transatlantic relations from a European security policy standpoint after détente. Teaching experience: Roma Tre Associate Professor of History of International Relations at Roma Tre University (since 2016), teaching two MA courses, namely "Il potere nucleare nel sistema internazionale", since the a.y. 2010-11; and “Evolving Security in the post-1945 World”, since a.y. 2016-17. Senior Lecturer of History of International Relations at Roma Tre University; academic years 2005-2016. Module tought on ‘La politica di potenza e il ruolo del nucleare nel sistema internazionale. Disarmo e controllo delle armi nucleari’ for the course in History of International Relations at the School of Political Sciences – University of Roma Tre (a.y. 2002-2003). Teaching experience at other Italian Universities and Institutions: 2011- instructor at the Nuclear Boot Camp – a summer school created within the Non-Proliferation International History Project funded by the Carnegie Foundation Short-term teaching contract for course on the History of International Relations at the II Corso Comando della Scuola di Guerra Aerea presso la Divisione di Formazione Superiore di Firenze (Italian Air Force School in Florence); academic years 2002-2009. 2005 and 2006: Short-term teaching contract for course on the History of International Relations at the MA program of the Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale (SIOI). Short-term teaching contract for evening course in History of International Relations at the School of Political Sciences – University of Florence; academic years 2000-2003. Teaching experience abroad: Lecture on Ronald Reagan and NATO’s quest for a common security agenda within the Erasmus Intensive Programme, held at Augsburg from 16 to 28 February 2014 Lecture on In Search of Reassurance: the Challenges of Being a US Ally in the Context of the Superpowers' Strategic Talks of the 1970s and 1980s within the Erasmus Intensive Programme, Vien from February 17 to March 1, 2013 Visiting Professor at UCI (University of California at Irvine), Political Science Department, between October 7 and November 1, 2011 - Lecture on US security policy and non-proliferation during the Johnson years at the London School of Economics, during a seminar organized by Prof. Odd Arne Westad, in March 2003 Participation to conferences 1999: Paper on ‘Gli organi consultivi delle Comunità Europee attraverso l’esperienza del Comitato Economico e Sociale’ presented at the international conference ‘Il Comitato Economico e Sociale e la nascita della Politica Agricola Cominitaria’, Florence, 29-30 October 1999 2001: paper on ‘Western Europe and the negotiations on nuclear disarmament’ presented at the International Conference ‘Eastern Europe and Western Europe in the Cold War, 1953-1965’, at the University of Essen, Germany – 18-20 October 2001 2001: paper on: ‘Tecnologia, armamenti ed “equilibrio del terrore”: gli anni Cinquanta’ presented at the conferenceDiplomazia delle risorse. Le materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento, University of Urbino (11-12 December 2001) ‘ 2002: paper on ‘Arms Control and European Security: The Path to the Western European Settlement through Détente’ presented at the international Conference ‘NATO, the Warsaw Pact and the Rise of Détente, 1965-72’ organized by CIMA (Centro Internazionale Machiavelli per lo Studio della Guerra Fredda), Dobbiaco, 26-28 September 2002. 2003: participation, as a member of the Scientific Committee, at the organization of the International Conference The Road to Helsinki, organized by CIMA (Centro Interuniversitario Machiavelli per lo Studio della Guerra Fredda), Florence, September 29-30, 2003 2003: paper on ‘L’Aeronautica Italiana e le missioni di peace keeping’ presented at the Conference ‘Guerra e Pace. Dall’Italia giolittiana all’Italia repubblicana: politica estera, cultura e correnti dell’opinione pubblica’, Rome, September 18-20, 2003 2005: paper on ‘Arms Control and the Development of Differing Security Policy Priorities between Americans and Europeans: From Johnson to Reagan’ presented at the annual International Conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Nottingham, July 16-20, 2005 2006: paper on ‘From Euromissiles to SDI: Transatlantic Relations and the End of Extended Deterrence’ presented at the international conference ‘From Helsinki to Gorbachev, 1975-1985. The Globalization of the Bipolar Confrontation’, Artimino (Florence), April 27-29, 2006 2006: paper on ‘Il controllo degli armamenti nucleari’ presented at the international conference ‘L’atomica. Scienza, cultura, politica’, Rome, December 15, 2006 2007: paper on “L’Italia e il concetto di extended deterrence: il paradosso dell’arsenale da non usare” presented at the Conference Storie di Armi, in Brescia, November 8-10, 2007 2008: paper on ‘The good, the bad, and the apocalyptic. Nuclear visions of the End of the Cold War in the 1980s’ Presented with Leopoldo Nuti at the international conference ‘Visions of the End of the Cold War’, Paris, University of Paris I and Paris III, June 12-14, 2008 2009: paper on ‘The Euromissiles Crisis and the Centrality of the Zero Option’ presented at the international conference ‘The Euromissiles Crisis and the End of the Cold War, 1977-1987’, Rome, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, December 10-12, 2009 2011: paper on ‘NATO modernization at the time of détente: A test of ambiguity,’ presented at the SHAFR (Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations) conference in Alexandria (Virginia), June 23-25, 2011 2012: paper on “Ronald Reagan e