Ateneo Universita' degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico" 
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Born on the 28th of January 1973. Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome, “La Sapienza” (2000). PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Bologna (2004) in collaboration with the University of Rome “Foro Italico”. Since 2006 she is Associate Professor of Bioengineering at “Foro Italico”. She co-authored 62 articles in peer-reviewed journals and 100 Conferences abstracts. She participated in several research programmes financed by International (CEE – IST; Universitè Franco-Italienne) and National Agencies (Italian Ministry for University and Research; Italian Ministry of Health) and by her Institution. She serves as Associate Editor for four journals in the domain of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Member of the Italian Society for Movement Analysis in Clinics, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. Vice-director of the Interuniversity centre of Bioengineering of the Human Neuromusculoskeletal System. Her research concerns: 1. qualitative and quantitative technique and performance analysis in sport through applied and methodological studies for the reliable in-field quantification, mainly based on the use of inertial sensor units, of critical performance features (track and field sports, tennis, volleyball and weightlifting) and neuromuscular control studies in elite karateka. 2. increasing the resolution of human movement analysis, performed using stereophotogrammetry, addressing the relative movement within skin and bone (soft tissue artifact) and the inaccuracy in anatomical landmark identification;. Currently lecturer in the M.Sc. Bioengineering (at “Roma Tre”), in the M.Sc. Sport Science and Techniques, M.Sc. Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity, B.Sc Movement and Sport Sciences (at “Foro Italico”). Past member of the Doctorate of Philosophy school in Sport Sciences, Physical Exercise and Ergonomy (2007-2012), current tutor of the Doctorate of Human Movement and Sport Sciences. She supervised or co-supervised 5 post docs, 15 PhD candidates, and 60 M.Sc. student theses.