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Claudia Bernardi is postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padua as Principal Investigator of the research project titled "The Mobility Regime across Mexico and United States: the case of farmworkers from Tabasco and Oaxaca (1930s-1970s)", and lecturer in "Latin America in the 20th century" at the Department of Political Science at University of Roma Tre. She was Visiting fellow at Ghent University (2018, 2021) and at Europa Institut. European Institute for Global Studies at Basel University (2016), Postdoctoral Fellow at the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History at Harvard University (2014/15), Ph.D. in Euro-American Studies at University of Roma Tre (2013). She has worked in various archives and research centers in Europe and the Americas: Archivo General de la Nacion (Mexico City); Colegio de Sonora (Hermosillo); Universidad de Sonora (Hermosillo); Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Nogales and Tijuana); Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas - UABC (Baja California); Institute for the Study of the Americas (London) Arizona State University (Phoenix); University of Arizona (Tucson); Arizona Historical Foundation (Tucson and Phoenix); Chicano Studies Research Center-UCLA (Los Angeles); Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies-UCSD (San Diego). She is founder member and coordinator of the research team “Free and Unfree labor” of SISlav. Among her publications: - “Una storia di confine. Frontiere e lavoratori migranti tra Messico e Stati Uniti”, Carocci, Roma, 2018; Winner of First Work SISSCO prize 2019. - “Ejidatario and bracero: the troublesome relation between land and mobility in Mexico (1940s-1950s)” in C. Bernardi (ed), Mobility, labor, right: historical trajectories and interactions in the Americas and Europe (XVIII-XX centuries), Annals of Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Turin, 2022. - “Taming the mobility and immobility dilemma in labour history: a short introduction”, in C. Bernardi (ed), Mobility, labor, right: historical trajectories and interactions in the Americas and Europe (XVIII-XX centuries), Annals of Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Turin, 2022. - “Il sindacalismo chicano e i migranti messicani: l’esperienza del Maricopa County Organizing Project (MCOP) in Arizona”, in Ácoma. Rivista Internazionale di Studi Nordamericani, n. 20, Primavera-Estate, 2021, pp. 126-138. - “La maquiladora tra neoliberismo e nazionalismo messicano (1964-1988)” in Confluenze. Rivista di Studi Ibero-americani, vol. XIII, n. 1, 2021, pp. 270-298. - (with E. Vanhaute), “A Global History of Humanity for a radical change in high school textbooks”, in Didattica della storia. Journal of Research and Didactic, University of Bologna, vol. 2 n.1 S, 2020, ISSN 2704-8217. DOI: [invited]. - “When Status Broke the ‘Color Line’. Capitalism, Labour and Conflicts on Mexican Migration in Arizona (1960s–1970s)”, in Iberoamericana-Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, vol. 49, n. 1, 2020, pp. 31-41. ISBN 0046-8444; DOI: - “Il cerchio sulla linea. Il lavoro dei commuters messicani negli Stati Uniti”, in Frontiere e frontalieri tra Europa e America del nord, a cura di P. Barcella, Studi Emigrazione. International Journal of Migration Studies, anno LV, Luglio-Settembre 2018, n. 211, pp. 389-400. - “The Jagged Mediterranean Space: Regions, Borders and Scalarities” (with P. Do), in Conjuntura Austral. Journal of the Global South, v. 8, n. 39-40, Porto Alegre, 2017, pp. 77-91. - “El confín visible a través de las fronteras. Representación y deportación de los «migrantes» mexicanos a principios del siglo XX” [The visible border through out the frontiers. The representation and deportation of Mexican «migrants» at the beginning of the XX century], in Favarò V., Merluzzi M., Sabatini G. (eds), Fronteras: representaciónes, integraciónes y conflictos entre Europa y America, ss. XVI-XX, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 2016; - “I confini di un’idea” [The borders of an idea], in C.Bernardi, F.Brancaccio, D.Festa, B.M.Mennini, Fare spazio. Pratiche del comune e diritto alla città, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2015. - “Temporalità urbane. Politiche del controllo e reti migranti” [Urban temporalities. Politics of control and migrant’s networks], iQuaderni. The Journal of Urbanism, n. 3 (Settembre-Dicembre), 2013, pp. 103-111. - “Biopolitica della deportazione. I corpi messicani e la Grande Depressione” [Biopolitic of deportation. The Mexican bodies and the Great Depression], in Confluenze. Rivista di Studi Ibero-americani, Vol. 3, n. 2, 2011, pp. 35-53. - “Storiografia e tempo storico nei Subaltern Studies” [Historiography and historical time in Subaltern Studies], in (a cura di) M. Merluzzi, Ad Limina. Percorsi storiografici di frontiera, Aracne, 2008, pp. 27-54.