la deterrenza nucleare: un presidente abolizionista?” presented at the conference “All’ombra della bomba. Una storia politica delle applicazioni civili e militari dell’energia nucleare”, Cagliari, November 7-10, 2012 2013: paper on "The Dual Track Decision and the Euromissiles Crisis: The End of Détente in Europe?” presented at the international conference “The Origins and Impact of Détente. International Relations and Internal Debates in the Global 1970s”, Muenster (FRG), April 19-20, 2013 2014: participation at the III conference of the Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale (SISI) as coordinator of the panel “Dall’eredità della Seconda Guerra Mondiale ai nuovi conflitti della Guerra Fredda”, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, June 5-6, 2014 2014: participation to the meetings and workshops organized by CISAC of the Stanford University within the NPIHP (Non-Proliferation International History Project), September 7-14, 2014 2014: participation with a speach on Limiti e potenzialità del nucleare: una visione internazionale at Trieste Next, Salone Europeo della Ricerca Scientifica “EnergEthic” – III –Trieste, September 26-28, 2014 2014: paper on “Italy’s role in the implementation of the dual-track decision of 1979” presented at the international conference “Nuclear Italy. Storia internazionale del nucleare italiano”, Trieste, November 13-15, 2014 2015: paper on “La sicurezza secondo l’Europa: l’alleanza atlantica e la nemesi nucleare degli anni ‘70” presented at the annual conference of the Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale (SISI), Padova, June 5-6, 2015 2015: discussant of the panel “La storia del nucleare in Italia: una prospettiva internazionale” at the VIII conference Cantieri di Storia della SISSCo, Viterbo, September 14-16, 2015 2015: participation at the roundtable “Progress in Nuclear History: Assessing the New Evidence” of the international conference “Non-proliferation in a Historical Perspective: New Insights and Policy Perspectives”, Geneva, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, November 6, 2015 2015: participation at the international workshop “The Historiography on the 1970s and the Making of the Nuclear Order”, organized within the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, Rome, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Roma Tre University, December 10, 2015 2016: paper on “The Advantages of Ambiguity: The United States and the Implementation of the Dual-Track Decision” presented on June 23 at the annual conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), at the Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice Building, San Diego University, a San Diego, CA; on June 24, discussant of the panel n. 35 “A Traditional Cold Warrior? The Evolution of Carter’s Approach to Arms Control, NATO, and Détente”, San Diego, CA, June 23-25, 2016. 2017: paper on “Strategic Defense in the Cold War Era: A realm for politicians more than an enclave for experts” presented at the international conference “Ex PoSt Europe. Experts and Politics on Science and Technology in Europe: A Problem of Democratic Legitimacy and International Reliability?”, Padova, February 2-3, 2017 2017: paper on "Nuclear Weapons and Security Strategies in Transatlantic Relations. A Historical Perspective” presented at the international “The EU role in global security from Maastricht to the present”, Rome, October, 16-17, 2017 2017: participation to the meeting of the European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks and at the EU Non-proliferation and Disarmament Conference, 2017, held in Bruxelles, December 11-13, 2017 2017: participation at the workshop organized by CISPEA (centro interuniversitario di storia e politica euro-americana) as the discussant of the panel “una nuova immagine degli Stati Uniti? Prospettive interne e internazionali dell’America di Trump”, Rome, December 15, 2017 2018: paper on “Concetti e concettualizzazioni nella politica internazionale: qual è la loro rilevanza per lo storico delle relazioni internazionali? Il concetto di sicurezza” presented at the annual conference of the Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale, Milano, June, 8-9, 2018 2018: paper on “Nuclear technology’s original sin and the establishment of a trans-national ethos over the 1970s” presented at the international workshop for nuclear studies held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July 2-3, 2018 2018: paper on “The US nuclear non-proliferation initiatives and the birth of a new Transatlantic security agenda” presented at the international workshop organized within the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, October 22-23, 2018 2018: participation at the meeting of the European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks and at the EU Non-proliferation and Disarmament Conference 2018 held in Bruxelles, December 18-19, 2018 2019: paper on “La sicurezza nella storia della NATO: continuità e cambiamento durante la guerra fredda” presented at the international conference “L’Italia e la NATO: un bilancio storico”, Padova, April 8-9, 2019 2019: participation in the scientific board and at the final roundtable of the conference “The history of Euratom. Science, international politics and nuclear diplomacy”, Rome, May 9-10, 2019 2019: paper on “Italy and the SDI project. Envisioning a technological breakthrough for the whole Alliance?” presented at the international conference “Toward an International History of the Strategic Defence Initiative” organized at LSE Ideas, London, May 31-June 1, 2019